This is a perfect summation of what a panic attack can feel like, you honestly feel like you might be dying and the fear of it happening again can actually raise anxiety to the point that you begin to avoid situations which were previous normal and that can cause it to get exponentially worse.
standard anxiety is relatively normal in certain situations but panic attacks are no joke to experience. Cognitive therapy is one option that can be explored as well as ssri's. It's unique to the individual and the best idea is to seek help ASAP before they worsen.
I've been very lucky and only experienced one real panic attack in my life, about twelve years ago, when I was woken up from a very deep sleep by the absolute worst leg cramps I have ever suffered. This sparked off the panic attack that had me sat on the toilet at 4am, my skin feeling freezing cold and boiling hot at the same time, my heart pounding its way out of my mouth, dripping with an instant sweat, and with an impending sense of doom that scared the living shit out of me.
I can't imagine what it's like to feel that on anything like a regular basis. My hugest of sympathies to anyone who does.
I tend to suffer with stress related ailments, rather than anxiety based ones, and sometimes it's healthy for me to read what others are going through to remind that I don't have it all that bad, so thank you to those of you detailing your battles with anxiety and panic attacks. It's much appreciated.
And OP: do please ignore anyone telling you that medicinal help is wrong. For many people with anxiety related and depressive conditions, medicinal help is required, because the problem is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that require correcting. No amount of push ups is going to help with stuff like that. The important thing is to be properly assessed for your personal condition by a professional. Everyone is different.
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