Some of that PNR coverage from Portland, yikes. Reminds me of the series against the Dubs. Just completely wide open threes.
Julia Marsh ‏@juliakmarsh 2h2 hours ago
Rose toxicologist
"There is no scientific or forensic evidence" - opinion based on witness statement, depos, texts
Julia Marsh ‏@juliakmarsh 2h2 hours ago
Toxicologist: he noted that Doe correctly typed her zip code to Rose around 1am, "There was total mental control, also physical control"
Julia Marsh @juliakmarsh
CROSS of toxicologist by Doe lawyer shows that Lykissa admits that he never practiced medicine and was never a board certified doc
Julia Marsh ‏@juliakmarsh 2h2 hours ago
Toxicologist did report w/o a timeline: "I didnt have evidence of when they were drinking sir"
Julia Marsh @juliakmarsh
Toxicologist was also confused on the stand, answered incorrectly that Doe was texting between 2am & 7:49am in the morning when she wasn't
Derrick Rose really need a better surrounding group than this. Allowing this to go to court and having stuff like this happen...
Also working on the Regular Season OT right now unless someone who is way more competent at Photoshop then me wants to do it
Welp the D. Rose case decided to take one more twist.
What the fuck...
One of the detectives investigating this case apparently committed suicide.
Derek Rose is a goddamn idiot, aside from possibly being a rapist.
Here's a sneak peak of what to expect for the OT
We still need a name for the thread btw
NBA 2016-17 Seasons Thread |OT| What do the Liberty Bell and Ben Simmons' foot have in common?
lmaoNBA 2016-17 Seasons Thread |OT| What do the Liberty Bell and Ben Simmons' foot have in common?
I hate you, but it's fucking goldNBA 2016-17 Seasons Thread |OT| What do the Liberty Bell and Ben Simmons' foot have in common?
Joel Embiid had 11 points 12 rebounds in 14 minutes with a +/- of +1 . we were down by 14 at half
So you're saying he might be a pretty good basketball player?
Joel Embiid had 11 points 12 rebounds in 14 minutes with a +/- of +1 . we were down by 14 at half
Joel Embiid Is really good. Were missing our starting PG, Okafor, Noel, and Ben Simmons
Our team is legit down 4 of our 5 best players and 3 of our 4 players who can actually be reliable holding the ball.
We're losing by 33 points
Pls kill me
Brown's got 4 points 1 rebound in 11 minutes. Going to be a close race for rookie of the year.Joel Embiid had 11 points 12 rebounds in 14 minutes with a +/- of +1 . we were down by 14 at half
The NBA is extremely close to finalizing their new Collective Bargaining Agreement, and the finalized details should be coming out in the next few weeks. During the announcement of the new television contract, we said that there are expansion escalators in the deal. In other words, if the NBA were to expand, they would get more money out of the deal.
The whole thing will come down to the Seattle City Council changing at least one vote and approving the street vacation of Occidental Avenue so that Chris Hansen can get a new arena built.
If there is no arena, there is no Sonics, and it is simple as that.
Ive heard that once the CBA is finished, the expansion bidding could be announced as soon as December or as late as the All-Star Game in February. There are going to be numerous other cities competing with Seattle to get the expansion franchises as well. I do not know if there is just going to be one slot or two. Other cities Ive heard that are going to be making a play for expansion are Louisville (they have all their affairs in order and ready to go), Pittsburgh, Omaha, Las Vegas, Vancouver, BC, and Mexico City. Kansas City and St. Louis have been brought up as well, but I cant confirm the validity of their interest.
Seattle is definitely on the radar and the city needs to get the arena passed or itll be about 2050 before we can ever hope of getting a team back in Seattle.
Needs more Russell:
Joel Embiid stats through 5 preseason games, per 36 minute stats:
26.9 PPG
16 RPG
3.4 BPG
A team running Okafor out there at the 4 would get abused so hard defensively. And I think he and Embiid would get in each other's way on offense.
Okafor at the 4 would be fine imo. On offense, Okafor needs some type of midrange too work with embiid since Embiid can also work outside and has a shot. And even then okafor could play the 5 if he cant guard 4's, as Embiid is good enough defensively to play the 4.
They'd only need to play together 5-10 minutes anyway.
The main issue we also have is that Noel can't play with either one.
JR Swish finally resigned with the Cavs. 4 for 57.
I mean, I'm super glad the Cavs re-signed him, but that would have been an amazing trainwreck to watch.The Sixers made a hard push for him and that caused the Cavs to work out a deal for him.