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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic

Not like Unicorns all have equal magical power. And I imagine raising the sun and the moon is pretty difficult magic that takes a lot out of a Unicorn. So you have the kind Celesita and Luna to do the work with their superior Alicorn magic. Also lets them corral all the jerk Unicorns in Canterlot away from all the other ponies who love to be friends and have a good time.

Well, where I disagree is, that maybe they are not the same power, but certainly act like that they are. It maybe by utilizing the power of the other ponies, when watching the ceremonies every day cycle, their powers are to simply channel their desires to raise the Sun/Moon. I sort of liken them as 'figureheads', and/or 'catalyst' to the real power, but that can be neither confirmed, nor denied..=p

Then again, maybe it is just the Canterlot Unicorns who think they are better than everyone else...and the Princess just reflects that aura? Maybe not intentionally, but to the outside from Ponyville and other towns/cities, it does seem that way...

I am fairly new to the fandom, so I mostly jest, but am a believer in some sort of mass deception, i.e. like that of Dark Souls...it may be just Celestia, and not Luna...if, or until, Luna displays the same ruling tactic or not. (As there is not much information on her beside the two episodes I have seen, I can make no conclusions at this time =p)

Edit...Nah no mind wipes..I see the ponies in Ponyville as simply not caring (like the adults in Phineas and Ferb)...what happens today is celebrated, but then, life goes on, etc. =p)


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
And now we touch on the subject of favoritism and preferential treatment.

I never really paid much heed to accusations of "Tyrant Celestia," but I must admit, everything's falling into place.

Very enlightening episode.


Kills Photobucket
Celestia's in an episode = She's a tyrant and a troll

Celestia isn't in an episode = She's a tyrant and a troll

Poor Pony just can't please some of you :( .


Unconfirmed Member
It's just too bad that Discord wasn't mentioned at all.

Indeed. This would have been the perfect opportunity to insert a little canon callbacks, if not just for the fans. They could have just mentioned that a "terrible creature" motivated the disharmony between the ponies originally, forcing them to flee from their homeland and found a new land.

I understand they want bite-sized stories for each episode, but I just wish they could ratchet up the canon a little bit. Maybe... 20%?


Unconfirmed Member
Celestia's in an episode = She's a tyrant and a troll

Celestia isn't in an episode = She's a tyrant and a troll

Poor Pony just can't please some of you :( .

It's just a reflection on how little love politcal figures are getting nowadays.

I guarantee the X'ers of the Reagen era would have eaten up Celestia with a boot-strappin' spoon, as well as the trickle-down leftovers.

Link Man

Sounds like somebody is going to the moooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!
I like bananas, I guess.

On a tangent, would anybody else like to see an episode focused around a few background ponies, seeing how they react to the adventures of the mane six?
We all know the "democracy" Ponyville has is just a façade set up by Celestia and her liege to give the inhabitants of the city an illusion of freedom. Besides, what duties does the mayor of Ponyville have beyond being toastmaster at events and (half-arsedly) wrap-up winter?

The mayor is a powerless figurehead.

Well, she brought the train to ponyville for this year's elections.

I like bananas, I guess.

On a tangent, would anybody else like to see an episode focused around a few background ponies, seeing how they react to the adventures of the mane six?

Well thats a lots of time used tv trope, so im not discarting it. I dont know if Hasbro would let them do it.


Focusing on some popular background ponies means highlighting new toys. Highlighting new toys is good from Hasbro's point of view, no?


Unconfirmed Member
While talking about background ponies, there has been one thing that bugs me.
Pinkie says she knows everyone in Ponyvile but, as an audiance Spike has introduced us to more background characters by name. In fact, I don't even recall Pinkie naming a single one.

Just because you can gather large crowds, doesn't mean you know everyone in them. The villagers are children. If you announce a party, of course they are coming.

Andrew J.

All this "Celestia is an iron-fisted dictator" stuff falls apart when you realize how unintrusive the Equestrian state is. The only police officer we've ever seen is Sheriff Braeburn, the only soldiers are the royal guards. "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" proved that there aren't effective building codes, and probably not much other regulation either.

Equestria isn't a dictatorship: It's an anarcho-capitalist utopia that actually works because ponies are so much nicer than humans.
Awesome episode, best of the season so far.

But yeah, surprising that Celestia and Luna weren't mentioned at all.

Eh? They mentioned Celestia several times...

All this "Celestia is an iron-fisted dictator" stuff falls apart when you realize how unintrusive the Equestrian state is. The only police officer we've ever seen is Sheriff Braeburn, the only soldiers are the royal guards. "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" proved that there aren't effective building codes, and probably not much other regulation either.

Equestria isn't a dictatorship: It's an anarcho-capitalist utopia that actually works because ponies are so much nicer than humans.

Only because humans don't have the constant fear of being frozen to death when we aren't nice.


Eh? They mentioned Celestia several times...
I meant that there was no mention of them in the play. Or did I just miss it?

I was kinda worried at the start when I saw that the episode was written by Merriwether Williams (even though I didn't think The Mysterious Mare Do Well was all that bad, just kinda average), but she really did a great job with this one.

Apparently she's written some episodes for Adventure Time as well.
I meant that there was no mention of them in the play. Or did I just miss it?

I was kinda worried at the start when I saw that the episode was written by Merriwether Williams (even though I didn't think The Mysterious Mare Do Well was all that bad, just kinda average), but she really did a great job with this one.

Apparently she's written some episodes for Adventure Time as well.

My theory being proven more correct every day...


Or Celestia knowing what it's like to be treated differently by being famous and doesn't want Twilight and Friends to have to go through the same.

But what if they want to be famous? We know Rainbow and Rarity both do, and Applejack doesn't mind being recognized for her work, and I can't imagine Pinkie being unhappy about it.

And in any case there's the stained glass and the post-Discord ceremony, so that theory doesn't hold water.


Kills Photobucket
But what if they want to be famous? We know Rainbow and Rarity both do, and Applejack doesn't mind being recognized for her work, and I can't imagine Pinkie being unhappy about it.

And in any case there's the stained glass and the post-Discord ceremony, so that theory doesn't hold water.

Well, the ponies didn't know the Mare in the Moon story either. I think History is a low priority for most of them.


Everything is moe to me
They've still got single-room schools. Clearly Equestria needs education reform.

knowledge is the first step towards freedom and celestia wont have none of that. there's a reason the library was empty before twilight arrived, only the privileged seem to have access to higher education.

Then again, we once saw cheerilee teaching Qauntum physics.

Link Man

knowledge is the first step towards freedom and celestia wont have none of that. there's a reason the library was empty before twilight arrived, only the privileged seem to have access to higher education.

Or else the Ponyville ponies are in full Tea Party mode, and are anti-intellectual (demonstrated in Winter Wrap-up).


I like how the Equestrian flag planted at the end is from Celestia/Luna's reign, when their reign didn't exist yet.

It's like a story of the first thanksgiving, that ends with the planting of an American flag that has 50 stars and 13 stripes. Equestria. Fuck yeah.

Equestia B.C. (Before Celestia):
Earth Ponies = harvest crops
Pegasi = manage weather
Unicorns = raise the sun and moon

Equestia A.D. (Alicorn Dominance):
Earth Ponies = harvest crops
Pegasi = manage weather
Unicorns = ??????

Before and for an unknown time after the founding of Equestria, Unicorns raised the sun and moon (presumably a twice-daily combined effort of all unicorns).

When Discord came to rule, he presumably set the sun and moon to change at random. Edit: He also made ponies eat backwards, and made chocolate rain.

After Celestia and Luna defeated Discord, they used their significant power to take over the Unicorns' jobs and became worshiped as gods, freeing up the Unicorns to do nothing, or maybe help out with random things. This was the end of Equestria's free economy and the beginning of it's communism.

When Luna turned to Nightmare Moon and was banished, the Unicorns were re-tasked to become living weapons against potential threats to Celestia's rule. No Unicorn can hope to stand against someone like Nightmare Moon or Discord (except Twilight), but all of them combined have the strength to lift the sun and moon. Any god who wants to take down Celestia has to get past Canterlot first.

All this "Celestia is an iron-fisted dictator" stuff falls apart when you realize how unintrusive the Equestrian state is. The only police officer we've ever seen is Sheriff Braeburn, the only soldiers are the royal guards. "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" proved that there aren't effective building codes, and probably not much other regulation either.
Actually, it didn't. Ponyville isn't falling apart that badly. The mane cast (minus Dash) were creating and then "preventing" their own disasters. The construction project was sabotaged.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I just realized that a lot of fans seem to assume the traits of the characters Pinkie/RD/Rarity play in the play are being attributed to the... well... characters themselves, screaming "OMG OUT OF CHARACTER"

OMG Aero

Actually, it didn't. Ponyville isn't falling apart that badly. The mane cast (minus Dash) were creating and then "preventing" their own disasters. The construction project was sabotaged.
Tell me more about your My Little Pony fan fiction that presents things as fact that didn't happen or were even hinted at in the episode.


A lot of people are convinced that actors are in real life like what they saw in movies.

Plus, those three (all six actually) played their characters very close to themselves. I doubt the real versions of these ponies (lol) behaved in the same way. Nopony alive has any clue who these ponies really were. It raises questions about what these ponies see in their heroes. Rainbow Dash for instance thought that her character (an ancient Pegasus hero) should be the star of the whole show. I'm sure the others identified with their characters. It didn't look like any pony was assigned one they didn't want (except Fluttershy).


Tell me more about your My Little Pony fan fiction that presents things as fact that didn't happen or were even hinted at in the episode.

My theory isn't proven, but I believe it makes more sense. How else was Mare-do-Well repeatedly in just the right place with just the right pony inside the costume to prevent each disaster after they came up with a conspiracy to con Rainbow Dash?

Making just about any kind of statement can be considered presenting something as a fact, but I guess what I did was say that Andrew was wrong. And he was. The episode didn't prove that Ponyville has bad building codes. One construction project collapsed, and I blame the telepath who had an axe to grind.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Didn't Pinkie Pie just say in this episode that the Earth is round? If so, how the fuck are the Unicorns raising the Sun and the Moon?
A lot of people are convinced that actors are in real life like what they saw in movies.

Plus, those three (all six actually) played their characters very close to themselves. I doubt the real versions of these ponies (lol) behaved in the same way. Nopony alive has any clue who these ponies really were. It raises questions about what these ponies see in their heroes. Rainbow Dash for instance thought that her character (an ancient Pegasus hero) should be the star of the whole show. I'm sure the others identified with their characters. It didn't look like any pony was assigned one they didn't want (except Fluttershy).

Well, the name of the queen pinkie pie's was doing was pretty crazy (something about pudding?), it would be awesome if she was as crazy as pinkie, it would explain lots of things in that play, and the same with the pegasus dicatator and the unicorn queen, if they were not acting like that (traits that PP, RD and Rarity have but to the max) some of the things would have not happened like that.
But then... maybe history didnt occur like that and they are just inventing the whole thing, would explain the new equestria flag.


Kills Photobucket
Tell me more about your My Little Pony fan fiction that presents things as fact that didn't happen or were even hinted at in the episode.

Dealing with people who are making false accusations about the ponies based on lies and bad logic?

Welcome to my world...


I like how the Equestrian flag planted at the end is from Celestia/Luna's reign, when their reign didn't exist yet.

It's like a story of the first thanksgiving, that ends with the planting of an American flag that has 50 stars and 13 stripes. Equestria. Fuck yeah.

That's how I see it too. When the episode aired some on ponychan were all "OMG TIME PARADOX!". More like poor historical accuracy in an amateur theater play.


god damnit ponygaf, finally gave into the ponies magic, and seeing Rainbow Dash getting her pet Tank just made it one of my favorite show ever ! Yes I like turtle and no I'm not that kid =)

But seriously, never thought I would like it that much. Sometimes I even wonder if it's really a show for little girls with all the randomness and craziness going on. So yeah friendship is magic, may it continues giving <3
god damnit ponygaf, finally gave into the ponies magic, and seeing Rainbow Dash getting her pet Tank just made it one of my favorite show ever ! Yes I like turtle and no I'm not that kid =)

But seriously, never thought I would like it that much. Sometimes I even wonder if it's really a show for little girls with all the randomness and craziness going on. So yeah friendship is magic, may it continues giving <3


Link Man

god damnit ponygaf, finally gave into the ponies magic, and seeing Rainbow Dash getting her pet Tank just made it one of my favorite show ever ! Yes I like turtle and no I'm not that kid =)

But seriously, never thought I would like it that much. Sometimes I even wonder if it's really a show for little girls with all the randomness and craziness going on. So yeah friendship is magic, may it continues giving <3

Embrace the madness, it's the only way to find sanity in an insane world.


Dealing with people who are making false accusations about the ponies based on lies and bad logic?

Welcome to my world...

Hey now, I'm going to have to defend my theory by explaining it again.

Incidents 1&2 - Filly trapped in well and baby stroller about to fall off cliff. Simple accidents which gave RD a chance to be a legit hero.

Incident 3 - Balcony collapse. I'd entertain the idea of sabotage, but there doesn't seem to be any motive, either from RD or the mane 5. Just too many elderly ponies on a weak balcony without the reflexes to jump off when they saw something was wrong. Twilight, having done nothing to save the elderly ponies, bitches about RD's personal conduct when every other pony in town is congratulating her.

Incident 4 - The mane 5 conspire to deceive RD. That's a central fact of this episode. Twilight's balloon crashes wildly out of control. Was Twilight's balloon part of the deception? There's no confirmation, but I think it's highly suspect. Note that this plan would have failed and RD would have had another save under her belt if RD hadn't shown signs of becoming tired with recent events. If this was a plot, it was a bad plot, and it succeeded in spite of itself, requiring greater planning.

Incident 5 - Cart about to fall off cliff. Are we to believe that Applejack was hanging out in costume at the bottom of the same cliff as before, in easy reach of one of RD's nap spots, waiting for lightning to strike twice? And then a cart comes along which is too heavy for RD to stop, but is just barely light enough for AJ's greater strength to stop? What are the odds of that? Sabotage is much more likely. Some purple pony telepathically pulled the little pin securing the cart to the horse. RD even pointed out how unusual it was for lightning to strike twice here by later staking out the spot and wondering why something didn't happen again.

Incident 6 - Construction mishap. Crane controls disobey their operator and essentially throw a girder at a building, while RD is flying overhead. Debris rains down on the workers and RD, threatening to kill them all. Pinkie Pie is already there in costume and her Pinkie Sense allows her to dodge falling objects. Coincidence? Really? That's just too much. More likely Twilight took telepathic control of the crane, and created the one situation where Pinkie's ability would make her a "hero".

Incident 7 - Dam break. While RD is flying overhead, near enough to notice the problem, but not nearly able to do anything about it. Gee, it sure is a good thing that Twilight was standing by in costume to stop the water and save the town.

If it seems that Ponyville is falling apart at the seams, I say it's because the majority of the incidents in that episode were due to Twilight's exponentially-increasing attempts at sabotage for the purposes of humiliating one of her best friends. And I say that as a member of Team Twilight.
And I'm gonna say you're crazy and the mane 6 didn't do any of that. But nothing is concrete in either way, so I can't say you're wrong. You can't say that I'm wrong either.
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