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Narutimet Hero 2 question for manga readers

I tried asking in the official Naruto thread about a week ago but got no answers, so I figured I'd make a thread...

I bought Narutimet Hero 2 when it came out and still haven't played past chapter two
(the Sannin battle)
because I still haven't caved and read the manga past where the anime currently is. So can anyone who's read the manga and played the game tell me if the game's story goes further into the manga's story than the anime currently is? The only spoiler I know is that the next chapter of the manga (in relation to the current anime) is called
Naruto VS Sasuke
The anime is about to start the latest Manga arc, and something tells me the game wouldn't be so timely to tell the story ahead of the anime, but it's possible, I suppose - just not very likely to get very far into it considering the latest manga arc ended basically a week or two ago.
Well, the game has 4 or 5 chapters and where I just finished was chapter 2, and since the game is styled more like the manga, it either follows the story in the manga after where I'm at, or it makes up it's own story for 3 more chapters, which would be weird. That's why I ask.
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