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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
((Do water elementals have any sort of immunity to fire? I don't see anything about it in the SRD, but it seems logical that they would.))
((No, it's not immune to fire (it can be evaporated), but since you're trying to cast/manifest a fire spell/power in an underwater environment we're going to use the Aquatic Terrain rules for that.

Make a Concentration check with a DC equal to the 20 + the power's level - if you're going to do what I am thinking, you would use the power level of Energy Conversion. If you meet or beat that DC, the fire manifests and would deal full damage))
((Too bad Viss can't turn into a potassium elemental XD.

Shulmor is pushed back and grappled. Does the stoneskin DR reduce the damage on that grapple?))

As suddenly as it happened, Shulmor is out of the ice and being bombarded by water. He is too stunned as this happens to resist the rush. In between a pale facade of himself- its status as a god devouring god is irrelevant, it's still a pale facade- successfully seizing control of an ally he most likely could not himself, in conjunction with said ally actually succeeding in freezing him, has him wondering if Zerome has devoured luck itself and made it its ally.

The thoughts in conjunction with being flash frozen leave Shulmor disoriented and unable to act at his fullest. Doing what he can to turn the situation around, the gem on his forehead glows, granting him a brief freedom of movement to move through the water. With the grip on him addressed, he fumbles for the Conqueror. In a fortunate feat of preparation, Shulmor has dry load cartridges on him for a situation such as this. Even while too disoriented to fire a devastating shot or a flury, tossing a water-ready round into the revolver is a simple matter, allowing him to fire a single round at the water around him. The bullet is a dud, but Shulmor's dominion extends to his weapons, preventing the failed shot from doing any damage to his gun. This does very little to assuage Shulmor's concerns about fortune itself turning against him.

((Activating Shulmor's daily use of third eye freedom as an immediate action for one turn of freedom of movement, loading a bullet as a free action, and firing one as a standard action. Got to squeeze as much action economy as possible out of that stagger :D. I rolled a concentration check for casting litany of defense, but then I realized you can't do an immediate action and swift action on the same turn, so just the attack.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124633]Attack: 1D20 + 30 = [1]+30 = 31
((WELP. Stranger's Fortune protects Shulmor from a misfire here, but all these nat 1s!))
((Stoneskin will reduce the damage from getting grappled, yes.

Also, keep in mind that everyone got 35 HP back from Viss's spell. And actually I just realized that she would have targeted Zerome too because he was undead at the time, so it would have hurt him. HP total adjusted))

Mike M

Nick N
((Too bad Viss can't turn into a potassium elemental XD.
((Well that'd just blow herself up, not sure how much good that would do. :p))

Also, keep in mind that everyone got 35 HP back from Viss's spell. And actually I just realized that she would have targeted Zerome too because he was undead at the time, so it would have hurt him. HP total adjusted))

((Not everyone...))


Fleshbane remains in place as the chamber fills with a rushing torrent of fluid. The water breaks over the frictionless surface of his armor without effect, neither imparting kinetic force or hindering his movements. Taking advantage of his unhindered movement, he moves slightly along the perimeter to once again find the best angle of attack.

"And now you fashion yourself out of yet another one of our fallen associates," Fleshbane says, raising his arm toward the current manifestation of malevolent computer and pointing at it with two fingers. "If you are so fond of hurling our past against us, allow me to return the favor."

((Moving to L1 and using Energy Conversion to fire off a 30pt ray of fire energy))
Concentration Check DC27: 1d20+15+6=34

Fleshbane unleashes the stored reserves of Zerome's previous attack during its mimicry of the Balor in a concentrated beam of steam leaping from the tips of his fingers and lancing directly through Zerome's malign core.
((Bah, and here I thought from short googling that it would make the water explode. That's what I get for trying to be clever while caught deep in the middle of a failure spree. :p))
<i wish i still had my polymorph spell. Gaf isn't working on my desktop comp so i may need to do something that doesn't involve rolling dice

DAY LATER EDIT: I think I'm gonna use Heroism on myself just to spend a turn and hope the water subsides, since I don't think firearms work underwater and I doubt I can toss bombs underwater either.>


Start of Round
Running counter: Elemental at 36HP str -12 for 11
Menek at 89 HP, str -6 for 4
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds, Misfortune for 2 rounds

The Lightning Elemental perks up a bit and easily fends off all attacks while Menek gets pushed back and constricted.

The elemental swings again:

Lightning Elemental slams: 1D20+16 = [15]+16 = 31
2D8+2+2D8 = [4, 6]+2+[2, 7] = 21
1D20+16 = [17]+16 = 33
2D8+2+2D8 = [1, 5]+2+[7, 7] = 22

((Did the elementals attacks in the last round land by the way?))

Menek lets himself relax in Zerome's grip and lashes out with a vicious hex and a cackle to extend the duration of the current hexes.

((Retribution Hex on Zerome:

Effect: A witch can place a retribution hex on a creature within 60 feet, causing terrible wounds to open across the target&#8217;s flesh whenever it deals damage to another creature in melee. Immediately after the hexed creature deals damage in melee, it takes half that damage (round down). This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch&#8217;s Intelligence modifier which is 11. A Will save of DC 28 negates this effect))

((Question, because of the nature of the attack Displacement doesn't apply right?))

End of Round
Running counter: Elemental at 36HP str -12 for 11
Menek at 74HP, str -6 for 4 StoneSkin took 10 damage
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds, Misfortune for 2 rounds

((I really can't tell how underwater would affect the lightning elementals slams please adjust as necessary))

((Can I get an idea of how everyone is doing HP wise, Menek has some healing tricks that he can start using))
((Shulmor's at 72/127 right now, so a little healing wouldn't hurt.

Thankfully, I don't think AC transfers, otherwise next to nothing would have hit Shulmor Zerome. I could be wrong though, so who knows?

And yeah, you have to have special water usable ammo to use firearms underwater. Of course, that does a fat lot of good if all you can roll is nat 1s.))
((Last turn, the Lightning Elemental did not connect on his attack.

This round, he did, with both.

Note that Zerome's stats (except for total HP) are changing as he shifts forms. Also, all of his forms are home-brewed so they might not conform to your expectations. This round, his AC was at its lowest, mostly because he's surrounding all of you on all sides.

Gonna give Nezumi til tomorrow to take her turn; at that point I will make something up for her, which will probably involve her transforming into a giant squid, or some other equally badass underwater thing))


((I'll do it in a bit just gonna finish up cooking. I was going for a Great White. As cool as a Megalodon sounds the size would be a tad unrealistic :D))
CMD Check Bulll's Rush : 1D20+18 = [16]+18 = 34 ((so close))

CMD Grapple: 1D20+18 = [10]+18 = 28

((Viss is pushed back and grappled... quick question before I go on. Since the grappling effect basically comes from the water would Viss' transformation cancel it?))

((....Actually CMD is a static trait that should already be on your sheet and you don't roll for it. It's different than your CMB.

If you are still grappled after accounting for that, then when you transform you can compare your new CMD to Zerome's rolls, and if you would beat it after that then I'll let you break free. Not sure if this is strictly in the rules but it's what I'm going by))


((Oh... it's 38 so I guess I'm good :D After looking it up decided to go for the Giant Squid after all, since it has three attacks and not only one ))

With there enemy changing constantly Viss has no idea how their battle is going but seeing how easily he managed to control one of their numbers surely didn't boost her confidence. Already she had to command Tessa away from the battle and had she the time she would have safely but her away in her pocket, but there was no time for it and she could only hope that her latest healing boost would be enough to keep her companion alive for now.

Not being able to tell how effect her magic has been she is pondering whether a more physical approach might be a better idea when another change in Zerome's appearance takes the decision from her.

Water she thinks I hate water.

For a split moment she paddles through the cold liquid rather inelegant before she decides on a more suiting form for the occasion. Normally her preferred choice for aquatic adventures would have been a dolphin but normally she hadn't been fighting megalomaniac god machines, so for this occasion she decided on something less playful and a little bit more malicious.

Her body stretches and grows several new limbs. Never having used this form before there is a short moment of discomfort as she struggles to coordinate all the different extremities now at her disposal. The moment passes quickly and she attacks with everything nature has granted this marine beast.

Full attack on Zerome

Bite: 1D20+21 = [13]+21 = 34
Damage: 2D6+6 = [6, 1]+6 = 13

First arm :1D20+21 = [5]+21 = 26 ((probably misses))
Second arm: 1D20+21 = [4]+21 = 25 (So does this...))

Tentacles: 1D20+21 = [18]+21 = 39
Damage: 4D6+6 = [3, 3, 3, 6]+6 = 21

((Those -6 strength are really hurting me :( Also I'm not sure what 19-20+grab means in the Giant Squid description.))
((Viss hits with all of her attacks, actually, You can roll damage for those two attacks that you thought were misses on your next turn.

FYI, the 19-20 means that a 19 or a 20 on the die roll could potentially be a critical hit. The "plus grab" means that you could make a free Grapple check on a successful hit, but don't bother with that here because it's not going to be relevant))

Viss's final attack seems to trigger something in Zerome, because the water abruptly jerks back and forth in several directions, as though Zerome is flinching. Though the water remains, Zerome's presence contracts away from it, consolidating once again into an amorphous blob with an impossible-to-describe color at the center of the room.

Once again, the aura of Zerome changes. As a water elemental, he had been neutrally-aligned, but now he shifts into a decisively Lawful Good countenance.

Music Change

The form of Zerome casts a spell which, while artificially engineered, bears a strong enough resemblance to Control Weather.

The waters within the room begin to swirl about tumultuously, creating a cyclonic maelstrom, centered around the Cecil Fairhaven emulation.

Once the maelstrom is in full swing, the creature casts two spells in rapid succession, which fill the chamber with a brief, blinding flash of light.

((Anyone who was grappled, is no longer grappled.

Zerome/Cecil casts Control Weather to create a maelstrom in the water.

While there are existing rules for Maelstroms, I don't like them, so I'm replacing them with my own:
-On your turn, first decide how you're going to move, and THEN make a Swim check. If your feet are planted, or if you have a Swim speed, DC 10 to successfully stay in place; DC 15 to make a 5-foot step; DC 20 to move at one-quarter speed; DC 30 to move at half speed; DC 40 to move at full speed. If your feet are NOT planted AND you don't have a swim speed (Menek), add 10 to each DC.

If you fail whichever check you make, you are swept away. This means you have to move 20 feet in a counter-clockwise direction, you have a -5 to attack, and in order to cast spells with somatic components, you have to make a Concentration check of 20 + the DC of the spell you're casting. At the end of your turn, you have to make a DC 20 Fortitude save, or you'll be Nauseated on your next turn.

In addition, in a Maelstrom, the penalties for underwater ranged attacks are DOUBLED.

Cecil/Zerome casts Recitation. Unless you have Spell resistance, everyone is at -2 to Attack and -2 to Saving Throws.

Cecil/Zerome casts a Fireball, modified to deal Lightning-typed damage and enlarged enough to hit everybody. Reflex save, DC 30; if you fail, take 60 damage; if you pass, take 30 damage (Uncanny Dodge may apply).

Starting Round 5!


Mike M

Nick N
((Any benefit from freedom of movement in this? It explicitly grants the ability to move normally underwater, but obviously that's not taking a maelstrom into account.))
((First things first, rolling swim check for standing still and doing reflex save.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124963]Swim: 1D20 + 2 = [4]+2 = 6
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124964]Fortune Reroll: 1D20 + 2 = [8]+2 = 10
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124967]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 25 = [4]+25 = 29
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124969]Fortune Reroll: 1D20 + 25 = [10]+25 = 35
((Had to burn 3 grit for those rerolls, but worth it. Is smite in effect on Cecil Zerome from the last one, or do I need to do a separate smite declaring smite good?))
((I'm going to ad-hoc it and cut all swim DCs in half for Fleshbane, in consideration of Freedom of Movement. So DC 5 to stand still, DC 8 to 5-foot-step, DC 10 to do one-quarter movement, etc. You (as in, Fleshbane only) can also substitute Fly for Swim, if it's better for you.

Axel, it depends - I'm not sure how your smites work. If you have to use different smites depending on whether they're Chaotic or Good, then you'll have to do a new one. If it's just a general "Smite anything that's either Chaotic or Good," you're fine as-is. If it doesn't specify, just go ahead and burn another Smite))
((They seem to be a bit different, so burning a smite.))
Still operating slower than usual from being frozen, Shulmor is almost pushed away by the eruption of maelstrom winds. He finds his footing as a flash of lightning cuts by him, singeing his hair as it narrowly misses. With the immediate danger passed, Shulmor focuses an additional smite upon the goodly aura of the Cecil image and fires a single bullet at the paladin simulation, its profane energies striking against it.

((Smite good as a swift action, reloading the spent bullet as a free action, attack as standard. Attack is against touch AC.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124997]Attack: 1D20 + 25 = [16]+25 = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124998]Damage: 1D8 + 13 + 30 = [5]+13+30 = 48
<EDIT: Nevermind, I see it now.

EDIT 2: Reflex Saving Throw: 1D20+22 => 34

Satra is pretty much useless this turn, the penalties are too high to reliably attack this turn so I'm just going to do a Defend action.>


Start of Round
Running counter: Elemental at 36HP str -12 for 10
Menek at 74HP, str -6 for 3 StoneSkin took 10 damage
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds, Misfortune for 2 rounds

Updated Map including sweeping

((Menek can't make the swim check at -6 str so he's swept. Did Retribution stick by the way?))

Menek lets himself relax as the Maelstrom starts and allows the current to take him where it will. This lets him weather the disorientation the violent shifting of the water would otherwise cause and allows him to twist out of the way of the worst of the lightning fireball.

(( Fort Save Plus Optional Inspiration Use, Reflex plus Optional Inspiration Use: 1D20+9-2 = [15]+9-2 = 22
1D8 = [2] = 2
1D8 = [6] = 6
No Need to use inspiration for Fort Save
1D20+15-2 = [11]+15-2 = 24
1D8 = [7] = 7
1D8 = [1] = 1
Using 7 roll for 31 Reflex save

The Elemental easily maintains its position and seems to delight in the lightning fireball attack as it swings again.

((Swim check
Swm check lightning elemental: 1D20+5 = [14]+5 = 19

Slam attacks
Slam attacks: 1D20+14 = [13]+14 = 27
2D8+2+2D8 = [3, 1]+2+[1, 3] = 10
1D20+14 = [6]+14 = 20
2D8+2+2D8 = [8, 4]+2+[7, 7] = 28


Menek uses a Major Healing Hex on himself and cackles to extend the hexes on Zerome

((Major Healing acts as cure critical

Major Healing Hex on self: 4D8+15 = [7, 8, 2, 4]+15 = 36


End of Round
Running counter: Elemental at 36HP str -12 for 10
Menek at 80HP, str -6 for 3 StoneSkin took 10 damage, used 2 inspiration
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds, Misfortune for 2 rounds

Mike M

Nick N
((Going to continue slinking around the perimeter just enough to get my +2 to AC and move to N1))

Flight check: 1d20+16=23

((Fleshbane will overchannel and augment Disintegration for a ranged touch attack against Zerome. An extra 14d6 will raise the DC of the Fortitude save by 3. This is a hail mary that our debuff shenanigans have gotten it down to a level where this might work.))

Concentration check DC 26: 1d20+15+6=33
Ranged touch attack: 1d20+12=32 (Nice!)
Damage to Zerome: 36d6=144
Damage to Fleshbane: 5d8=12
((That's.... uh.... yeah. Damn.))

A ray of pure destructive energy tears through the water, leaving a trail of vapor. It eats into the nondescript blob, and an otherworldly screech echoes clumsily through the liquid environment.

The blob of no color shrinks. The maelstrom subsides and the waters recede - or maybe they just disappear altogether. The shape in the middle of the room does not dim, but it is barely able to hold itself together, and in your peripheral vision you see flickers of instability all around the room, as if the whole place could collapse at any moment.

For now, Zerome is still 'alive,' but it is helpless.

((We are out of combat. Anyone who wants to, can roleplay a "Finish Him!" post. At some point after I see at least one such post, I will proceed toward the beginning of the ending))


((Hm... I kind of have something I want to do, but I can't write it before Saturday but if that is too late I can understand that.))
((I'm fine with waiting a bit, so if Mike is okay with holding off then so am I.

Also, this might go without saying, but everyone should start thinking about writing their own character's ending. I'm only going to provide a very general epilogue about the world overall; each of you can determine your character's final destiny after all is said and done.

KM - that's a pretty freaking good roll. What do you want to know from that engineering check?))
As Zerome's "structural" integrity crumbles, for a moment Satra is freed from the constraints of his mind's interpretation of Zerome's innards, and he sees the machine for what it is - and knows exactly how to make it cave in on itself.

It would have never worked before, but now that the creature is in a weakened, defenseless state, maybe.... just maybe.......

Using his own soul, Satra creates unique pieces of code, designed to ricochet endlessly around within Zerome, disintegrating its pieces bit by bit. It will be a gradual process, but it will guarantee that, once the bulk of it is destroyed, no further pieces will remain to rebuild themselves.

It will also not be pleasant for whatever sentience might remain within Zerome's husk.

Satra's task completed, he zeroes back in on the area where his companions remain.
"A swarm that has only known expansion, growth, assimilation to its singularity, but won't ever know the extent of its power and wealth.."

Somehow, in ways he isn't able to comprehend, Satra begins creating a counter virus of his own to inject into the core, "The only way which it will understand if it is forced to watch everything shrink until it becomes the nothing which it had started once more. Once this process is done, Zerome will be nothing more than hollowed skin and basically a pile of junk."

Mike M

Nick N
((No problem waiting, I have a bit of a windup to it anyway.))



The half-elven woman throws a switch. A titanic roar fills the chamber as the flames beneath increase in intensity. The machine rattles and quakes as the glass faces of dials shatter to shower her with glass. The artifacts within the chamber begin to smelt, dissolving their physical form and returning their original state of divine energy.

The room is illuminated as a ghostly blue light bursts from the crystal rod and begins to pour the concentrated power of gods into the very heart of the resonance crystal.


Rays of light pierce through the orange glow of Fleshbane’s resonance crystal, burning the color away and leaving the blinding white spectacle of a star mounted square in his chest.

“At last,” he says as he brings his hands over his breastplate as though cradling the ball of light within them, “I will know peace.”

The white light chases through the grooves and joints of his construction, ejecting a corona of bluish plasma from every gap. The trembling of the resonance crystal becomes audible, escalating until it reaches a high-pitched whine and the very image of Fleshbane begins to lose focus from the intense vibration.

The scream of the crystal levels off, no longer gaining in frequency, but not decreasing either. It stalls on the precipice of reaction.
As Zerome loses its ability to resist, Shulmor slowly walks toward it, shaking off the last of his grogginess from an unexpected freezing.

"You have failed, machine. You came surprisingly close to consuming the entirety of existence, but you have failed. Now it is your turn to watch as all you have conquered crumbles away from you. All that is left is your final punishment for a failed invasion; a permanent death." Shulmor puts a bullet in the Conqueror and aims down at the shapeless mass, ready to conduct a one-man firing squad.

When Satra speaks up, Shulmor puts his gun away. "Ah, excellent. A much more fitting punishment than a fast death. I see no reason to relieve its suffering; you have done well."

Shulmor is content to let Zerome slowly suffer and wither away. His attention is quickly shifted to the odd light coming from Fleshbane's direction.
Satra turns to the light behind him. It is Fleshbane emitting some kind of greatness from his form. Unsure of whether this is an impending explosion explosion, he steps back and raises an arm to caution the others reactively.

After a moment of pause, he asks, "Fleshbane...? What's going to happen to you now...?"
((I just had a thought for something that could possibly work towards Shulmor's ending.

Is there anything I could roll to have Shulmor siphon deific essence from the dying Zerome to himself, or otherwise force it out of Zerome to him?
Sounds cool to me. It's your ending :) Don't worry about rolling for it. Endings are where I give everyone the most freedom to shape the world however they want, as long as they don't interfere with each others' stuff. Hell, I let KM use my original world as the setting for his own campaign
Sweet! Post time then. :D

Shulmor's curiosity over what is going on with Fleshbane is quickly interrupted by an epiphany. The dying, helpless machine god before him presents a fleeting, but incredible, opportunity to truly become a god-king.

Turning back around to the formless blob, he focuses intensely upon the divine elements of his own negative aura and plunges a hand into the helpless mass, siphoning forth as much deific power as he can before time runs out. If there is any distinction to be had in the mass, he avoids the essence of the SAED patrons, but is otherwise ravenous in his lust for power.

Eventually, he withdraws from Zerome, his presence now bolstered with deific spark, stolen from Zerome who in turn stole it from others. Fortune has not abandoned Shulmor after all! After having lost everything roughly a year ago, he now stands to be a god. He can not help but roar in triumph.

"What a magnificent day! The impostor ruler has been stopped, sparing the multiverse from mass assimilation, and now Shulmor stands higher than ever! The way is clear for the age of a Second Empire, and this time even the astral sea shall recognize Shulmor as a god emperor."

Naturally, there is a possibility of this being deferred until he has honored his prior obligations, but he won't let a mere majority of a decade sully this moment.


The disorientation from the disappearance of, not only the Maelstrom sweeping him away, but the water itself is nothing compared to the nausea caused from the sudden and almost complete vanishing of the intense magical aura that surrounded Zerome to Menek&#8217;s arcane enhanced senses.

Barely in control of itself, Menek&#8217;s body continues on the trajectory it was set on by the now absent torrent and, twirling, slams into the ground and skids for a little while before stopping. He lies as still as death on his back with eyes closed.
Ratbreath squawks as it squirms out from under Menek&#8217;s prone form and hops onto his head pecking at his face until Menek wakes up once again to the sight of the owl filling his vision.

You alright boss? The owl asks

Ah, yes, I was just&#8230; resting Menek says slowly and sensing. Zerome put everything it had in defending its ill gotten gains. That I can confirm. All that is left is that pathetic&#8230; thing.

He makes no effort to even sit up though and instead retrieves a communications device from his sleeve. With nothing blocking the signal anymore Menek turns his head to whisper to the control center he had set up in the back line.

Activate the aftermath protocol

There is a pause

Which one?

Ah, yes, of course Menek whispers in reply The First.

The control room erupts in cheers. Of the many contingency plans Menek and his advisors had devised the first was one they had hoped for. The one to put in motion in case of absolute and total victory over the machine cancer with the gods still living.

Later, celebrate later. Implement the Protocols NOW Menek&#8217;s voice, stronger now, comes over the speakers and the room explodes in a flurry of activity.

And so, as Satra relays his findings, and Shulmor gloats over his stolen divine essence a multitude of silvery discs whirl out of one of the many floating factories now no longer worried about fleeing the wrath of the all consuming machine god. Completely defenseless they speed faster than the speed of sound towards the location of the Harvester of the Sacrement where the vast majority of Zerome&#8217;s stolen power still resided only slowly being absorbed into Zerome.

At the same time, dozens of forward agents teleport to the location they had pin pointed from their scans as the corpse store of the major gods of the Astral Plane. Devices, small black sticky pucks, are attached gently to the almost comatose forms.

Destination side of Divine Re-Transfer Ready to go the lead engineer of the team says as the head sorcerer gives her the nod.

STARs in place is the response from the control center

Forward team, retreat to a safe distance and observe. Menek orders still murmuring softly Redirection team divert and store half of the Asmodeus and Vecna energies. Control center&#8230; fire

A shell is fired from the factory that manufactured the explosives designed for the Harvester. It disappears into a magic portal, the other side of which is created right above the store of the stolen divine essence.

And so it is only a split second after Menek gives his order that the Harvester explodes in a silent explosion of force that blazes pure white. The release of so much energy would have devastated the region if the divine power wasn&#8217;t attracted to the hundreds of Store, Transfer, And Release, devices hovering over the location. Hundreds of beams of blinding white rays shoot out of the destroyed Harvester and arc into the devices which then arc the energy back into the discs of the gods that the energy was stolen from. As per Menek&#8217;s orders some of the energy is siphoned off and sent back to a temporary batteries in the back lines. By necessity Menek&#8217;s people had become masters of how to manipulate the divine in the years they had been preparing and researching for their confrontation with Zerome.

The goods seem to be recovering. Retransfer seems to be successful. the forward team observers report.

The batteries are pretty much full, it can&#8217;t hold on to the energy much longer. Do&#8230; you want it to&#8230; go to you Menek? the hesitant question comes from the back line.

Menek snorts silently No. Place a destination device at the last location of Evrai and send the energy there.

If you say so Menek The doubtful reply comes but Menek&#8217;s orders haven&#8217;t been questioned by the people of the Isle for quite some time now.

One of the small black devices is teleported to where Evrai used to be before Cecil&#8217;s sacrifice and while it still hovers before gravity takes over energy from the battery is arced to it. For a little while it does not seem like the energy had anywhere to go and would dissipate back to the Sea but slowly it coalesces around the morphic memory of the demigod filling it with more divine power than it had ever earned for itself on Evrai. The newest god, just a few moments younger than Shulmor, blinks in surprise. Cecil, the champion of the people and their right to freedom from the gods, is back.

The energy.. it&#8217;s going somewhere&#8230; something is absorbing it. Oh mind sucks take my brain it&#8217;s Cecil! the communicator crackles

Menek nods to himself. It had happened just as he had expected. He struggles to his feet feeling very old as Ratbreath settles itself comfortably on his shoulder and the last command from Arozora echoes through his mind

&#8230;.be vigilant to maintain a proper balance between Ying...." says Aroz,

"....And Yang," says Zora.

Congratulations Lord Shulmor on your ascension. Menek says leaning on his rapier for support. I fear however that you will find more opposition than you might expect. Balance must be maintained after all. Yes?

Despite all that had happened for Menek it had always, always, been about his faith.
"I would have it no other way," replies a still all too pleased Shulmor. "Empire building necessarily means clashing with other empires along the way, the only thing that has changed is the scope. Even with this newfound power, it would be foolish to overextend myself. This prize shall surely speed up my conquest, but we are still talking in terms of centuries and millennia."
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