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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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Unrelated, it looks like that slightly misleading synopsis for the "CMC take on an outlaw" episode has been rewritten from "...set out to bring him to justice and finally get their cutie marks" to "...set out to bring him to justice, hoping it is the key to finally getting their cutie marks."

Well, it is episode 9...

...and it's about a wedding.

The Game of Thrones fan in me is intrigued, if not excited.

"The Pink Wedding". Pinkie Pie surprises everyone present with an explosive new kind of cake. Nobody is spared
from being covered in sponge and icing


Kills Photobucket
Unrelated, it looks like that slightly misleading synopsis for the "CMC take on an outlaw" episode has been rewritten from "...set out to bring him to justice and finally get their cutie marks" to "...set out to bring him to justice, hoping it is the key to finally getting their cutie marks."

I really don't get how anyone thought they would get their cutie marks from the original synopsis. Do people really think they'll just randomly get their cutie mark during some wacky cutie mark getting scheme?


I really don't get how anyone thought they would get their cutie marks from the original synopsis. Do people really think they'll just randomly get their cutie mark during some wacky cutie mark getting scheme?

It wouldn't surprise me if there were some who think this...


I really don't get how anyone thought they would get their cutie marks from the original synopsis. Do people really think they'll just randomly get their cutie mark during some wacky cutie mark getting scheme?

It sure would've been a twist. They could've spun-off into their own series about a trio of bounty hunters.

Jeez Double Diamond, way to spoil the season. For those not familiar, this is from YouTube's automatic captioning system.
Something I realized, each of Twilight's arch-rival student archtypes (Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and arguably Trixie) have one star to their cutie mark as opposed to Twilight's six.

Their destinies are to stand alone, Twilight's is to work together with friends.
Something I realized, each of Twilight's arch-rival student archtypes (Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and arguably Trixie) have one star to their cutie mark as opposed to Twilight's six.

Their destinies are to stand alone, Twilight's is to work together with friends.

I started the post thinking your were going to point out the synonym thing, but yeah, the one-star thing actual is something I hadn't noticed. Though it no longer makes much sense with Sunset, at least.


Hm, it occurs to me that Starlight Glimmer really had no winning outcome available once the Cutie Map had pointed out the = village as an abomination against Friendship and Harmony or whatever it is that triggers it.

Why? Because Spike. He was there when the village was marked, he knows exactly where the Mane Six went and he is the direct line to Celestia. Even if everything had gone as best it could for Starlight, and all Mane Six had succumbed to the brainwashing, she would have had to deal with a much bigger problem very, very soon when Spike sends a worried message that Twilight hasn't come home yet. If she was lucky, it'd be Shining Armor, Cadance, or maybe Luna showing up. If she was unlucky, it'd be Celestia... or Discord. And that would have solved that problem really fast. Especially since Starlight hurt Fluttershy. That's just unhealthy in the long run.

So, yeah, they pulled it off on their own, but as long as Spike is free, they sure have a lot of backup available. And I'll admit, I kind of DO want to see Discord and Starlight meet. I'm sure they'd have a lot to discuss. Briefly. Like what happens to ponies who hurt his friends.


Something I realized, each of Twilight's arch-rival student archtypes (Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and arguably Trixie) have one star to their cutie mark as opposed to Twilight's six.

Their destinies are to stand alone, Twilight's is to work together with friends.

That's not necessarily true. Twilight's cutie mark is a star which is the symbol of magic (as seen briefly on the element stone before it was transformed), surrounded by five more stars, which represent her friends, which means that Twilight is magic, and friendship is magic, so that means that Twilight is "magic times magic" and therefore a god (with the help of her friends).

Just because someone doesn't have friendship explicitly stated as their cutie mark, doesn't mean they're destined to stand alone. As a random example, Rainbow Dash's cutie mark (rainbow lightning from a cloud) makes her exceptional and makes her stand apart. One of the few ponies on her level is Lightning Dust (whose cutie mark is a lightning bolt with three stars), and LD became a loner due to her power. But it's madness to think that Rainbow Dash's destiny would ever be to stand alone. Twilight's cutie mark claims the exact opposite, and Rainbow Dash's element is loyalty (to her friends, as opposed to elements like kindness, honesty, laughter, and generosity, which don't specifically require friends).

Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark is a flaming sun (technically a star, but not really), but inside that sun is a ying-yang symbol, light and dark in equal measure. Which is why Celestia (whose symbol is also a flaming sun) thought that Sunset could be her successor, until (tempted by Celestia's promise of power) she fell to the darkness inside her. With Twilight's help, Sunset is back on the path of light, but darkness will always be inside of her. She's always going to be at war with herself, or perhaps she's going to go zen and accept that darkness and light are both completely natural parts of her, and become more powerful for the realization (aka, Celestia powerful). Her cutie mark says a lot, but it doesn't say anything about friendship or solitude.

Trixie's cutie mark is a magic wand, and a wavy moon made of the star-filled night sky, not the symbol of magic. Trixie doesn't have magic in the Dragonball Z sense, she has magic in the Penn and Teller sense. She has card tricks, smoke-and-mirrors, and trapdoors. She has illusion. The stars in her illusory moon don't refer to friends (or the lack of them), if anything, I'd say they refer to her audience. She was on the right track as an entertainer, until the Mane Six ruined her.


Hm, it occurs to me that Starlight Glimmer really had no winning outcome available once the Cutie Map had pointed out the = village as an abomination against Friendship and Harmony or whatever it is that triggers it.

Why? Because Spike. He was there when the village was marked, he knows exactly where the Mane Six went and he is the direct line to Celestia. Even if everything had gone as best it could for Starlight, and all Mane Six had succumbed to the brainwashing, she would have had to deal with a much bigger problem very, very soon when Spike sends a worried message that Twilight hasn't come home yet. If she was lucky, it'd be Shining Armor, Cadance, or maybe Luna showing up. If she was unlucky, it'd be Celestia... or Discord. And that would have solved that problem really fast. Especially since Starlight hurt Fluttershy. That's just unhealthy in the long run.

So, yeah, they pulled it off on their own, but as long as Spike is free, they sure have a lot of backup available. And I'll admit, I kind of DO want to see Discord and Starlight meet. I'm sure they'd have a lot to discuss. Briefly. Like what happens to ponies who hurt his friends.

All good points! Moral of the story? Always leave someone in the map room.

Trixie's cutie mark is a magic wand, and a wavy moon made of the star-filled night sky, not the symbol of magic. Trixie doesn't have magic in the Dragonball Z sense, she has magic in the Penn and Teller sense. She has card tricks, smoke-and-mirrors, and trapdoors. She has illusion. The stars in her illusory moon don't refer to friends (or the lack of them), if anything, I'd say they refer to her audience. She was on the right track as an entertainer, until the Mane Six ruined her.

I realise this isn't what you were actually talking about, but Trixie ruined herself. You don't roll into town banging on about how great you are, make some of its most popular citizens look like idiots, claim to have performed real-life acts of heroism and then act like an entitled d-bag when your life is saved by the very people you were mocking earlier. That's a bad way of being an entertainer.


I realise this isn't what you were actually talking about, but Trixie ruined herself. You don't roll into town banging on about how great you are, make some of its most popular citizens look like idiots, claim to have performed real-life acts of heroism and then act like an entitled d-bag when your life is saved by the very people you were mocking earlier. That's a bad way of being an entertainer.

The entire town liked her fiction, except a few jerks. Twilight wanted to watch it, and learn about new applications of magic (incidentally, Twilight used those same useful applications to defeat Trixie when she eventually returned with hostile intent). Twilight's friends wouldn't let her enjoy the show in peace. Their aggressive heckling hit home with Twilight, almost ruining everything. And their resolution was "Oh, we didn't mean you, silly, even though our words clearly applied to you. We were talking shit about her. We like you. We hate her. How could you not tell the difference? That makes us right and you wrong, Twilight."

Applejack hated Trixie's "bring a little Unicorn magic to the dirt ponies" show, because she's a racist dirt pony, and doesn't like being told that other ponies are better than her. Rarity hated the show because she's an uneducated Unicorn living with dirt ponies, and doesn't like to be told that magic is something to strive for. Rainbow Dash was peer-pressured by Applejack into joining the hate parade. Spike thought it was a contest, and wanted to feel a vicarious win through Twilight. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy weren't present because they're better than this.

If you don't like a show, leave. Ask for your money back (oh wait, it was a free show). You don't have the right to sit there and heckle. Trixie was fast on her feet (hooves) and shut down her hecklers in glorious fashion. She used illusion to destroy bone-fide superheroes who were acting like dicks. More power to her.

Snips and Snails (and Spike) caused the problem in this episode, because they were unsupervised children, and their parents didn't know what they were watching, nor did they know that their kids ran off into the Deadly Woods to play with monsters and potentially get themselves and the entire town killed.

Trixie's only crime is that she was abusing her celebrity and the gullibility of local kids to go and fetch her some food (on her first day in town, not knowing anybody).

When the shit hit the fan, Trixie put her life on the line to defend those same little kids, using what little power she actually had to try and fight an impossible foe. Trixie was a bigger hero than Twilight in this episode. What did Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash do about the monster? Less than nothing (they delayed Twilight's arrival). Trixie got her house destroyed and was run out of town. Mane Six = Jerks, Trixie = Hero.


Kills Photobucket
Trixie's an asshole, but she was just performing a show. I don't even like Trixie that much and think she got a raw deal in that episode.


^ What Cheerilee said is pretty much why I hated that episode. I love the show, but sometimes it just seems to have a weird way/do a poor job of portraying "villains" like Trixie (who was just a harmless performer) or Flim & Flam (who were legitimate business ponies). At least, during the first times we saw them. It's why I also didn't like how Mare-Do-Well was done either. Nothing Dash did was overly wrong - at least compared to how the rest of the main six treated her...


Kills Photobucket
^ What Cheerilee said is pretty much why I hated that episode. I love the show, but sometimes it just seems to have a weird way/do a poor job of portraying "villains" like Trixie (who was just a harmless performer) or Flim & Flam (who were legitimate business ponies). At least, during the first times we saw them. It's why I also didn't like how Mare-Do-Well was done either. Nothing Dash did was overly wrong - at least compared to how the rest of the main six treated her...

Yeah. Mare Do Well is not a story about Rainbow Dash seeking fame and glory (and lets be honest, she doesn't have to try hard to get it). It's a story about how her 5 best friends were total jerks to her once.


Not a bad opener, not a great one. Episodes that mostly consist of standing around and talking can be good, but only when they're focusing on a small cast and can really drill down into their personalities and how they bounce off each other. Starlight might be an interesting antagonist down the line, given her apparent focus on creating harmony in all the wrong ways, but there wasn't enough of her true character on display to really get invested in her. Also not super comfortable with a regular-ass unicorn having basically the same ability as the ancient evil that capped off the last season, and I'll be perfectly happy if we never see the magic map as a shortcut for setting up a plot again either.

Decent dialog and music, and the whole creepy cult vibe came off well.


So Cheerilee's post got me thinking, and I figured maybe I should rewatch "Boast Busters" to see if I was remembering things poorly. Notes follow.

So yeah, AJ and Rarity overreact. Not sure why exactly. They at least have the courtesy to kind of murmur among themselves.

Unfortunately Rainbow Dash is a little loud with her half-hearted "Boo". Trixie's response? To sneer at her audience and call them "ignorant" to their faces. Classy.

When Dash challenges her on her boasts, what's Trixie's very first response? To just lie about stuff. What's that got to do with stage magic exactly?

So when Trixie's decided to humiliate onlookers at random, who does she pick? Twilight, one of the few in the front row who's actually gone out of their way to not be confrontational.

Next, when AJ decides to show her stuff, how does Trixie respond? Not by, y'know, matching her in kind. By physically assaulting her, of course.

Next is Rainbow Dash. Same result; legit impressive feats matched with being knocked around. Good heavens, poor misunderstood Trixie.

So Rarity tries to take the high ground; nice work Rarity. She does it in a kinda snooty way, but ok I guess. Pretty typical Rarity move.

Trixie's response? Call her a coward and insult her appearance. Oh, and then turn her hair to garbage.

Then we're into the bit where Trixie exploits a bunch of local (stupid) children to do menial tasks for her. What a great gal.

So once the Ursa Minor shows up, Trixie actually takes a shot at bringing it down. That’s decent, I guess? Trying to fix a mess that you yourself created by recklessly lying to strangers? (Let’s not try to blame Snips and Snails on this one; sure, they brought the thing to town, but they’re children for god’s sake, and idiots on top of that.)

So then Twilight fixes Trixie’s mess, potentially saving the lives of everyone in town, including Trixie, the one who caused the problem in the first place.

Trixie’s response? “I’m still better than everyone, Trixie out!” Wow. Just wow.

So yeah, sorry, but I just can't see this "Trixie is a victim!" narrative. She's an asshole from start to finish, and while AJ and Rarity probably should've held their tongues at the beginning, it doesn't excuse every other asshole move she makes for the entire rest of the episode.
Trixie can keep the same act, even the bragging and the lies (it IS a performance), but be nicer about it. they can do another episode of her being reformed as the same kind of performer (unless it was already done in comics)


Trixie can keep the same act, even the bragging and the lies (it IS a performance), but be nicer about it. they can do another episode of her being reformed as the same kind of performer (unless it was already done in comics)

It's probably better to avoid certain topics when there's characters like Snips and Snails around, but yeah, there's no reason why the "Great and Powerful Trixie" persona wouldn't work if she were a little less aggressive towards her audience. Or hell, if she did something to alert viewers to the fact that she was doing a bit rather than just being a genuine jerk.


So Cheerilee's post got me thinking, and I figured maybe I should rewatch "Boast Busters" to see if I was remembering things poorly. Notes follow.

So yeah, sorry, but I just can't see this "Trixie is a victim!" narrative. She's an asshole from start to finish, and while AJ and Rarity probably should've held their tongues at the beginning, it doesn't excuse every other asshole move she makes for the entire rest of the episode.

Her show persona isn't that of an asshole, it's "bombastic". Which is perfectly appropriate for the stage. What was it that the Ringling Brothers called themselves, "The Greatest Show on Earth"? Kind of full of themselves, aren't they? And actually, I just rewatched the episode too, and right before the opening music, Twilight calls Spike "Romeo". The writers were definitely thinking about the stage, not some sort of traveling "Love the fake-me" party.

Trixie could hear all of the front-row chatter, not just Rainbow Dash's "boo", but she wasn't letting it disrupt the show until that point. After the boo, she stopped the show and called out multiple ponies who were causing an escalating disturbance.

Trixie didn't immediately call out Twilight, she called out Applejack, who was standing next to Twilight. It just scared Twilight because it was close, and she didn't like being put on the spot (which Spike was actively trying to do). But Trixie did eventually challenge Twilight, because Twilight was clearly part of a group of five individuals who were causing back-and-forth disruptions. Spike was pushing Twilight to take a shot, so Trixie can be forgiven for thinking Twilight was another of the group who wanted to take a shot. Everyone else did.

Trixie's response to Rainbow Dash wasn't to "lie about stuff", she was improvising and playing it by ear, and decided to fast-forward to the pre-arranged storytime segment of her show. It was fiction, not a lie.

And how is Trixie's act "showing off", but Applejack climbing on stage to show Trixie up by doing rope tricks isn't? At least Rainbow Dash was honest about the fact that being a braggart (Trixie's alleged crime) is her job.

There's no reason why Trixie has to match her challengers in kind. Check out this video of Gaston in Disneyland (a fictional strongman villain) getting challenged to a push-up contest. His muscles are fake and he had no way to know that he would get challenged on that day, but he stayed in character and with some not-insignificant strength he cheated his way to victory (he wasn't doing proper push-ups), but what matters isn't that he won, or even that he cheated (although cheating fits his character), but that his showmanship went over-the-top and he destroyed his challenger. Trixie wasn't prepared for a battle. She was improvising a disrupted show, and she destroyed three different challengers back-to-back, without knowing anything about their strengths or abilities (which all three of them were playing to, no holds barred).

I'm not going to blame Trixie for the actions of Snips and Snails. Maybe she should have an age-rating on her show, but Snips and Snails are apparently dumber than their age would imply, so that wouldn't even have worked. And Spike is the one who pushed those children to prove that their hero could defeat a monster.

If you listen to Trixie's voice throughout the episode, she's clearly acting for most of it, and referring to herself in the third person. She drops the act as soon as the Ursa arrives. When it becomes clear that Snips and Snails are dismissing help while waiting for an epic Trixie vs Ursa showdown, she has an expression of pain and takes about one second to steel herself before telling the kids there is no Santa Claus, and they should look for help elsewhere. And she doesn't mince words or run away from what she did. She says "I made it up to make "me" look better." She doesn't say she did it out of pride or ego, and making "me" look better than reality is what showmanship is all about. Twilight had all the power and information needed to stop the Ursa, and she took longer than Trixie to work up the resolve to (as she believed) ruin her image in town.

Trixie put her persona back on when everything was settled, right before she ran away, and right after the ponies directly responsible for making Twilight feel like shit took the opportunity to take a few more undeserved verbal shots at Trixie.

And the final icing on the cake is that Spike had said earlier that the mustache trick could win against Trixie, and Twilight's final act was to show off and perform the mustache trick for the crowd. Then she tells Celestia that she's learned that there's a time and place for showing off with tricks. That time and place is not when you're standing on a stage and your name is "Trick-sy" and your cutie mark indicates that novelty magic wands are your destiny. It's apparently a victory lap for when you defeat opponents.

Unless your name is Rainbow Dash and you do a touchdown dance for the crowd after saving someone's life. That kind of victory lap is unacceptable.


I can see you've thought this through, but none of what you've said justifies the way she acts. I'm not familiar with the Ringling Brothers, but I'm going to assume they wouldn't have called their customers "ignorant" to their faces if someone wondered what made them the greatest show on Earth. They probably wouldn't have goaded them into getting up on stage and besting them either, if for no other reason than it's unprofessional and they're the ones supposed to be putting on a show.

Likewise, while Disney Gaston may have succeeded through trickery (debateable), he did so while being absolutely charming and friendly. At no point did he hogtie his opponent and shove an apple in their mouth, for example. He actually left them feeling good, despite beating them. That's how a true entertainer should operate; if you really are all that great, you should never stoop to making your audience feel bad.

I'm not suggesting that other characters like AJ or Rarity or even Twilight were paragons of tact in this episode, but the persistent fan-narrative that Trixie was but a humble, innocent performer, cruelly run out of town by a bunch of jealous/racist/whatever bumpkins is just nonsense, and requires an absolutely exhausting number of logical hoops to be jumped through.


Trixie attacked Rarity. At no point during the show did any pony other than Trixie use magic directly on another pony. The heckling was uncalled for, but so was Trixie's assault on Rarity. She was challenged on her claims, and her response was magical violence. She sent Rarity running off in tears. To use the Gaston video as a counterexample. What Trixie did would be as if Gaston instead of doing push-ups just swung a haymaker in the face of the challenger. So no, Trixie gets no free pass for that episode.

Now, the destruction of her property might have been too much, but she had already done enough that she should have been arrested, if Ponyville had any kind of law enforcement. Being a performer does not give you the right to violence against other ponies. On the flipside, where was security? No one but Trixie should be allowed on stage unless invited... by Trixie.

Also, isn't this kind of four seasons late for this thread?


Trixie attacked Rarity. At no point during the show did any pony other than Trixie use magic directly on another pony. The heckling was uncalled for, but so was Trixie's assault on Rarity. She was challenged on her claims, and her response was magical violence. She sent Rarity running off in tears. To use the Gaston video as a counterexample. What Trixie did would be as if Gaston instead of doing push-ups just swung a haymaker in the face of the challenger. So no, Trixie gets no free pass for that episode.

Now, the destruction of her property might have been too much, but she had already done enough that she should have been arrested, if Ponyville had any kind of law enforcement. Being a performer does not give you the right to violence against other ponies. On the flipside, where was security? No one but Trixie should be allowed on stage unless invited... by Trixie.

Also, isn't this kind of four seasons late for this thread?

Yup, I probably shouldn't have made a thing of it in the first place. Officially shutting up on the subject now.

But hey, who's excited for "Castle, Sweet Castle" this weekend?

This guy.


Yup, I probably shouldn't have made a thing of it in the first place. Officially shutting up on the subject now.

But hey, who's excited for "Castle, Sweet Castle" this weekend?

This guy.
Me too. That is the episode I've been waiting for since the Season 4 finale. The nearly obligatory adventure opener was nice and all, but seeing
Twilight having to come to terms with the loss of her old home
is going to be amazing. Seems like a bit of uncharted territory for the show, really.
Having to come to terms with loss
. Has the show done that yet?

Trade Ya in Season 4 became a bit harder to watch with Twilight listing off why every book she had there was important to her, and how each was a cherished keepsake. And then they all blew up.
Me too. That is the episode I've been waiting for since the Season 4 finale. The nearly obligatory adventure opener was nice and all, but seeing
Twilight having to come to terms with the loss of her old home
is going to be amazing. Seems like a bit of uncharted territory for the show, really.
Having to come to terms with loss
. Has the show done that yet?

Trade Ya in Season 4 became a bit harder to watch with Twilight listing off why every book she had there was important to her, and how each was a cherished keepsake. And then they all blew up.
I bet we might get a montage of all the memories they had in the library to sad music. I won't be ready for that.


Me too. That is the episode I've been waiting for since the Season 4 finale. The nearly obligatory adventure opener was nice and all, but seeing
Twilight having to come to terms with the loss of her old home
is going to be amazing. Seems like a bit of uncharted territory for the show, really.
Having to come to terms with loss
. Has the show done that yet?

Y'know, not that I can think of. Closest I can come up with is more about the aftermath of loss, with Cranky in "A Friend in Deed" way back in Season 2.

As someone who always thought Twilight's new castle seemed like a cold, soulless place when compared with the Library, it's incredibly gratifying that the show isn't just making Twilight all "Golly, I sure am glad to be living in this gaudy new castle!" It would've been really upsetting if they'd tried to step over the subject entirely like that.

Trade Ya in Season 4 became a bit harder to watch with Twilight listing off why every book she had there was important to her, and how each was a cherished keepsake. And then they all blew up.

Yeah, pretty big bummer in retrospect. I wonder if someone on the production team orchestrated that connection, or if it just turned up on its own?

I bet we might get a montage of all the memories they had in the library to sad music. I won't be ready for that.

Bring it, I say. I'm ready to feel feelings, show about magic horsies.


And I'll admit, I kind of DO want to see Discord and Starlight meet. I'm sure they'd have a lot to discuss. Briefly. Like what happens to ponies who hurt his friends.

Discord and her would naturally clash since she's all about enforcing dullness, which is the exact opposite of his tendencies.
It's pretty much Lawful vs Chaotic.


Discord and her would naturally clash since she's all about enforcing dullness, which is the exact opposite of his tendencies.
It's pretty much Lawful vs Chaotic.
All the better. You may note the lack of concern for Starlight Glimmer's wellbeing in my wish to see Discord and her encounter each other. It probably would not be a very amusing encounter. For her.
I was going to say that I was surprised that there hasn't been a preview clip, but one was just released. I think even describing the content would be a spoiler, since
I for one did not expect for this episode to have a song, and I may have preferred to have been surprised about it in the episode itself
. The ED link itself has a spoiler. Here it is. Reminder that all discussion of this clip should go under spoiler bars.

Also, though I'd rather they didn't, The Federalist wrote about the season 5 premiere.

On another note, hand-drawn Fluttershy animation, linked due to size.

And interview with Sara Richards on her Day of the Dead comic covers.


I was going to say that I was surprised that there hasn't been a preview clip, but one was just released. I think even describing the content would be a spoiler, since
I for one did not expect for this episode to have a song, and I may have preferred to have been surprised about it in the episode itself
. The ED link itself has a spoiler. Here it is. Reminder that all discussion of this clip should go under spoiler bars.

Gah. Okay, I'm not watching it this time. I've caved on pretty much every
leaked song
since I started watching the show, and there ought to be at least one occasion that I didn't.

Without going into any detail, how is it?

Except for the constant references to Social Justice Warriors, that is a pretty decent look at the episode. I don't know if I could compare it to Stalin though, more like the totally over the top way it's done in N. Korea.

Yeah, seriously. I'm reading it now and all this SJW talk seems totally out of place.


Kills Photobucket
Gah. Okay, I'm not watching it this time. I've caved on pretty much every
leaked song
since I started watching the show, and there ought to be at least one occasion that I didn't.

Without going into any detail, how is it?

I don't care for the start of it. The character that starts it sounds off. Once it gets going it seems like it will be good. The clip is not complete.


I don't care for the start of it. The character that starts it sounds off. Once it gets going it seems like it will be good. The clip is not complete.

Cheers, looking forward to getting the full picture this weekend.

And interview with Sara Richards on her Day of the Dead comic covers.

I love Sara's art so much. The sugar-skull illustrations of the Mane 6 might be some of my favourite art of the Mane 6 yet, official or otherwise. I've been switching through them one-by-one as the wallpaper on my tablet since they were released a few months(?) back.

If anyone wants them in super-high res, send me a PM. They're floating around online somewhere, but they might be hard to find now.


The season opener was pretty good, better than I expected.

I was going to say that I was surprised that there hasn't been a preview clip, but one was just released. I think even describing the content would be a spoiler, since
I for one did not expect for this episode to have a song, and I may have preferred to have been surprised about it in the episode itself
. The ED link itself has a spoiler. Here it is. Reminder that all discussion of this clip should go under spoiler bars.

This song is thoroughly forgettable though, and I'm not sold on what it seems to imply about the episode either. It seems that it will revolve around
everyone trying to decorate Twi's castle according to their own tastes, which will inevitably lead to conflict as they can’t agree on anything with each other. In the end, Twilight will step in and fix everything, decorating the castle according to her tastes without even realizing it. Cue lesson about how conflict is not always bad since it can lead to good things in the end, or something. Not sure how Twi is going to decorate the place though, especially since we already saw here stock up on books in Rainbow Rocks.
I love how My Little Pony & Game of Thrones are both on Season 5 and running alongside each other.
Sometimes I confuse them and think Canterlot looks a bit like the Red Keep and what is Twilight Sparkle if not Mother of Dragon(s)
Pretty good episode and an interesting, feels-induced solution to the obvious one, I loved it.
Also "I'm pancake!" is going to be a meme like "But I didn't listen!." Watch.
That was a fun episode. I found Pinkie in particular to be quite funny in this. I'll be disappointed if one of Pinkie's confetti cannons isn't randomly triggered in an unrelated future episode. Bulk Bicep's cameo was also funny when it turned out he was the masseur instead of a patron like I thought in the first second of the scene.

The song was OK, serving mainly as a montage song rather than exposing any emotions. As some said, Rainbow Dash sounded off at the very start. The reprise was better than the first version, I felt.

I liked the way the redecorating turned out in the end. The brown tree works surprisingly well in the purple throne room, and I like how the Main Five all decorated their own rooms. It will be nice to see the other rooms in the future. Though considering that one of Twilight's complaints was the cold hard floors, you'd think they'd install some carpeting or something. Plus, they never addressed the fact that there's just so much empty space with just two people living there. It would be neat if Twilight started using the halls to display mementos of their adventures from now on, filling out the castle more and more as the show goes on, but who knows if they'd do that.

EDIT: Also, holy crap, the pancakes at the start looked delicious.


I liked this episode, but didn't really care for the song. I've never really been a fan of Pinkie, but I've really enjoyed her in the three episodes so far. I chuckled at puffball Angel.
Someone mentioned this on YouTube.... where's Owlowiscious been this season so far? Don't tell me he was caught in the explosion in the Season 4 finale? Or did they show he was okay at some point since then?
Someone mentioned this on YouTube.... where's Owlowiscious been this season so far? Don't tell me he was caught in the explosion in the Season 4 finale? Or did they show he was okay at some point since then?

They very specifically showed Owlowiscious being saved from the tree as it exploded. He'll show up whenever there's another pet related episode. It's not like he showed up in many episodes before this when he didn't play a role in the story. In fact, I think it wasn't until season 4 that he started appearing more than once per season. EDIT: Besides the cameo in "Games Ponies Play" linking to "Just for Sidekicks".
They very specifically showed Owlowiscious being saved from the tree as it exploded. He'll show up whenever there's another pet related episode. It's not like he showed up in many episodes before this when he didn't play a role in the story. In fact, I think it wasn't until season 4 that he started appearing more than once per season. EDIT: Besides the cameo in "Games Ponies Play" linking to "Just for Sidekicks".

Thanks for the reminder. Panic mode off.
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