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My parents are very mad at me

My dad has a trailer which he was towing this evening. It broke down on the side of the road and he did not have the proper tools or parts to fix it there.

I get asked by my mom what I am doing and tell her that I am going to the gym. She says he may need help and I tell her that is cool, call me if you need me when I'm there.

A few moments later my dad calls me then as I am getting ready to go and tells me he needs me to get certain things from the garage and asks me to head over so we can change the tire on the trailer and then move it across the highway (something like this). It was a lot of information and I was confused by it. I was hesitant about his plan and was feeling irritated. I told him that his plan was inconvenient for me but I would help him and for him to hold on while I get dressed and head over. I admit I was irritated that his situation was interfering with my own but not because I didn't want to help him but because his plan seemed bizarre and like it wouldn't be the best or smartest way to handle the situation.

Anyways he proceeds to tell me never mind and that to put my mom on the phone and that he will handle it. He said he would call a pick up truck or something but that I should still stay on stand by. At that moment I felt bad and confused cause I realized I could have expressed my thoughts differently when expressing what I was thinking. He ended up waiting an hour and paying for a tow which I was a bit relieved to hear because it sounded like the logical decision

I get a txt later from my mom telling me she is furious that I told him he was inconveniencing me when he needed help and that I damaged our relationship and not to talk to her for the rest of the night. I felt bad and I am not trying to put a spin on this to justify my actions. I feel like she is overreacting but then again I could lack the faculty to really feel any of this properly. I have not been in the best or most positive mental state for a while now. I think my communication needs work and my reactions to how I am feeling.

Anyways... I feel bad. I feel like her txt message was uncalled for and shaming me was not right, but I am also in the wrong here. I never said I wouldn't help nor did I want to imply that; his plan just seemed like a bad idea and that my own apathy curdled with my distrust of him handling these types of situations showed I can be pretty heartless. I don't want to try and run from this or spin my way out of it but I just feel confused by my actions and also hate the world for putting people in a position to rely on me since I feel no good.

Well I went downstairs and gave a tearful apology to my dad and he was very loving and understanding and said he forgives me. We hugged and he went to bed.

For some reason I always feel so humiliated, ashamed and embarrassed when I cry like this...
I feel you, OP. Unless your parents love holding grudges, it'll probably blow over with time. While you weren't selfless, at the same time, getting a tow truck was probably the best bet for the situation and saves everyone involved some time.

But yeah, do apologize to them. It still wasn't the best way to go about it.


I see your parents' point. Parents also get over that sort of thing. They will just think that you are immature and ungrateful for a few days. If you live at home, do some jobs around the house without being asked to make up for it.


So your pops needed your help and you said it's an inconvenience? You said you barely understood the plan as it was a lot of information but somehow thought the plan wasn't the smartest way to handle the situation?

Sorry man with this amount of information I think you dun goof'ed and should apologize.


You left them stranded so you could go get a pump in? Wow brah. Even I wouldn't bail on my parents. Its a fuckin gym session bro -- can be done anytime


Sounds like they can't communicate very well either. A text message instead of speaking to you about it? Telling you not to talk to her for the rest of the night? What the hell is that? Everyone involved sounds like they need to grow up and communicate much better.

I'd apologize later, say I was having a bad day and move on from there. If they don't want to accept it then they're just looking for drama and they can deal with not talking to you until they relax.


You should make some sincere apologies to your parents, because they will never forget that you metaphorically spat at them during their hour of need.

What's surprising is that you even initially told your mother that you were dependable, before you misplaced your priorities. The damage is done, but you really should try to make amends to help restore your relationship in the long run.
You should've just helped your dad. He didn't need to hear you complaining that he was inconveniencing you. He was probably stressed enough at that point. like.. why even bring it up?

Apologize to them.


Sheesh, even when I was 18 and my dad and I were at odds most of the time, I would have gone and helped out if he was stranded.


What? She "shamed" you? Dude if I pulled that shit I would travel back in time and kick my own ass for doing that shit. How do you just leave your dad on the side of the road needing help and stuck there because it interferes with your gym time? I would expect no less than never being talked to again if I was that selfish in my own life with anything.
Be a man and go apologize pronto.

You don't leave your family hanging when they need you most.

A few weeks ago my car died in a storm, and my window was rolled down to give a gas station attendant my credit card (we can't pump our own gas here).

I stuck an umbrella in the window and texted an image of it to my co-workers as I thought it was funny. one of said co-workers left dinner with his wife to come help me.

OP, in this life your character is measured in the moments when it is the least convenient for you. Remember that.


Why did it seem like the plan was bad or ineffective? He wanted to change a tire. I assume that tires only get changed when they're flat or damaged... which would ostensibly fix the problem.

Is there something missing?
OP ask for a family meeting. Over dinner. Cook for them.

Once you sit down to eat, apologize to them, and tell them you regret your actions. But also use it as an opportunity it to bring up your conflicted mental state.

Use the dinner as an opportunity to apologize and, while not offering an excuse, at least offer a semi-plausible explanation for your poor judgement.

Perhaps have the dinner on a Sunday and ask if they'd like it to be a weekly tradition.

And next time your parents explicitly state they need your help, help them, but if you feel a different solution would be better, offer it up. But for you, obviously still living at home, that's the least your widdle ass can do.


Sounds like they can't communicate very well either. A text message instead of speaking to you about it? Telling you not to talk to her for the rest of the night? What the hell is that? Everyone involved sounds like they need to grow up and communicate much better.

I'd apologize later, say I was having a bad day and move on from there. If they don't want to accept it then they're just looking for drama and they can deal with not talking to you until they relax.

Depending how upset someone is, a conversation can also make things far worse.

Don't tell your parents they're inconveniencing you.


When a loved one asks for help when they're in a jam telling them they are inconviencing you for something as trivial as the gym is a pretty self centred thing to do.

You then second guessing your dad probably made him think you really didn't want to help and he probably got sick of fighting his shitty situation AND you simultaneously. Sounds like he was already stressed.

Apologise and move forward.


"can you help your dad?"


"please help me in this way"

"i don't wanna"

That's how I read it too. Should have never offer to be able to help if you didn't plan on going through with it. If I were in that position, even if the idea sounded bad, get him what he needed and then get the plans repeated in person. If it still sounded unsafe, then get a tow.
So your pops needed your help and you said it's an inconvenience? You said you barely understood the plan as it was a lot of information but somehow thought the plan wasn't the smartest way to handle the situation?

Sorry man with this amount of information I think you dun goof'ed and should apologize.

He wanted me to get a few different tools of his, like a jack or something... but he didn't have a good spare tire there with him. He wanted to move the trailer or something to the other side and come back for it later. It was a confusing plan and at that moment I felt irritated because him and I have a history of not working well together so I was thinking to myself this is yet again him needing help to do something silly which may not even work. I was anticipating needing to help but for some reason I envisioned it as having to pick him up and bring him back or something, urgently and happily.


I get a txt later from my mom telling me she is furious that I told him he was inconveniencing me when he needed help and that I damaged our relationship and not to talk to her for the rest of the night.
Your mom is crazy and having a temper tantrum. Welcome to women for the rest of your life. You said you were inconvenienced. You were (and still offered to help). You were confused by the plan. You said so (but still said you'd help). I don't really see anything you did wrong here. People (even parents) are assholes. Again, welcome to life.


He wanted me to get a few different tools of his, like a jack or something... but he didn't have a good spare tire there with him. He wanted to move the trailer or something to the other side and come back for it later. It was a confusing plan and at that moment I felt irritated because him and I have a history of not working well together so I was thinking to myself this is yet again him needing help to do something silly which may not even work. I was anticipating needing to help but for some reason I envisioned it as having to pick him up and bring him back or something, urgently and happily.

Changing a tire isn’t that difficult even though it may have sounded like it. He just needed you for a bit of support because it can be a little tougher to do alone.

You may not have known this if you’ve never had to do it and that’s okay but you should apologize and try to be a bit more selfless next time. Sometimes you have to be inconvenienced to help others. Especially family.
Your mom is crazy and having a temper tantrum. Welcome to women for the rest of your life. You said you were inconvenienced. You were (and still offered to help). You were confused by the plan. You said so (but still said you'd help). I don't really see anything you did wrong here. People (even parents) are assholes. Again, welcome to life.

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