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Naruto Shippuden UNS: Generations |OT| Why is Shizune support only?


The anime cutscenes have all been pretty poor, imo. I'm skipping them since they don't seem to be anything new. I much rather would've had CC2 ingame cutscenes.

I just read the tip that you can cancel chakra dashes with R2, so now I can extend strings and fake out KnJ stuff. Pretty cool.
The anime cutscenes have all been pretty poor, imo. I'm skipping them since they don't seem to be anything new. I much rather would've had CC2 ingame cutscenes.

I just read the tip that you can cancel chakra dashes with R2, so now I can extend strings and fake out KnJ stuff. Pretty cool.

Poor in what way? The trailers made them really look good, better than the anime at times. Though I wont be able to see them in game until Friday.


Poor in what way? The trailers made them really look good, better than the anime at times. Though I wont be able to see them in game until Friday.

They seem about as well animated as filler episodes. The Naruto vs. Sasuke scene is ripped right from the anime, I think, or very close. It looked really bad. It's the part where Curse Sasuke and 1-tail Naruto jump at one another and do chidori/rasengan.

I don't know if I've seen anything new. I've played through young naruto and Sasuke's storylines, and everything seems to be ripped right from the anime.


So are there any differences between the PS3 and 360? I would think the PS3 has the better cutscenes because of bluray or are they the same? And I thought this game came out end of the month, didn't know it was already out...


Wow. Kirin looked absolutely fucking awful in the anime cutscene. So bad, but in game. Brilliant.

I've finished about 5-6 story modes now and I'm not even bothering with the cutscenes. 1, they're terrible. 2. They don't use different cutscenes for the same part in the story. Like, I had to watch the same cutscene as Itachi that I did with Sasuke, or Naruto, or Teen Naruto.


Is Madara not a playable character? I don't see him on the list... I've always been intrigued by this series since it seems to really capture the look and feel of Naruto, but if this is missing Madara I'll just wait for the next one.


There are
2 Tobis in the game - regular goofy --> awakened, and "Masked Man" Tobi from the 4th Hokage fight.
He's talkin' about the old, long-haired, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan wieldin' Madara from nearly a century ago.

I wish i knew the difference, definitely some interesting trivia
Chidori Eisou's when he extends his Chidori into the shape of a blade, or spear. Chidorigatana is what he calls his Kusanagi no Tsurugi when he covers it with his Chidori.


Hi, I'm not going to get the game, but if there is a video of Naruto beating Sasuke's face in in this game please link it. Thank you.
Probably playing at a snails pace but I guess I like how the story is told, only finished Young Naruto, but its the feelings of nostalgia from seeing all the screen caps of the memorable moments. Oh and Im playing it dub.

Though it took me an hour to finally beat the final fight in his story.
Within 2 days I had all characters unlocked and story mode complete.

It's great in some respects because of that, the filler all went to the other modes they added in rather than traversing the entire ninja world like in UNS2, but unlike the rest of the western world of gamers I actually didn't mind that so much.

As for the crappy cutscenes... yeah it's just remade clips from the anime, nothing amazing there but it's nice reliving some memories even if a number of them were done better in UNS2 using the IN GAME ENGINE. Not saying it's PSP Ultimate Ninja quality, it's not, but the anime scenes and only images with talking sure does remind you of the PSP games...

My biggest gripe (if this post wasn't full of gripes already) is hit detection... as in to the point they REALLY need to patch it, I rage quit and threw my controller swearing for the first time since Brawl (for built in game mechanics you'd have to go all the way back to Mario Kart SC). I was playing survival got to round ten of some already messed up matches (all because of hit detection) and I lose to Chiyo because TWICE my super hit her old ass in the face and bounced off, it left me with no support, out of substitution, and not a lot of chakra to set up those two perfect hits with the ultimate... UNS2 did not have these issues at all.

The only reason I can give for the hit detection being fairly off is due to the very forgiving substitution system now, meaning you can be a bit delayed and still dodge, so that split second it's giving you to dodge is actually messing with attacks hitting. It's sorta hard to explain but it's like the attack hits for a split second and then pushes past the opponent, and I think if it stayed there for just a bit longer it would detect the hit... I really don't know the whole issue that's just my feelings cause playing it that's how it seems and I feel they need to patch it if they want a following like UNS2.

Overall I'm still loving the game like I always have with my overall experience with the series I expect a janky game every so often, so here's hoping they patch this one, and UNS3 perfects everything.
i hear what you're saying, good write up, MaxwellGT2000

i have the most issue with the sound of hits making impact, its flimsy at best.
Wow I like the VA for the Fifth Mizukage.

Its nice seeing Shippuden scenes dubbed that Ive yet to see. Sasuke story was emotional, cries. Susanno is actually pretty cool to use as an awakening.

If Naruto and Sasuke both die at the end of the franchise, wow.


Always seems like no matter what they do, substitution messes up the game.

I'm up to Madara's story now. Sasori is fun to play as.
Rented this game last night, and I couldn't even finish all the character stories. It really is just UNS2 with new characters, and it saddens me.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm already getting tired of the online. I really wish I didn't have to say that since I've been waiting for this game for over a year, but the spammers are already worse than Storm 2. I'm taking a break for a few days and hoping the spamming cools down.

Masked Man and PTS Ten Ten. SMH


I don't know about you guys, but I'm already getting tired of the online. I really wish I didn't have to say that since I've been waiting for this game for over a year, but the spammers are already worse than Storm 2. I'm taking a break for a few days and hoping the spamming cools down.

Masked Man and PTS Ten Ten. SMH

Question - how do you guys deal with people who substitute behind you while you're doing a combo? Battles between my friends and I usually end up being about who can get at a substitution advantage, and then the pummeling starts, and the other person can't do shit. Anything to do when a person substitutes behind you?

Mr. Fix

Always have chakra reserved. The moment they knj behind you, assuming you have no knj bars left, you should chakra dash away from where they're about to land. The other option is to chakra dash towards them and you'll have a chance to retaliate before they attack from behind. You have to do these on reaction though.


Yeah - definitely learn how to use mid-movement/combo cancels, which will give any player a good advantage even without any knj bar left
This game is even more lazy developed than I imagined. Honestly the only decent thing IMO is the small handful of new animated cutscenes. But I'd much prefer in-game engine stuff, I love the anime obviously but half the appeal for me of playing a game like this is seeing cool stuff beautifully presented in-game.

Boring still image 'story mode' and pointless tournament/survival fluff is all that awaits a single player - so unless you're into online fights you're not gonna find much of interest to do outside of just getting achievements for the sake of it. Online is a main draw to some I know, but if its single player stuff you want you're out of luck.

From all the pre-release info we had I figured it would be like this, but I still wanted to play it myself and see. Seems like a perfect example of a "please fill our bank balance with this half arsed release while we continue working on the next 'proper' one" type release...... whatever that one is gonna be who knows.
Ive been taking it slow with this game. Perhaps I have a great appreciation for feelings of nostalgia but I love all the anime scenes even if some kept the visual charm that the actual episodes had when they originally aired.

Ive finished Itachi, Naruto, Young Naruto, and Sasuke's story, and somehow just from those unlocked all support characters. Also got the best Sasuke part 1 outfit (black one from part 1).

Favorite cutscene was definitely the one in Itachi's story with Kisame and then with Itachi and Sasuke. Hope that Sasuke outfit is available, my favorite one in part 2, beyond Akatsuki one.
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