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My Xbox is driving me crazy...


I bought NHL 2K5 yesterday and was able to play a bit... until it froze earlier tonight.

Now it won't start at all. I get CD errors or it's loading as hell.

A lot of games are doing this on this Xbox (I have a modded one which runs better, and it's the first model) and it really pisses me off.

Anyone got their Xbox replaced or repaired by MS? I wanna call them and ask for a free repair because I don't feel like paying big bucks for something that was there in the beginning (I should have been wise and return it in the first place).

So, should I? Anyone had their Xbox replaced by MS? Do you need to yell to have it replaced free of charge?



Have you tried a DVD lens cleaner? Both my Xbox and PS2 are kept in a virtually sterile dust free environment yet these problems still pop up for me from time to time. When I get the disc read errors, I just run the lens cleaner twice in a row, and I don't have any problems (for the most part) for a few months.

I don't mess around with Sony or Microsoft's customer service though. When I had my first disc read error with my PS2, I called them and was put on hold for 45 minutes before I gave up. At the time Sony was charging a ridiculous sum of $120 or so to fix a PS2 which raised the ire of many a PS2 owner. Since then, there has been a flood of complaints from customers, as well as pressure from consumer advocate groups, and as a result, I hear Sony has raised the level of their service. Some people even get their systems fixed for free at this point.

What does all that have to do with MS? Well, as bad as Sony's service was, the consensus has been that Microsoft's customer service is even worse.

The best advice I can give you is to try the lens cleaner. If that doesn't work try clearing your Xbox's cache. If that doesn't fix it, and no one else has any other remedies, then you might try calling MS. However if your warranty has expired, I'm afraid that you most likely are going to have to buy a new Xbox.


Tag of Excellence
suikodan said:
Anyone got their Xbox replaced or repaired by MS? I wanna call them and ask for a free repair because I don't feel like paying big bucks for something that was there in the beginning (I should have been wise and return it in the first place).
I've had my Xbox replaced by them for free but it wasn't easy. They will try to exhaust any possible means of fixing it (ie: doing step by step instructions with you over the phone and sending free replacement cables). They take quite a bit too and expect to have everything on your harddrive erased.
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