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Need For Speed Underground's Hitting The Arcades


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
They wouldn't dare release this game at an arcade with anything less than 60 fps, I hope...

Regardless, that is pretty cool...

The game is fast as hell and actually provides quite a thrilling ride.
IMO, it was better suited to be an arcade game than a home racer anyway. As a sole arcade game, it's much more interesting than as a console game where you want many hours of gameplay.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I dunno, I thought NSFU offered much more value than most console racers. There were a ton of races and it was fun customizing your car. It was well suited for the home market...
Customizing the car generally boiled down to putting a new spoila kit on it, no thanks. There were a ton of races, but the game itself is so simple a racer that a lot of times I just coasted through it. In the arcade, I wouldn't mind dropping a buck or so for a few simple races, but NFSU just couldn't hold me what with coming out near the same time as PGR2.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tre said:
Customizing the car generally boiled down to putting a new spoila kit on it, no thanks. There were a ton of races, but the game itself is so simple a racer that a lot of times I just coasted through it. In the arcade, I wouldn't mind dropping a buck or so for a few simple races, but NFSU just couldn't hold me what with coming out near the same time as PGR2.

That's not true at all, though. It was mostly aesthetics related, but you could seriously modify each car well beyond the stock model and produce some fancy results. There was much more to it than just dropping some cash on a couple parts and calling it finished. Having an entire fleet of customized vehicles was pretty nice...
Yeah, riced up cars is cool and all, but the amount of actual performance modifications is very, very limited and like I also said, the actual races weren't something I could stand playing for long.


Is this stupid or what?? I think Burnout would be a better canidate from the EA Stable. Even Rumble Racing but Underground??? Wow...well, EA has the deep pockets. Soon enough we'll see Madden, the Street series etc.



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Have you guys played the other Need for Speed arcade racer? I can't remember the name but some of the tracks were definitely from Hot Pursuit 2. Very average looking, but alot of fun, played it at Dave & Busters a few weeks ago.


DarienA said:
Have you guys played the other Need for Speed arcade racer? I can't remember the name but some of the tracks were definitely from Hot Pursuit 2. Very average looking, but alot of fun, played it at Dave & Busters a few weeks ago.

Yeah, my wife and I played it. I thought it was trash. The framerate was completely unacceptable. If it hadn't have been a force-feedback cabinet, I'd have likely felt completely cheated.
I played it this weekend at a local movie theater, and I agree with shoplifter - total fucking garbage.

I was like, "they converted a SF Rush:2049 machine to THIS bullshit?"


Even my wife thought it sucked because of the framerate and handling, which is unusual since she's not a gamer. After that, I just walked back over to Derby Owner's Club and led my horse Nutsack Rock to loss after loss :p
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