and Black boys will be thugs.
This story upsets me, but it doesn't surprise me. One of the "positives" of this current election cycle is that it's been exposing the cancerous racism that has infected this country since it's found days, and has
never actually gone away. This type of shit has been happening for a long time, it's just that now, minorities have been given a voice to come forward with these stories. There will always be people that want to chime in with, "Racism is over, folks! These are just isolated incidents!" But with 40 something percent of the country supporting a blatant racist like Donald Trump, and people being emboldened by him, and speaking out on social media (under their real names, not a cowardly pseudonym), the blind are now being made aware of how rampant racism still is in this country. We may not be swinging from trees for looking at a white woman anymore, but we're still hated and treated like animals.
I hate Donald Trump, but I'm glad he's managed to bring racism to the forefront, and put it out there so brazenly that we have no choice but to have a dialogue about it. It's no longer something that minorities have been asserting for generations, with the privileged majority ignoring them and saying it's not happening. Now you have a Presidential candidate embodying racism, sexism, and classism all in one package. It's awful, but it's also kind of amazing. There's no hiding from the truth of racism in America anymore. Now it's just a matter of getting the privileged to listen and empathize with us.