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my tv is on the fritz, is it almost done?

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its a toshiba tv thats only about 3 years old. lately my tv has been acting up once in a while. maybe once a day when im watching tv it'll just turn off. the tv will still be on (the red light is still on) but the picture cuts off. so i always try to turn the tv on and off (the red light goes on and off) but still no picture. so after a few tries i'll turn it on and give the tv a light smack on the side and the picture comes on.

anyone ever had a similar problem?


just because its acting up doesnt exactly mean its going to die soon. its very possible this tv could last another 15 years with the same problem, just wondering if anyone has had the same problem and what happened.
i haven't had the best of luck with Toshiba's, and most of the shit problems were with the picture tubes/screens that made them worthless, so it could be.


I doubt any TV would have warranty after 3 years. Unless you got suckered by whomever you bought it from and paid extra for it. If it is giving you problems already I would jsut cut your loses and ditch the thing. TV's are so cheap now it's worth a repair.


yeah i just looked and it was a 2 year warranty that already expired.

i guess i'll hang on to it as long as i can. :(
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