You don't really think Roman will have his first (significant) title reign at a B- PPV no one watches or cares about, right?
They were going nuts, not chanting WHAT and sold the angle. They were perfect.
Strowman vs ADR....think about that.Strowman should be U.S. Champ by now.
They unified the WWE and WHC titles at the same B PPV.
If we had squash matches with jobbers back, you wouldn't need to kick out of finishes often because they wouldn't happen to notable people very often.
Enhancement talent is the key to all this.
Send me a pm and I will.If I post my number will someone call me when the New Day open challenge starts?
I forgot what does Becky call herself? Bass Kicker? Jazz Kicker?
Mass Kicker?Lass Kicker
I forgot what does Becky call herself? Bass Kicker? Jazz Kicker?
4 minutes, rollup finish.
4 minutes, rollup finish.
I forgot what does Becky call herself? Bass Kicker? Jazz Kicker?