Downloaded the full statistics file and kinda feel like commenting on the positions of the games I voted for:
1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution:
4. ; 1206 points; [360][PS3][PC]
So is it now 3. or 4. "officially"?
2. Portal 2:
1. ; 2114 points; [360][PS3][PC]
Well can't disagree with that.
3. LittleBigPlanet 2:
22. ; 219 points; [PS3]
I'm glad it placed that high, almost top20.
4. MotorStorm: Apocalypse:
71. ; 39 points; [PS3]
Ok this should really have been ranked higher.. underrated just like MS

R. Also, it actually has enough points to be on the top5 racer genre list in the OP yet it isn't?
5. Dead Space 2:
10. ; 523 points; [360][PS3][PC]
This is pretty much the surprise of the top10 list IMO. Did not expect this and it was even released in January. I don't think there is much talk about it but yet it had a long-term impact on people.
6. Yakuza 4:
30. ; 163 points; [PS3]
Very nice ranking, quite surprising as well actually.
7. Killzone 3:
42. ; 114 points; [PS3]
Ranked lower than I expected. It's not even in the top5 FPS list, that's kinda mean.
8. Mass Effect 2:
51. ; 77 points; [PS3]
Obviously this couldn't place anywhere high. I also though about putting it into the honorable mention list would be better fitting for a re-release, but I just had to acknowledge that I spend a lot of time on this game last year.
9. The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut:
169. ; 5 points; [PS3]
You guys suck and don't know fun games (ok I guess that's what the Wii owners said last time)!!
Also, it shows up two times because I was the only one using the correct name!
328. [PS3] The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut (Sega, Horror) = 1 point
10. White Knight Chronicles II:
279. ; 2 points; [PS3]

... I'm still playing the revised version of the first game within WKC2 and it's growing on me.. in retrospect I would even place it higher on my vote. It's really good apart from the story etc., feels just like a "classic" JRPG with exploration, cities etc. Just in HD and with modern traits like the combat system etc.
Would have loved to somehow put Resistance 3, Alice: Madness Returns, Limbo, Eufloria and Stacking in there but there was just no place/haven't played them long enough yet. Though I'm very glad about about the relatively high placement of the first two.
btw there is the [PS3] tag missing for Eufloria.