Amibguous Cad said:
For whatever reason, even though the attempts to redeem her are similarly contrived, and even though her Heel Face Turn in the pilot was somewhat unbelievable, I loves me some rediscovering-the-joy-of-the-world Luna.
Of course, how could I forget lil' Miss Moonshine herself. Surprisingly, I didn't find her face turn unbelievable; Her rampage just seemed to me like the kind of tantrum that a super-powered kid who had been grounded for 1000 years would make. Celestia, of course, knew all about what was going to happen in that particular night, and also knew what had to be arranged to bring her little sister back to her senses without having to send her to the moon again. After all, she had 1000 years to make preparations. We don't know what happened to Celestia during Nightmare Moon's appearance - as far as we know, she could just have amusedly watching from the sidelines, waiting for the pieces to come together by their own so that it wouldn't have to be her laying the smackdown on Luna, and only appearing when everything was over and all she had to say was "everything's gonna be alright." Poof, goes Luna's bitterness, replaced by shame.
But yeah, I REALLY want to see Luna again, but I have the feeling that it's only going to happen in the season finale. I only hope that she won't be made the big bad once again.
ivedoneyourmom said:
Besides this foal is a total nerd:
You got to love that. :lol
Twilight is my favorite. She's incredibly level-headed, but flawed all the same. Nervous breakdown Twilight in "Swarm of the Century" is one of the best moments in the series so far, IMHO.
Koomaster said:
Spike has a lot of funny lines and is generally likable. Probably followed by the big red dragon; and/or the purple dragon from the 1st episode.
If we are talking only ponies tho, probably Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo is nice, but she seems more in the background than the other CMC. And I have to be honest that Apple Bloom's accent grates on me. AppleJack's is softer, but hearing a kid voice do that is just too much.
People often forget Spike because of his non-ponyness, but he's great for what he is: sarcastic comic relief. Problem is, he's comic relief in a show where most of the main characters do even better comic relief, Pinkie Pie first and foremost. I'd really like to have an episode developing Spike's character, his origins and relation to Twilight.
As for the CMC's, if it is true that they will have their own spin-off show, they might end up not being developed to their full potential in the main show. Many people will be grateful for that, but I'm not one of them. Among the three, Apple Bloom is probably my favorite, because of the determination she showed us before joining her friends.