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N.C. Court Blocks Attempt By State Lawmakers To Limit Incoming Governor's Power

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Just like the right has demonized the media, they will go after the judicial branch next to eventually sow enough distrust to limit their powers.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I don't know how the fuck they ever thought they could be this blatant.

They probably all breathed a huge sigh of relief when Trump won, thought things would blow over.


Is this our judicial branch?


Lol yea pretty much. Seems like the system of checks and balances is still working.


Just like the right has demonized the media, they will go after the judicial branch next to eventually sow enough distrust to limit their powers.

They're not going to go all in on this while abortion and gay marriage are legal. They need a conservative Supreme Court (or constitutional amendments, but assuming they don't get the one more state house they need) to have the power to ban these.
Finally, maybe now Roy can dismantle HB2.

Oh god I can't wait for FFXII HD.

On topic I have no idea whats going on in NC and how they are getting away with so much shit. It's about time someone finally steps into do something. The people their voting just give no fucks, even the threats of losing so much money and putting their economy under didn't help them purge all the shitheads out of power.

Republicans have the supermajority in both houses of their state legislature, so Cooper can't really do anything yet. You have to remember, NC is so gerrymandered that they've been court ordered to redraw their districts and hold new elections (I believe that has to be done this year).


The judiciary is going to be putting in work for the next several years. The last refuge for the downtrodden (and decent governors).
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