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My perception of people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks has changed


This is a perfect summation of what a panic attack can feel like, you honestly feel like you might be dying and the fear of it happening again can actually raise anxiety to the point that you begin to avoid situations which were previous normal and that can cause it to get exponentially worse.

standard anxiety is relatively normal in certain situations but panic attacks are no joke to experience. Cognitive therapy is one option that can be explored as well as ssri's. It's unique to the individual and the best idea is to seek help ASAP before they worsen.

I've been very lucky and only experienced one real panic attack in my life, about twelve years ago, when I was woken up from a very deep sleep by the absolute worst leg cramps I have ever suffered. This sparked off the panic attack that had me sat on the toilet at 4am, my skin feeling freezing cold and boiling hot at the same time, my heart pounding its way out of my mouth, dripping with an instant sweat, and with an impending sense of doom that scared the living shit out of me.

I can't imagine what it's like to feel that on anything like a regular basis. My hugest of sympathies to anyone who does.

I tend to suffer with stress related ailments, rather than anxiety based ones, and sometimes it's healthy for me to read what others are going through to remind that I don't have it all that bad, so thank you to those of you detailing your battles with anxiety and panic attacks. It's much appreciated.

And OP: do please ignore anyone telling you that medicinal help is wrong. For many people with anxiety related and depressive conditions, medicinal help is required, because the problem is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that require correcting. No amount of push ups is going to help with stuff like that. The important thing is to be properly assessed for your personal condition by a professional. Everyone is different.
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Authorized Fister
I have panic attacks nearly every two days. I get tetany attacks resulting from anxiety every month or so. Tetany attacks are scary as fuck. You can die from them if your calcium levels go back to normal quickly.


Honestly you need to seek the advice of your doctor first to see how the perceive the level you're at, the best course of action to begin as adjustments may need to be made as each person is different and respond differently to medication, counselling etc.

There isn't one way that works for everybody but simply doing that first step should put you on the road to finding a solution best for you and even speaking to them about it will be a massive weight off your shoulders and will give you the confidence to deal with it further.

I Wish you the best, its a scary thought to think about seeking help but trust me that it's the best thing to do for your own sake as early as you can.
My doctor gave me lorazepam for me to take before I go to sleep. I haven't tooken it yet because I don't want to get addicted. Have you ever heard of this medicine causing this?


My doctor gave me lorazepam for me to take before I go to sleep. I haven't tooken it yet because I don't want to get addicted. Have you ever heard of this medicine causing this?
I do know sleeping tablets can be addictive alright, I've only taken them occasionally over the years so couldn't say. I. Do know there are weaker and herbal ones that are less so. If you only temporarily take them you're fine anyway, sleeping tablets aren't hereoin so a short while on them just so your body can rest from the stress is probably a good idea so you can psychically and mentally recharge to be honest, you won't get addicted if it's short term. I used beer instead which I do not in any way recommend, just worked for me. Best you look up the drug, could be a weak one anyway that will work fine if you're not used to them.

Again I'm no doc, so don't take my advice as one but I'd say there's no harm in trying it for a few days if you got it on perscription. You won't. Get addicted trying a short trial period.


Imagine not leaving your house for months or when you try it's a constant battle to just be you among your surroundings. Imagine feeling like that for all your life. Shit is real and it cost me so much. So yeah I respect your openness and change in perspective.

Also, fuck ERA. I out do every single one of them when it comes to psychological issues that impede my life but I don't see it as a badge of honour. It fucking sucks and it doesn't hold me back trying to be optimistic and working my ass of moment to moment. /end rant (2nd).
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My doctor gave me lorazepam for me to take before I go to sleep. I haven't tooken it yet because I don't want to get addicted. Have you ever heard of this medicine causing this?

Lorazepam is a benzo, and yes, they can be addictive as a motherfucker. It bugs the shit outta me that doctors prescribe these things like candy. Everyone talks about the opiate problem, but benzos are probably just as abused if not more so.


It's impossible to understand until you have experienced it yourself. How it's not just feeling a bit down or anxious, but a very real physical reaction that feels like you're literally dying from a heart attack and suffocation all at once. It's impossible to "get over it", because it usually happens for no discernable reason, so there's nothing to get over. You just have to suffer through it and tell yourself you're not actually going to die this time either, even though in the moment it feels like it will never pass and you really are dying.

I suffered pretty badly from this a few years ago, which I think was triggered by a very stressful year or two at work. At its worst I had panic attacks almost every day, and in-between I was constantly anxious because I was waiting for the next one. I started avoiding places where I wouldn't be able to escape, and had some of my worst episodes on buses and planes when I had to get on them. Was diagnosed with panic syndrome, was put on SSRIs, and it helped. I got fewer and fewer attacks, and they got less and less severe when they did happen. The meds took the worst edge off. What also helped me a ton was just talking about it with family and friends. Never had therapy though. I had an "assessment" meeting with a psychologist, but she didn't think I needed it. Today I'm off the meds, and I very rarely have panic attacks anymore. Still some generalized anxiety, but I can now handle it on my own.

Alcohol is bad. It helps in the moment, yes, but the anxiety will be even worse the next day instead, and hungover panic attacks are probably the worst I've ever felt.
I had to quit my last job because I was having them at work. Had to pretend I got an emergency phone call once to leave a company wide staff meeting and twice I just flat-out sat stonefaced during department meetings while having full blown panic attacks.

It was a result of being micromanaged to a ridiculous degree for me. I couldn’t even send internal emails without running them by my manager first to read over and approve. So I became hyper conscious of every move and decision I made.

What really sucked is when the panic and anxiety started bleeding over into non-work life too. I would get anxious and feel like I need to run out of restaurants sometimes. And yes, planes became a nightmare. Crowded movies too. I would get a fight or flight response when I knew I was “contained” and couldn’t easily get up and walk away.


Lorazepam is a benzo, and yes, they can be addictive as a motherfucker. It bugs the shit outta me that doctors prescribe these things like candy. Everyone talks about the opiate problem, but benzos are probably just as abused if not more so.

Man, when I'm finally able to buy that high horse and ride her, I would probably say the same..

If the concept of taking a shower triggers a psycho somatic response in which you tense up and fuck up your teeth by way of clenching and grinding and aren't able to sleep on your back because your hip muscles are cramped beyond you'll ever know stemming from the very same stress originator you'll welcome benzodiazepines regardless of their negative properties. Fuck yeah they're bad. I know. But having a couple hours of ease.. Well, you know when you know.

And why do you think abuse takes place? Lol.

So easy to be (rightly) righteous when it's a (toxic) source for many to find a smidge of ease, and most importantly room, be feel and act like theirselves before their (psychological and physical) pain casted a unrelenting shadow over their daily state of being that caused unspeakable loss and remorse in their lives..

Dog Wtf GIF

Here's Tom with the weather

Weather Report Snow GIF
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Authorized Fister
My doctor gave me lorazepam for me to take before I go to sleep. I haven't tooken it yet because I don't want to get addicted. Have you ever heard of this medicine causing this?
I do Lorazepam myself and found the effects to be mild at best. Plus withdrawal is a bitch. Have you tried a GABA supplement? It's OTC, cheap and I found it more efficient than Lorazepam. GHB and alcohol are still the best reliefs though, but $$$ andI nearly OD-ed on GHB.


Gold Member
My doctor gave me lorazepam for me to take before I go to sleep. I haven't tooken it yet because I don't want to get addicted. Have you ever heard of this medicine causing this?

Those can completely fuck you up if you get hooked on them, which can easily happen. Getting off them will make you feel even worse than you did before you started using them if you get addicted. Here in Sweden doctors are incredibly reluctant to prescribe benzos for this reason. I got it prescribed once, when my symptoms were at their worst and I was just starting SSRI treatment. I think I got like 10 pills. I did use them, but only when I really felt like I couldn't handle it otherwise (they are really effective), and then I never asked for more. Don't need them now.
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Those can completely fuck you up if you get hooked on them, which can easily happen. Getting off them will make you feel even worse than you did before you started using them if you get addicted. Here in Sweden doctors are incredibly reluctant to prescribe benzos for this reason. I got it prescribed once, when my symptoms were at their worst and I was just starting SSRI treatment. I think I got like 10 pills. I did use them, but only when I really felt like I couldn't handle it otherwise (they are really effective), and then I never asked for more. Don't need them now.
I was prescribed only 3, and is there any other medication you can recommend?


I do Lorazepam myself and found the effects to be mild at best. Plus withdrawal is a bitch. Have you tried a GABA supplement? It's OTC, cheap and I found it more efficient than Lorazepam. GHB and alcohol are still the best reliefs though, but $$$ andI nearly OD-ed on GHB.
So you think I should talk to a doctor to see if there is another form of medication I could take?


Gold Member
I was prescribed only 3, and is there any other medication you can recommend?

SSRIs (antidepressants) are what is generally used. Those take quite a long time to take effect though, there's no immediate effect, and you might feel worse until then (I didn't though), which is why you often get benzos to go along with them. But then they do rather effectively take the edge off, which helps you handle it until you start feeling better. It's no cure, but good help on the way.
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Man, when I'm finally able to buy that high horse and ride her, I would probably say the same..

If the concept of taking a shower triggers a psycho somatic response in which you tense up and fuck up your teeth by way of clenching and grinding and aren't able to sleep on your back because your hip muscles are cramped beyond you'll ever know stemming from the very same stress originator you'll welcome benzodiazepines regardless of their negative properties. Fuck yeah they're bad. I know. But having a couple hours of ease.. Well, you know when you know.

And why do you think abuse takes place? Lol.

So easy to be (rightly) righteous when it's a (toxic) source for many to find a smidge of ease, and most importantly room, be feel and act like theirselves before their (psychological and physical) pain casted a unrelenting shadow over their daily state of being that caused unspeakable loss and remorse in their lives..

Dog Wtf GIF

Here's Tom with the weather

Weather Report Snow GIF

Apologies if my post came off as holier than thou, such was not my intent. I have seen two people close to me flush their lives on benzos, one of them did not survive. The other lives in a zombified state because she eats them daily but "isn't addicted because a doctor prescribed them for me."
As an alcoholic with nine years sober, I remember begging my gp for some type of relief from the crippling anxiety/panic attacks of early sobriety. I am eternally grateful that he refused me. Last thing I wanted to do was exchange the booze bottle for a pill bottle.


Apologies if my post came off as holier than thou, such was not my intent. I have seen two people close to me flush their lives on benzos, one of them did not survive. The other lives in a zombified state because she eats them daily but "isn't addicted because a doctor prescribed them for me."
As an alcoholic with nine years sober, I remember begging my gp for some type of relief from the crippling anxiety/panic attacks of early sobriety. I am eternally grateful that he refused me. Last thing I wanted to do was exchange the booze bottle for a pill bottle.

My apologies in return for ignoring my intuition. I had a feeling you had a good reason to say what you said. Sorry again, sincerely, not in the least for your loss; I've been very close to the same fate as well. I know full well the dangers of benzos having being on them for 10 or so years, Lorezepam, including abusing them, and I'm not saying it's an answer, at all. I just wanted to say that sometimes it a choice between two evil's, you know? It's a complex matter though. Thanks for being kind in your reply and sorry for coming across harshly.

Guess I took you for that token person that's like "you don't need meds bro just pull through" when they're absolutely oblivious to hell you're going through just waking up..

Anyways, .. (so much drama)

Carry on
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Also, fuck ERA. I out do every single one of them when it comes to psychological issues that impede my life but I don't see it as a badge of honour. It fucking sucks and it doesn't hold me back trying to be optimistic and working my ass of moment to moment. /end rant (2nd).
Fuck Era? Who claimed suffering from anxiety as a badge of honour?

You're the one who said " I out do every single one of them when it comes to psychological issues"

This thread is hardly a competition, you're the one bragging while most people are trying to be helpful.
I used to scoff at those who suffered from it, I would think just get over it, it's not that bad. But after going through what I can only describe as the worst weekend in my life has changed my view. My dad also used to have it and now I suffer from them to. I'd rather not have to take medication for it so my gaf family, how do you deal with anxiety?
Excercise and diet usually takes care of 95% of it for me. I have some Xanax for emergencies though, but luckily I only take those few and far between.


Hold onto your panties
I used to scoff at those who suffered from it, I would think just get over it, it's not that bad. But after going through what I can only describe as the worst weekend in my life has changed my view. My dad also used to have it and now I suffer from them to. I'd rather not have to take medication for it so my gaf family, how do you deal with anxiety?
My fear since I was a young boy has always been clear open skies. Not sure why but going to the top of a tall building and/or recreational piloting air craft helps me a lot. It's not necessarily exposure therapy because the fear is still there if I'm driving or in an open area on a cloudless day. But, it did help me curb the thoughts that I'd live life limited to where I could go and how far. Biggest feat was taking a two-stop 8-hour flight from my native Illinois to my current home in South Central Mexico on a super clear day. At cruise altitude, something about being in a plane that high up makes me feel like my fear never existed.

At any rate, panick attacks suck and I recommend natural therapy and not medications. Certain medications can help short-term but when they wear off they often become dependable and leave the patient looking for a similar medication to replace it with.

Diddy X

You have to learn to live again, the basics of human behaviour, no stimulus that alters your rythm, I got anxiety because I mistreated my mind too much, no excuses.


Fuck Era? Who claimed suffering from anxiety as a badge of honour?

You're the one who said " I out do every single one of them when it comes to psychological issues"

This thread is hardly a competition, you're the one bragging while most people are trying to be helpful.

You're right, I see how my post came across as such, that wasn't my intention at all. I think a got a little worked up thinking about those that indeed do act like having severe issues are like a fashion trend when in (my) reality it's devastating to have. And to be sure, I'm not talking about anyone in this thread. Not at all. Again, got carried away =/


Gold Member
My experience with people with panic attacks is limited. Dont know anyone close and personal who gets it.

The closest is probably all the people at work who claim stress leave and disappear for 10 months.

Then you see them on FB (or words gets out from other people who know them), and they're all on vacation and travelling the world having a great time with family. One person disappeared for 6 months and eventually left. Next thing you know her Linkedin shows she got hired at a competing company and the whole family moved to a different country to boot. Got to say she had great looking family pictures on her FB about the new place.


You're right, I see how my post came across as such, that wasn't my intention at all. I think a got a little worked up thinking about those that indeed do act like having severe issues are like a fashion trend when in (my) reality it's devastating to have. And to be sure, I'm not talking about anyone in this thread. Not at all. Again, got carried away =/

Ah it's all good, just completely confused me. Even went through the thread again wondering if someone had started trolling it.

No harm done. Just had me scratching my head :)


Struggled to leave the house for most of my 20's, the earlier part of my 20's I never left the house at all.

I function now; working, studying. But it basically put me 10yrs behind where I want to be. Shit sucks for dating as it's made life very hard and I'm in my late 30s and it's taken me this long to really get a grip of working consistently functioning so when dating and you don't have shit sorted by my age, its like an instant 'nope' for a lot of people despite the fact it's actually been a real struggle just to get where I am right now.


Go out to the parks in your area, sit, walk, jog. Etc. Eat green apples with the skin, drink lots of water. Talk to people, say hello etc, simple greetings/positive attitude, clear your mind.

Don't accept MED prescriptions by your docs. Don't get on them, don't rely on any of that sh*t. You don't want to have drug crutches ever. F that.

You can beat this stuff, be patient and do what I'm recommending.


I used to suffer from extreme anxiety and I honestly had no clue that it was not normal, I only realized it recently when I was recording some songs I wrote in my youth and was reading the lyrics that I realized how messed up I was back then.. I don't know what I did exactly to get over it.. but I did.
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