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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Koomaster said:
Man, this particular page is filled with trolls. Wha happen? ~____~
Help me out Pinkie Pie!

~ I'm on it!

When I was a little filly
And the haters were coming round
Their comments and their trolling
They would always make me frown

I'd close my browser window
So I wouldn't read what they said
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with bullies at all

She said, "Pinkie, you've gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh and you'll make them disappear."

Ha, ha, ha!

So tee-hee at the trollies
Beam up at the bullies,
LOL at the losers
Joke it up with the jokers,
Haha at the hating
Guffaw at the griefing

And tell that big dumb hater face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can troll you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just make you wanna . . . hahahaha . . . laugh!


Holy shit, that was AMAZING

Foxix Von

Stallion Free said:
Meh, put your avatar on a shirt and walk around for a day introducing yourself to random people as a fan of whatever is in the avatar. See how fast you start feeling embarrassed.

If someone could put a moving gif on a shirt and have it magically appear in my closet I'd be ecstatic and rock that shit all over town on a weekly basis. I don't see the point your trying to make.

Also speaking of avatars it's a new page!

For an up to date list of available Pony Avatars click here!: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26328157&postcount=912
Myke Greywolf said:
MLP-GAF's current enthusiasm is just a consequence of the fandom's late blossoming in this forum, and wanting to make up for lost time. Things will simmer down soon, and maybe you'll be willing to give it a try then. :)
Yep. The first season won't last forever. In fact, I believe there's only a couple more weeks left of the first season. It'll definitely calm down after that.

Foxix Von

Confused101 said:
Yep. The first season won't last forever. In fact, I believe there's only a couple more weeks left of the first season. It'll definitely calm down after that.

It'll definitely calm down eventually. However I think the first season is set at a full 26 episodes right? We're only at 18 right now. Still a quite a few more weeks to go.
Foxix said:
It'll definitely calm down eventually. However I think the first season is set at a full 26 episodes right? We're only at 18 right now. Still a quite a few more weeks to go.
26? Didn't know that. A few sites that I went to only had up to 20 listed. Maybe they just don't know the names of the episodes after that point yet. I'm down for another 8 episodes.


Vagabundo said:
I've become a fan of In the Night Garden since my little Niece introduced me to it.

It has some wacky tobaccy stuff in it. Very soothing.
That show is fucked up. One day me and a mate were in his dorm room watching this internet TV package that he got through the university and flicking through the channels to see what was on. There was a bunch of crap on as it was like mid day and we saw he got CBBC so we decided to put that on to see what kinda stuff they show for the toddlers these days.
We were shocked. Ponky plods and nigly nogs and other fucked up crazy shit happening. It was like we were stoned, but we weren't. We couldn't stop laughing and watched the whole episode commenting on it. It was stupidly fun and we did it again the next day with another friend.
Koomaster said:
Also Rainbow Dash definitely ended up 20% cooler from Faust's original sketches.

Dude, Firefly's original sketch was awesome. She's probably the only one that didn't improve from the original sketch to production (well, aside from the ones that didn't change at all). Though without the rainbows, Dash wouldn't be as good a queer role model, hehe. (I'm only half joking: it is pretty nice to see someone not 100% invested in the gender binary portrayed in a positive light).

Myke Greywolf said:
Yeah, the G1-based Lauren Faust sketches were something she had in her Deviantart gallery before she started producing the show, and it's likely that they had a part in her getting this job. Unfortunately, she had to remove them from public view once she started the project, but I'm glad they were saved - it's really interesting to see what influenced what.

I'm kinda concerned. Looks like a copyright suit in the making, honestly.

Einbroch said:
I don't want to. I'm sure it's a good show, but it's fans make me not want to watch it.

It's like seeing people at anime conventions. You see them dressed up and acting like their favorite characters (aka acting very strange to someone not-in-the-know) and it makes you not want to have anything to do with anime.

Fair? Maybe not. But it's how it is.

I confess that I don't really understand this attitude. I've drifted away from the anime fandom over a few years, but I still show up at conventions for the video gaming and traditional gaming, and the fan enthusiasm is always one of the best parts of the experience. The ones who spend a lot of time on their costumes come up with some really cool stuff, and just being in an atmosphere where everyone is doing what they love gives the whole thing a much more joyful tone than your standard Friday Night Magic tournament. I don't have a creative bone in my body, so my entire output to the fandom is screencapping the episodes, but I enjoy being around people who are passionate enough to make fan works.

It's the same reason why I'll go to sports games, especially soccer even if I don't really have an investment in the teams playing. Sitting in the supporters' section with the fanatics chanting and living and dying on every play is a great experience.

Einbroch said:
Would I...analyze how "deep" and "meaningful" this show is? Absolutely not!

Hah, I do this for just about everything that I do. If I can pull off this career plan right, I'll be making a living analyzing minority representation in media. Overthinkingit.com is on my daily website check =)

I guess I also don't understand this instinctive aversion to analysis that seems to pop up in most areas of popular culture. I blame high school literature classes that conflate criticism with a kind of decoder ring obtuseness, that make symbolism just some kind of secret language. If that's your only experience with criticism, I can see why analyzing a kids' show might come across as pointless or an attempt at legitimizing it when it's clear the author wasn't trying to communicate any deep meaning. While Faust intends the show to teach lessons, obviously, it's not as if she's trying to suffuse the show with any profound insights into the human condition.... and that's exactly why it's so interesting to analyze! The very fact that it is unreflective means that popular culture is one of the best insights into our id that we have; it reveals the values we hold when we aren't actively thinking about them. So no, MLP isn't some great work of deep meaning, but it's an interesting insight into the lives and aspirations of the target audience.


Stallion Free said:
Meh, put your avatar on a shirt and walk around for a day introducing yourself to random people as a fan of whatever is in the avatar. See how fast you start feeling embarrassed.
I'd feel just as embarrassed wearing a video game shirt as I would an anime shirt. Guess people who have video game avatars are losers or something.

Who cares anyway. Being embarrassed of things you like is lame.

Foxix Von

Mechanical Snowman said:
Needs more Fluttershy.

(awesome job though)

Thanks again lol. Yeah of the 60~ish avatars I've posted I think all the Fluttershys were some of the first to go =/ These are sort of bottom barrel left overs I guess lol. I'll have to be sure to try and pack more of her in the next batch whenever that happens.

Koomaster said:
Thanks! At least someone liked it. ^_____^;

I loved it too lol. I had that darn song stuck in my head all morning while I was doing dishes thanks to that post.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
meltingparappa said:
Too much paying attention to trolls, not enough


This is one of those few instances where "completely fucking nonsense" is synonymous with "awesome". Thanks for sharing!

Einbroch said:
Of course I can ignore it, but that doesn't mean I should. This show is aimed at young girls. Does this mean that only that group is allowed to enjoy it? Absolutely not! I'm 90% sure that if I were to watch this show that I, a 24 year old male, would probably enjoy it. Would I make up fanfiction, alter lyrics to songs in the show, and analyze how "deep" and "meaningful" this show is? Absolutely not!

I'm just letting them know that this fandom is deterring me from watching a potentially good show. Act how you will, it's perfectly fine. We all like things that aren't social norms.

Too bad, I really think that you should try paying less attention to people who don't have anything to do with you, and take things for what they are, though.

Nevertheless, even if one doesn't enjoy fanfiction, one has to appreciate the passion that goes into making it (if not the talent or taste behind it).

I don't think anybody here ever described the show as "deep", though. Its meaning is just the one which is given by its simple moral, and we just have fun discussing the sometimes surprising ways in which that meaning relates to the story and characters. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that. Other than that, it's just harmless, wholesome fun, and that too is one of the reasons to like it. Some of us just grow weary of a popular culture oversaturated with cynicism and dishonesty. There's nothing more to it.

You're cool, man. You managed to discuss this and state your position without unreasonably demeaning the fans who post here. Stay cool.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Stallion Free said:
Meh, put your avatar on a shirt and walk around for a day introducing yourself to random people as a fan of whatever is in the avatar. See how fast you start feeling embarrassed.

Actually I just tried to design a shirt with Rainbow and the words "about 20% cooler" on it on Spreadshirt, but the price tag in the end was absurdly high. But yeah, I'd wear it, of course.

I wear Anime- and Gaming related Shirts, too, for what it's worth, which might also appear very random or strange or pitiable to strangers. But I don't care as long as I like it :)

edit: Totally unrelated: Is it possible to size down this avatar, so it meets GAF criteria? Maybe only display the background hop and mirror it around? No, wait, that won't work. Geez, I don't know how that works :>

Foxix Von

Bufbaf said:
Actually I just tried to design a shirt with Rainbow and the words "about 20% cooler" on it on Spreadshirt, but the price tag in the end was absurdly high. But yeah, I'd wear it, of course.

I wear Anime- and Gaming related Shirts, too, for what it's worth, which might also appear very random or strange or pitiable to strangers. But I don't care as long as I like it :)

edit: Totally unrelated: Is it possible to size down this avatar, so it meets GAF criteria? Maybe only display the background hop and mirror it around? No, wait, that won't work. Geez, I don't know how that works :>

I managed to only cut it by half by editing frames, however that's still too large. You can trying taking it to the request an avatar thread to see if someone can maybe compress the colors further :D Unfortunately I'm using a dirt old copy of image ready and I have no clue how to do that lol. I didn't add up the times of all the frames I deleted so I kinda just guessed at the timing of their stare between her jumps. It's a little faster as you can probably tell.


I also just cut it into two gifs one with her bouncing in front and the other bouncing behind. Sorry I couldn't do more with it :(


If you decide on either of the latter two let me know if you need the timing between ends and starts tweaked.
Bufbaf said:
edit: Totally unrelated: Is it possible to size down this avatar, so it meets GAF criteria? Maybe only display the background hop and mirror it around? No, wait, that won't work. Geez, I don't know how that works :>


There's my attempt. Most of the time when there are multiple characters on screen, the show is animated using a method where each character is given two or three frames in between each of their movements (known as 'shooting-on-twos'), but different characters are animated at different frames. So, in the way that it's synchronised, it looks like 24 FPS, but each character is really only moving at 12 FPS. It's done to lighten the load on the animators as they don't have to create 24 frames every second for each character, while maintaining motion fluidity.

Which sucks for .gifs as you end up having a shit ton of frames that are doubles. That's why your file size was massive. I optimised the frames like Foxix did but compressed it as well, hopefully the quality loss will be negligible.


(Today, 09:47 PM)
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Is this real life? :')

Foxix Von

Mechanical Snowman said:

There's my attempt. Most of the time when there are multiple characters on screen, the show is animated using a method where each character is given two or three frames in between each of their movements (known as 'shooting-on-twos'), but different characters are animated at different frames. So, in the way that it's synchronised, it looks like 24 FPS, but each character is really only moving at 12 FPS. It's done to lighten the load on the animators as they don't have to create 24 frames every second for each character, while maintaining motion fluidity.

Which sucks for .gifs as you end up having a shit ton of frames that are doubles. That's why your file size was massive. I optimised the frames like Foxix did but compressed it as well, hopefully the quality loss will be negligible.


(Today, 09:47 PM)
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Is this real life? :')

You sir, have succeeded where I have failed. And it's beautiful. I tip my nonexistent hat to you.

EDIT: HOLY CRAP I just figured out how to compress colors. Oh god I'm an idiot.

I'm not jealous, only Fluttershy or Pinkie are good enough to replace my current avatar. I'm more dubious about your intentions. I've been stalking you seeing your posts around the forum enough these last few weeks to know that you're a conniving saboteur and I don't believe that you're a genuine member of PonyGAF.

Foxix said:
You sir, have succeeded where I have failed. And it's beautiful. I tip my nonexistent hat to you.
Oh you.

It's probably just software limitations, (I'm onPhotoshop CS5). All I did was limit the colour palette to 64 and applied dithering (which is probably unnecessary since it's a cartoon). We did almost exactly the same in terms of frame optimisation.

Edit: Yep, that's the only thing you were missing! Now make me a Fluttershy avatar :mad:


Mechanical Snowman said:
I'm not jealous, only Fluttershy or Pinkie are good enough to replace my current avatar. I'm more dubious about your intentions. I've been stalking you seeing your posts around the forum enough these last few weeks to know that you're a conniving saboteur and I don't believe that you're a genuine member of PonyGAF.

Oh you.

I will be genuine whenever I see my first episode of MLP.

I'm no saboteur either, only was saboteuring Creepy gaf, that and I was lonely.

Ah, if there was only a gothic lolita pony. That'd be perfect.

Foxix Von

Mechanical Snowman said:
I'm not jealous, only Fluttershy or Pinkie are good enough to replace my current avatar. I'm more dubious about your intentions. I've been stalking you seeing your posts around the forum enough these last few weeks to know that you're a conniving saboteur and I don't believe that you're a genuine member of PonyGAF.

Oh you.

It's probably just software limitations, (I'm onPhotoshop CS5). All I did was limit the colour palette to 64 and applied dithering (which is probably unnecessary since it's a cartoon). We did almost exactly the same in terms of frame optimisation.

Edit: Yep, that's the only thing you were missing! Now make me a Fluttershy avatar :mad:

Yeah haha! I just realized there was this little optimization box in the corner I had been ignoring. I kept looking everywhere for a way to compress it and it was right in my damn face the entire time.


Foxix Von

Mechanical Snowman said:
Edit: Yep, that's the only thing you were missing! Now make me a Fluttershy avatar :mad:

You're lucky I'm in a good mood today and taking demands.

Edit: So then what's G-Fex? An elaborate troll...?
I was wonder where all of the My Little Pony avatars were coming from. I...may have to watch this show. I consider myself a fan of animation, so I think I'd be remiss if I didn't watch this show.
Foxix said:
You're lucky I'm in a good mood today and taking demands.

Edit: So then what's G-Fex? An elaborate troll...?
Oh my gosh that is amazing! ^.^

I don't know about G-Fex, I suppose he deserves the benefit of the doubt...

G-Fex said:
I don't see how I'm trolling, Snowman's setting me up.
You can't blame me for my trust issues after the way you were acting in the other thread. Maybe I was too quick to jump to conclusions.

I guess I just don't want to be hurt again.


Mechanical Snowman said:
Oh my gosh that is amazing! ^.^

I don't know about G-Fex, I suppose he deserves the benefit of the doubt...

You can't blame me for my trust issues after the way you were acting in the other thread. Maybe I was too quick to jump to conclusions.

I guess I just don't want to be hurt again.

Oh darling you know you mean a lot to me, I'd never hurt you.

I suppose my snarkyness makes it uneasy for others to approach me. Love ya Snowman, good avatar darling. Mwah
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