In a family unit it's not always this obvious, and the tech keep changing, as one said, the option was disabled, but Google decided to re-enable it.I mean, yeah, some of those individuals need to be cared for more closely so this shit doesn't happen. Some of the predatory practices are shitty and should be ceased but things like a little girl buying the same apps over and over? Teach her or ban her from using the tablet or phone in that way. Maybe a solution can be an one-time complex procedure to enable purchases so people understand it's a damn big deal if you pass it around to random people in the household because even if you just want to buy this one cheap thing for yourself there are tons of expensive shit to buy on the same store so you should pay attention to avoid it happening without your consent? But you'd think people inputting their credit card details would pay enough attention to that shit anyway. If you wouldn't trust your credit card to that person why are you giving them a phone that can act as one?
There are no surefire way to prevent this, I use PayPal and it keeps bugging me to enable one click pay or something, same with Amazon, the Play Store, etc. They really don't want any kind of friction to purchases on their systems, the only real solution is to never give them any access to your credit card (or worse bank account).
I think their solution was the best, plug the kids on systems that don't have that kind of predatory behavior like older consoles, but they will still beg for the phones/tablets and many parents don't have the will or don't understand the risk they pose (monetary or otherwise).
Very few people should be parents - truth is what is the point of having those transactions in the games? They should not even be called games at this point, they are either shiny store fronts or slot machines in disguise that should not be available to kids. If you want to ruin your life as an adult more power to you, I just don't want these things around my kids any more than I want them to be on coke.Companies can market all they want, but a kid can't spend money they don't have. If a parent can't handle the responsibility of keeping a card safe they shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility of raising a child.