300chf ain't shit to me
Okay, I guess I should start by explaining a bit about my sister.
Turn back the clock to a year ago. She's a good, cute kid. Does alright in school, has a lot of nice friends, she's pretty easygoing, polite... basically your average 14-year old. I was pretty good friends with her all through our lives (I'm 2 years older than her). I'd always try to be the good big sister to her.
Anyway, last year, toward the end of the summer (she had just turned 15) she started to hang around with a real shady group of kids. Even though I'm done and graduated with school, I'd still hear stuff about them from people at work, especially from one of her ex-friends who works with me. It's the textbook dysfunctional kids: one parent is dead/in jail, the other parent doesn't work, lives off the system, ignores their kids completely. So the kids take out their "teenage angst" by comitting crimes, doing drugs, and having sex at 14 and 15 years old.
Now my sister comes from a household where everything is exactly the opposite, so why she chooses to hang out with these type of people is completely baffling to me.
Anyway, time goes on, we notice obvious changes in her behaviour (she's much more violent, cusses all the time, she's never home, always smells funny when she does come home, etc.) Finally, she gets expelled from school for fucking drinking alcohol AT SCHOOL. So now she has to go to this alternative learning center, which is basically like babysitting. And she never even goes to it.
Oh, and of course, she picks up the obligatory "tough guy" boyfriend. This guy is a 16 year old, 5 foot tall, 100 pound little cocaine addict, and is of course threatening to kick everybody's ass. The cops know him by name because he commits those cowardly little crimes, like throwing bricks through people's windows and then running away. The guy is just a little weasel, he's been dating my sister for, what, 4 months? I have never seen him face-to-face and neither have my parents. He will drive away at top speed in his tin can car if he sees any one of us but my sister walk outside. He's threatened me a few times too, because I am a complete ass to him on the phone when he calls here.
Anyway, to cut this part short and get to the point: my sister is now seriously fucked up. She has become a totally different person than she was. All of her hobbies and interests are gone... hell, we used to play PS2 together for hours, and now she won't even touch the machine. She smokes. She has sex. She drinks til she comes home and pukes all over the bathroom. She does methamphetamines, which really fuck her up and make her violent. She doesn't go to school. She runs away from home, sometimes for 3+ days at a time. She gets in trouble with the cops often.
My parents have tried to control her, but they've pretty much given up now. She is fucked up beyond belief and is a violent little bitch. I try to avoid her, because she tends to flip out for no reason as a result of whatever drugs she's on at the time, and tries to throw dangerous shit at me. Oh, I have to lock up all of my posessions, too, because she gets some sick joy out of destroying my belongings, like lighting my hairbrush on fire and cutting my clothes to pieces.
So here's where it gets good:
Last night, I was trying to clean up the kitchen, because it was a total pig sty and I wanted to make some dinner. There's stuff all over the counter, so I was putting it away. She gets back from wherever the hell she had been, just as I am putting some stuff in the fridge. I don't even acknowledge her, as usual. I pick up a can of pop and proceed to put it in the fridge.
"Put my fucking pop down." She says in this crazed voice.
"I'm just putting it away --"
"No, you're gonna drink it. Put it down."
"Okay, I'll just put it in the fridge --"
At this point she screams "no, bitch" at me, slams open the dishwasher, grabs the biggest, sharpest knife we own, and points it right in my face.
She screams something at me so fast I swear to god it sounded like she was channeling Satan and speaking in demon tongue. I'm frozen with this pop still in my hand, because my sister is still waving a knife in my face. I realize she's probably on something right now.
All I can manage to do is to calmly say "Put the knife down." And she keeps repeating "Put the pop down, put it down." I explain that I have no place to put it, because I can't move due to there being a knife in my face. I guess that made her snap out of it for a second, because she all of a sudden throws the knife in the sink.
So I'm a little less scared now that the psycho doesn't have a knife. I cautiously walk over and put the stupid can of pop on the counter exactly where it was.
"There, is that good?" I ask. Wrong choice of words! She must have thought I was mocking her, because the next moment I am having forks and butterknives thrown at my head at top speed, hot and fresh out of the dishwasher.
I mean, I'm pretty scared here. My sister is screaming things I can't understand and is going absolutely batshit insane trying to cause me harm. So I dodged or blocked what I could, pushed her backwards, and headed for my room (which is in a wing of the house just off from the kitchen). I managed to get in there and close the door just before I heard the sound of something huge and metal hit the outside of the door (turns out it was a large serving fork).
More screaming, a few more slams and loud noises, and then I hear her walk down my hall. "You're dead, bitch, you hear me? I'm going to kill you in your sleep."
Great, now every time I lie down to sleep I get to picture my sister, flying on 8 different kinds of drugs, and holding a knife at me.
So anyway, earlier tonight, I finally get the chance to tell my parents this (they're never around). And surprise surprise, I get half the fucking blame. "You shouldn't have provoked her." Uh, hello? I was CLEANING THE KITCHEN, and then I get a KNIFE pulled on me and threatened to be MURDERED all over a god damn POP. I've explained this to them a few times, but they don't seem to understand how psychotic she was acting. They seem to think she's "joking" because they're never around to see her act like this.
So I don't know what the hell to do. I know what she did to me was not right, and I honestly fear for my safety while I'm in this house. I mean, you just do not know what this kid is gonna do next or how far she will go. Everyone is telling me to call the cops on her, but I can't see how that would do anything to help me.
Turn back the clock to a year ago. She's a good, cute kid. Does alright in school, has a lot of nice friends, she's pretty easygoing, polite... basically your average 14-year old. I was pretty good friends with her all through our lives (I'm 2 years older than her). I'd always try to be the good big sister to her.
Anyway, last year, toward the end of the summer (she had just turned 15) she started to hang around with a real shady group of kids. Even though I'm done and graduated with school, I'd still hear stuff about them from people at work, especially from one of her ex-friends who works with me. It's the textbook dysfunctional kids: one parent is dead/in jail, the other parent doesn't work, lives off the system, ignores their kids completely. So the kids take out their "teenage angst" by comitting crimes, doing drugs, and having sex at 14 and 15 years old.
Now my sister comes from a household where everything is exactly the opposite, so why she chooses to hang out with these type of people is completely baffling to me.
Anyway, time goes on, we notice obvious changes in her behaviour (she's much more violent, cusses all the time, she's never home, always smells funny when she does come home, etc.) Finally, she gets expelled from school for fucking drinking alcohol AT SCHOOL. So now she has to go to this alternative learning center, which is basically like babysitting. And she never even goes to it.
Oh, and of course, she picks up the obligatory "tough guy" boyfriend. This guy is a 16 year old, 5 foot tall, 100 pound little cocaine addict, and is of course threatening to kick everybody's ass. The cops know him by name because he commits those cowardly little crimes, like throwing bricks through people's windows and then running away. The guy is just a little weasel, he's been dating my sister for, what, 4 months? I have never seen him face-to-face and neither have my parents. He will drive away at top speed in his tin can car if he sees any one of us but my sister walk outside. He's threatened me a few times too, because I am a complete ass to him on the phone when he calls here.
Anyway, to cut this part short and get to the point: my sister is now seriously fucked up. She has become a totally different person than she was. All of her hobbies and interests are gone... hell, we used to play PS2 together for hours, and now she won't even touch the machine. She smokes. She has sex. She drinks til she comes home and pukes all over the bathroom. She does methamphetamines, which really fuck her up and make her violent. She doesn't go to school. She runs away from home, sometimes for 3+ days at a time. She gets in trouble with the cops often.
My parents have tried to control her, but they've pretty much given up now. She is fucked up beyond belief and is a violent little bitch. I try to avoid her, because she tends to flip out for no reason as a result of whatever drugs she's on at the time, and tries to throw dangerous shit at me. Oh, I have to lock up all of my posessions, too, because she gets some sick joy out of destroying my belongings, like lighting my hairbrush on fire and cutting my clothes to pieces.
So here's where it gets good:
Last night, I was trying to clean up the kitchen, because it was a total pig sty and I wanted to make some dinner. There's stuff all over the counter, so I was putting it away. She gets back from wherever the hell she had been, just as I am putting some stuff in the fridge. I don't even acknowledge her, as usual. I pick up a can of pop and proceed to put it in the fridge.
"Put my fucking pop down." She says in this crazed voice.
"I'm just putting it away --"
"No, you're gonna drink it. Put it down."
"Okay, I'll just put it in the fridge --"
At this point she screams "no, bitch" at me, slams open the dishwasher, grabs the biggest, sharpest knife we own, and points it right in my face.
She screams something at me so fast I swear to god it sounded like she was channeling Satan and speaking in demon tongue. I'm frozen with this pop still in my hand, because my sister is still waving a knife in my face. I realize she's probably on something right now.
All I can manage to do is to calmly say "Put the knife down." And she keeps repeating "Put the pop down, put it down." I explain that I have no place to put it, because I can't move due to there being a knife in my face. I guess that made her snap out of it for a second, because she all of a sudden throws the knife in the sink.
So I'm a little less scared now that the psycho doesn't have a knife. I cautiously walk over and put the stupid can of pop on the counter exactly where it was.
"There, is that good?" I ask. Wrong choice of words! She must have thought I was mocking her, because the next moment I am having forks and butterknives thrown at my head at top speed, hot and fresh out of the dishwasher.
I mean, I'm pretty scared here. My sister is screaming things I can't understand and is going absolutely batshit insane trying to cause me harm. So I dodged or blocked what I could, pushed her backwards, and headed for my room (which is in a wing of the house just off from the kitchen). I managed to get in there and close the door just before I heard the sound of something huge and metal hit the outside of the door (turns out it was a large serving fork).
More screaming, a few more slams and loud noises, and then I hear her walk down my hall. "You're dead, bitch, you hear me? I'm going to kill you in your sleep."
Great, now every time I lie down to sleep I get to picture my sister, flying on 8 different kinds of drugs, and holding a knife at me.
So anyway, earlier tonight, I finally get the chance to tell my parents this (they're never around). And surprise surprise, I get half the fucking blame. "You shouldn't have provoked her." Uh, hello? I was CLEANING THE KITCHEN, and then I get a KNIFE pulled on me and threatened to be MURDERED all over a god damn POP. I've explained this to them a few times, but they don't seem to understand how psychotic she was acting. They seem to think she's "joking" because they're never around to see her act like this.
So I don't know what the hell to do. I know what she did to me was not right, and I honestly fear for my safety while I'm in this house. I mean, you just do not know what this kid is gonna do next or how far she will go. Everyone is telling me to call the cops on her, but I can't see how that would do anything to help me.