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Necro warning - What does that mean?


Sorry for making a stupid thread like this, but I couldn't find anything well explained on the matter of "necro" on NeoGaf.

I stumbled upon this thread and added a small and pointless (in my opinion) answer, in the hope of receiving an opinion from the OP.
Later on, today, I received a warning for "necro", which I assume is "necroposting".

It makes sense I guess, the thread was from 2017. But since answers could still be posted, I thought nobody would bat an eye.
And I was wrong.

My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
That one was still open for answers, and I got a warning, now I'm afraid of posting in a thread that is not from 2023.

Thank you so much, and sorry again for the thread.


Meaning you posted on old divisive thread.
Usually these threads have infights and sometimes not good to post it on current timeline.

These are typically 3-6months and older posts. Don't post on them, unless you have relevant information.
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Sorry for making a stupid thread like this, but I couldn't find anything well explained on the matter of "necro" on NeoGaf.

I stumbled upon this thread and added a small and pointless (in my opinion) answer, in the hope of receiving an opinion from the OP.
Later on, today, I received a warning for "necro", which I assume is "necroposting".

It makes sense I guess, the thread was from 2017. But since answers could still be posted, I thought nobody would bat an eye.
And I was wrong.

My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
That one was still open for answers, and I got a warning, now I'm afraid of posting in a thread that is not from 2023.

Thank you so much, and sorry again for the thread.
You wanted an update from a post from 2017, from a user who's not visited the site since Jan 2019?
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The best example is when someone ask for help in 2007 and receives a answer in 2023
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
You never know when a warning is coming, but be wary of unverified Twitter users handing out warnings. Mods are fickle. But also great. Mods are great.
Sorry for making a stupid thread like this, but I couldn't find anything well explained on the matter of "necro" on NeoGaf.

I stumbled upon this thread and added a small and pointless (in my opinion) answer, in the hope of receiving an opinion from the OP.
Later on, today, I received a warning for "necro", which I assume is "necroposting".

It makes sense I guess, the thread was from 2017. But since answers could still be posted, I thought nobody would bat an eye.
And I was wrong.

My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
That one was still open for answers, and I got a warning, now I'm afraid of posting in a thread that is not from 2023.

Thank you so much, and sorry again for the thread.

I don't think there's any specific rule, just use your better judgement. As a forum user, I will say I hate seeing an older thread bumped with something that really doesn't contribute anything that wasn't already said, or without any new info for an update. If it's about a game, you can just make your own LTTP (late to the party) thread.


Perpetually Tired
You posted in a 6 year old thread to a post of a user that has not visited the site in 4 years. Bringing old threads from the long dead is considered necro-posting. The warning is just a slap on the wrist to make sure and read the dates.

The warning will drop in the month.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
'Hmm...Let me post in these old ass threads, nobody minds'


classic film vampire GIF by Warner Archive


Reseterror Resettler
Okay, GAF tutorial time

If you have to go to page 15 to find a thread....don't reply to it. First three pages is my rule.

Edit: It's a bit annoying in cases like OT, you find a thread that's titled "18 people shot and gunman is still loose," and your heart jumps a bit, only to find the thread was made in 2018. Things like that.
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My issue is with the similar threads at the bottom of the page. I see something that strikes my interest, I don’t look to see when it originally posted, and I’m bumping a thread from 2016. Perhaps make those threads more recent?
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Sorry for making a stupid thread like this, but I couldn't find anything well explained on the matter of "necro" on NeoGaf.

I stumbled upon this thread and added a small and pointless (in my opinion) answer, in the hope of receiving an opinion from the OP.
Later on, today, I received a warning for "necro", which I assume is "necroposting".

It makes sense I guess, the thread was from 2017. But since answers could still be posted, I thought nobody would bat an eye.
And I was wrong.

My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
That one was still open for answers, and I got a warning, now I'm afraid of posting in a thread that is not from 2023.

Thank you so much, and sorry again for the thread.



I don't get how necrom bumpers even get to these old ass threads.

Just looking for random stuff with the search function? Or do you go like "hmmm le'ts see what the guys are talking about on page 2125 of the gaming forum!"


I don't see it as a stupid question. The outcome you recieved is. To give a warning to a poster who doesn't know the rules is silly. Why does a mod not just answer the thread with a copy and paste note and lock the thread?
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Hold onto your panties
I don't see it as a stupid question. The outcome you recieved is. To give a warning to a poster who doesn't know the rules is silly. Why does a mod not just answer the thread with a copy and paste note and lock the thread?
Pretty sure they did. They don't need to leave a note if the thread is that old. If the topic was worth discussion today...create a new thread.
My issue is with the similar threads at the bottom of the page. I see something that strikes my interest, I don’t look to see when it originally posted, and I’m bumping a thread from 2016. Perhaps make those threads more recent?
When they added that feature necro bumps became much more common because people started stumbling into old threads accidentally. I honestly don’t see it as a problem at all, it’s usually a funny time capsule that people post some funny necro .gifs in. I don’t understand why it’s treated so punitively, are they worried people are going get out of control if it’s tolerated? Warnings should be for bad behavior, not innocent mistakes. I know your rap sheet on gaf is pretty low stakes but c’mon, what’s the harm?


Sorry for making a stupid thread like this, but I couldn't find anything well explained on the matter of "necro" on NeoGaf.

I stumbled upon this thread and added a small and pointless (in my opinion) answer, in the hope of receiving an opinion from the OP.
Later on, today, I received a warning for "necro", which I assume is "necroposting".

It makes sense I guess, the thread was from 2017. But since answers could still be posted, I thought nobody would bat an eye.
And I was wrong.

My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
That one was still open for answers, and I got a warning, now I'm afraid of posting in a thread that is not from 2023.

Thank you so much, and sorry again for the thread.

You know what you did and why you got a warn. This topic is just you crying about it.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
My question is: how do I know when I'm not supposed to post an answer in a thread?
Well you knew what you were doing so this thread is just you acting surprised that you got caught in the act.
  • Last post is several years old
  • Check OP: Are they still active?
If either of those can't be met its not worth bumping it. This isn't a hard rule and the fact that you are asking this suggests to me you are new to the Internet Kingdom?


You wanted an update from a post from 2017, from a user who's not visited the site since Jan 2019?
How could I know the guy was inactive? I mean, I assume he's still alive, so MAYBE he would have been interested in continuing a small dialogue.
It all makes sense now. Thank you gentleman.

My issue is with the similar threads at the bottom of the page. I see something that strikes my interest, I don’t look to see when it originally posted, and I’m bumping a thread from 2016. Perhaps make those threads more recent?
It would be more logical to just make a plugin or something that automatically closes the thread. I mean, it's weird that NeoGaf doesn't like necro posting, but allows you to still actually answer to the old thread, sends you the warning, and THEN closes the post for further replies.
In other forums I usually visit, the necro posting rules are very soft and they are basically handled automatically. The post is older than 3+ years? Boom, you can't write in it anymore.
Or sometimes they just straight up say nothing if you necro post, but expecting the same treatment in every forum is kind of dumb.

You know what you did and why you got a warn. This topic is just you crying about it.
Uhm... what?
I made this thread just to make sure how NeoGaf works with necroposting, as most forums I visit handle it in a different way.
I tried to find a mod to ask info to but I couldn't, that's why I'm so sorry for the pointless post.

You are aware in each thread there are suggestions of similar threads at the bottom?

Just auto lock all threads after X amount of time and no reply, easy.
That's pretty much what I expected from this forum. That's why I was confused.

Well you knew what you were doing so this thread is just you acting surprised that you got caught in the act.
  • Last post is several years old
  • Check OP: Are they still active?
If either of those can't be met its not worth bumping it. This isn't a hard rule and the fact that you are asking this suggests to me you are new to the Internet Kingdom?
Guys, OK, I know what necro posting is, but since I've never received a warning for it in ANY forum I visited, I just wanted to know how it works here. Geez.


You posted in a 6 year old thread to a post of a user that has not visited the site in 4 years. Bringing old threads from the long dead is considered necro-posting. The warning is just a slap on the wrist to make sure and read the dates.

The warning will drop in the month.
Alright, but what if the post is only 2 years old? Can I post in it?

And that’s where you fucked up junior, now face your flogging like a man and get held down and branded with an embarrassing tag, it builds character.
I'm gonna pee pee in the corner alone



Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Alright, but what if the post is only 2 years old? Can I post in it?

There are no hard and fast rules and it involves some common sense. Usually if a thread is 2 years old it would be best to start a new thread.


A little light entertainment for you this evening, OP. A YouTube recap of a classic children’s movie:

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I hope you know I’m just joking about how intense people are being about this silly non-issue, I don’t want to hurt the puppy 😢
Yeah don't worry I know.

There are no hard and fast rules and it involves some common sense. Usually if a thread is 2 years old it would be best to start a new thread.
Bruh, alright. Is just that I found useless to make a new thread when there's one that basically talks about what I wanted to talk about.
I mean, I thought it would make the mods life easier by having just one thread instead of 100.
But no problem, I'll avoid everything that is older than a year then.

A little light entertainment for you this evening, OP. A YouTube recap of a classic children’s movie:

Man this thread is full of comedians innit?

Yeah I full heartedly agree.
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Gold Member
I encourage everyone to necrobump every once in a while. It's funny, people get up in arms, and then it gets locked sometimes.

The list of old threads at the bottom of the screen is where like 95% of necros occur.


The thing about automatically locking old topics is that means they can NEVER be posted in again, and sometimes a necro-bump is actually called for, but the standard for a necro bump is much higher than a contemporary post where you can just drive by and say "lol", that behavior in an old thread is pointless and will get you annihilated

edit: for reference https://www.neogaf.com/threads/im-just-gaming-like-a-mad-man.569/
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