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NBC News: Former Russian counter-intelligence officer was in Don Jr. meeting


Someone unimportant would be released right along with others since they wouldn't matter, no? I don't think they'd deserve there own news cycle.

Could go either way. It's definitely not gonna be The Big Orange himself, but I'd love to see it be someone like Reince Priebus.


After only checking last when it was 3 people it now feels like the meeting will end like this.


Funny enough, those are Russians.


His preferred modus operandi, he has told associates, is to get out in front of negative stories and publicly release as much information as possible under the theory that it's likely to come out anyway and concealing it will only exacerbate future political problems.

lol I like this guy.

Seems like it could be a sound strategy if you aren't in the midst of a cover up scandal.


So here is the list so far:

Don Jr.
Goldstone Publicist, contact of Agalarov and Emin
Samochornov Translator
Veselnitskaya Lady russian "adoption lawyer"
Akhmetshin Russian ex-military/intelligence, known hacker



Wasn't Manafort supposedly on his phone during the whole meeting? Maybe he was talking to Trump.

That is actually a good point. What exactly was Manafort supposedly doing on his phone that whole time in the middle of a meeting?

I wonder if that is enough detail for them to subpoena his phone/text messages or something from that day or if eventually that will play a role in this unfolding story.



Obviously Big Don's presence would be the juiciest reveal, but I'll take Priebus if only to fire a shot at the establishment GOP.

Ivanka would be a twist.

Priebus is a career politician, so even if he were in the building he'd be smart enough to keep an air gap between himself and the actual meeting.


What if orange dildo head wasnt there and is actually innocent? Like everyone around him were the ones who did traitorous shit, but dildo didnt?


I have revised my paperwork to include Bruce Springsteen who I forgot was in the meeting. And every MK character performing a menial task. Also Amirox. But that's everybody. Plus DrinkyCrow who was translating.

Wouldn't Yamauchi be translating tho
What if orange dildo head wasnt there and is actually innocent? Like everyone around him were the ones who did traitorous shit, but dildo didnt?
The guy who announced the next day that he was going to have a press conference to go over Hillary dirt? (which never materialized)

The guy who looked into the camera and appealed to the Russians on national TV to provide Hillary's deleted emails?

The guy who said just the other day "most people would have attended that meeting"?

Why in the world anybody gives Trump the benefit of the doubt with these stories mystifies me. Everything in his character and public statements shows that he's not the kind of person who would have a problem with colluding with Russians to get dirt on Hillary.

And that also assumes that his advisors aren't incompetents, which they clearly are, and on a staggering level. Even if they had the foresight to try and keep Trump out of the loop, I don't think they nor Trump could actually pull that off.


Lobbyist and lawyer part of same intelligence firm as Steele. Translator a registered Democrat. Pack it up, Trump-Russia is an inside job.
Donald Junior, not to be outdone,
had some Russians come join in the fun.
It's a good thing they talked
about how to adopt,
because Trump surely wants a new son.


Oh, so you mean this story isn't as open and shut as Jr. lead us to believe earlier in the week?

I am truly shocked.


Lobbyist and lawyer part of same intelligence firm as Steele. Translator a registered Democrat. Pack it up, Trump-Russia is an inside job.

In relation to Steele:

From the Dossier, page 33:

Things had become even "hotter" since August on the Trump-Russia track.
According to the Kremlin insider, this had meant that direct contact between the Trump team and Russia had been farmed out by the Kremlin to trusted agents of influence working in pro-government policy institutes like that of Law and Comparative Jurisprudence

Granted, the October 2016 reporting of August is after the events in the summer. Similar MO though, in this case you have Anti-Magnitsky Act institutes distributing documents.


Didn't they also think Hilary was gonna start WW3 with Russia though? So they were going to help get her elected and then waste billions of dollars to go to war with her?


I swear lizard people conspiracies make more fucking sense than some of the bullshit the right has been pulling out of their asses lately.
So, is the Russian intelligence guy talking? If so, why?

These are Russians used to making up narratives that get repeated by state news and in turn get turned in nothing burgers with no legal ramifications. They forgot this isn't Russia and though we have right wing news playing defense for Trump they may sway opinion among the morons that watch them but they have no say so in the law.


Here's another perspective and some additional context on Rinat Akhmetshin:

Akhmetshin was apparently hired to work with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump on June 9, 2016, in a lobbying effort against the Magnitsky Act, a congressional measure that sanctions Russia and Russian figures. He confirmed to the AP on Friday morning that he was in that meeting, saying: "I never thought this would be such a big deal to be honest."

I met Akhmetshin in 1998 in the Kazakhstan city of Almaty, where I was writing for The New York Times and he was representing the country's opposition leader in a quixotic effort to oust President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Over the subsequent months, Akhmetshin leaked me a trove of documents that linked Nazarbayev to millions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts — payments from international oil companies working in the Central Asian republic. The result was a scoop in the paper, a high-profile investigation by the U.S. Justice Department, and, later, a thick section of a book I wrote about those years on the Caspian Sea.

The original NBC News reports suggested that Akhmetshin's intelligence past somehow has rolled forward until now, putting Russian spies in the same room with Donald Trump, Jr. Nothing I picked up in numerous intense reporting experiences with Akhmetshin over the years — in the former U.S.S.R. and the U.S. — suggested any current such relationships.

Last year, Akhmetshin took on clients attempting to tarnish Bill Browder, the former high-rolling American investor in Moscow and defender of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who only turned on the Russian president when he kicked him out of the country. Browder has since become one of Putin's fiercest critics, driven by the murder of his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, in a Moscow prison.

Four days after the Trump Tower meeting, Akhmetshin was responsible for arranging the high-profile showing of a revisionist anti-Magnitsky film at Washington, DC's Newseum.

Courtesy of Axios.


Tagged as I see fit
Because the Russians are not the GOP's friends, something they can't seem to wrap their heads around.

Yes, but I more meant was he instructed to do this? Why at this time? Is this a punishment for not lifting sanctions? Or is this something else?


Why did they need a translator? Doesn't russian lawyer lady speak English since she's representing clients before US courts?

edit: Actually, she's probably just there to assist American lawyers because she can't practice law in the US so she might not speak English.
Why did they need a translator? Doesn't russian lawyer lady speak English since she's representing clients before US courts?

The translator was there to draw pictures so Don Jr could understand what was going on, and then pass on to his dad. He loves pictures and diagrams.
Lobbyist and lawyer part of same intelligence firm as Steele. Translator a registered Democrat. Pack it up, Trump-Russia is an inside job.

That's isn't correct - it was claimed the Russian lawyer lady hired fusion gps at some point to lobby for her magintsky act repeal efforts. This isn't particularly surprising her main purpose appears to be trying to get it over-turned.


To those always saying how these things take years and pointing to watergate - I get where you're coming from, but this seems very different. Watergate dealt with a president cheating to get elected, which is bad, but this is on a whole other level. This is a legitimate national security concern where the more time he is in office, the more damage he can do. The more sensitive intel he or his staff could be leaking. The more international good will he can flush down the toilet.

We do not fully understand Trump or his staff's motives. The only thing we do know is that Russia wanted him there and wanted to hurt America and the trust its citizens have in its government.

This shit is urgent. Do it right, but do it fast. Frankly, the speed of information makes me think that's what's happening. But just wanted to comment on the "this takes years" posters. It can't take years.
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