I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
To make a long story short, 2 days ago my internet speed for the newsgroups I go to dropped from 300k/s to 25k/s. Being the the service I use it up to date with their info, I found it odd, but ignored it thinking there was something up. Its still just as slow, so I started testing various sites listed on DSL Reports with servers in many different states. All with the same 25k/s (or slower) download speed, and 40k/s upload speed.
Well, I just got off the phone with the wonderful Sprint asshats, and they are blamming it on the outside network they have no control over, cause the FTP they had me speed test at through dos was the correct speed. Yet the speed test on their own site shows it being the same crappy speeds.
Why would it all of a sudden slow down, after staying so quick for months?
Well, I just got off the phone with the wonderful Sprint asshats, and they are blamming it on the outside network they have no control over, cause the FTP they had me speed test at through dos was the correct speed. Yet the speed test on their own site shows it being the same crappy speeds.
Why would it all of a sudden slow down, after staying so quick for months?