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Mystic River = Sick and twisted (spoilers)

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Nice movie but I'd have liked it more if it had ended one of these ways:

- Sean hauling Jimmy's ass to the "Penn" ;) (2 murders and he walks? lol)

- Celeste shooting Jimmy at the parade


he did one of them a favor.........sucks for his kid and wife tho.......yeah I guess your right.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
Not enough for killing 2 guys IMO

The sequel will have Sean go after Jimmy :p
I watched it after not sleeping the night before. I fell asleep in it unfortunatley. The only time I've ever done that at the cinema. I've been meaning to see it again for a while now.


Should spoiler tag that first post Konex. Saw this last year in the theatre and loved it... amazing stuff.


Great movie. After watching 21 Grams a few days ago, I can easily say that Sean Penn deserves every inch of that Oscar he got. Great actor (not that this is a surprise).

My only complaint with the movie is that during the second act
it seemed painfully obvious that Dave was the killler, which pretty much gave away that he did not kill Katie. When the evidence points so heavily to one character, you know the twist ending is coming and it's going to be someone totally unexpected.

Question: What was the meaning of Sean "shooting" Jimmy at the end? Was he now going to come after Jimmy? Or was he going to let Jimmy get away with it?

Edit: Also wanted to say that Tim Robbins was great in the movie as well.
Totally looked like a guy that was fucked in the head.


i thought it was good. i wish jimmy would have gotten busted at the end for killing jimmy, exactly why didnt he?


i liked it and liked the ending, because endings that don't resolve things make for more interesting material.
i thought it was kind of funny that how in a sort of beyond the grave way, ray harris sort of got his revenge on jimmy.
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