Mechanical Snowman said:Difference is, the wrath of gamers can be far more fierce than that of film nerds and whoever else makes up the OT.
Bring 'em.
Articalys said:There is one thing I wonder in the aftermath of all this.
If the same standards of writing, animation, characterization, voice acting, music, etc. had all been applied to a different brand-new cartoon, aimed at the same audience, but without the whole pony thing, would it have been anywhere near as internet-successful?
Im pretty sure not, or at least not as BIG as this is. Why? I can say that most of us always though of this show (the original and subsequently until G3) as nothing but a joke, a show just made to sell toys and nothing else. That's the bigger surprise ever, when i actually watched one episode i was "WTF? My Little Pony CAN NOT BE GOOD!! Why FiM is GOOD?? MLP is not allowed to BE GOOD!!!!!!! And here we are, one season down and waiting impaciently for the next.
DrForester said:Before she was ever involved in the show, she was a fangirl. And she's very smart and likes Rainbow Dash best.
I knew it. Rainbow Dash = Marie Sue