soviet prince
could not have picked a better 1 and 2m the last of us and bioshock are great well designed games
I'm not on anyone's affinity list, not sure how I'm supposed to take this? .
1. Diamond (120)
2. Cairnsay (114)
3. Budr (112)
4. Shorty11857 (110)
5. Emerson (107)
6. TheAssist (106)
7. JDHarbs (105)
7. Knox (105)
9. Sullichin (103)
10. Apdiddy (102)
1. [PC] Papers, Please - I've actually being playing this and liking it. My family always dies though, so maybe I should let more people in illegally.
2. [PC] Dota 2 - I'm not sure if I'm cut out for Dota tbqh. It does sound super interesting whenever Brad talks about it on the bombcast.
3. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Sadly, I don't own a 3DS, but if I had one this and Fire Emblem would be instant purchases.
4. [3DS] Fire Emblem Awakening - I was just thinking the other night that Fire Emblem really seems right up my alley.
5. [360][PS3][PC] DmC: Devil May Cry - I've been meaning to give this a try actually. I actually have really liked Ninja Theory's games in the past. I'll probably pick it up during a Steam sale.
6. [PS3][PSV][PC] Guacamelee! - Another game I've heard rave things about. I love Metroidvanias, so I'll keep an eye out on Steam for it.
7. [360][PS3][PC] Tomb Raider - I've actually already played it and finished it. Good game.
8. [PC] The Swapper - Sounds like an interesting puzzle game and the ending sounds pretty crazy.
9. [PSV] Tearaway - Sadly, no Vita for me.
10. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Batman: Arkham Origins - I played the last two Batman games, but this one kind of slipped under my radar due to the new console launches and craziness of the holidays. I'd be willing to check this out.
1. Fire Emblem: Awakening ; Not as good as Path of Radiance, but it comes pretty close. I really liked the dating-sim-esque elements they added to the series, even if it was a bit hollow. Great art, great gameplay, definitely a must play.
Fire Emblem: Awakening ; Not as good as Path of Radiance
Fist bump
1. NFreak (107)
2. Ansatz (105)
2. Kusagari (105)
4. cosmicblizzard (99)
4. MigueelDnd (99)
4. ShockingAlberto (99)
7. pulga (98)
8. aly (97)
8. LGom09 (97)
10. MetalGuardian (96)
I was wondering about this. May not be the best thread to ask this, but still. I want to buy just one, because Bayonetta is also coming, then should I get MGR or TW101? According to the list MGR, but I can imagine just a lot less people actually played TW101.Pretty much what I expected for top ten. I'm a little surprised to see Bioshock higher than GTA though! I would've preferred to see Wonderful 101 higher than Metal Gear Rising since I think it's a better game, but more people probably played that so it's kind of expected.
what are these lies
Path of Radiance isn't even the best game set in Tellius
Yuck. Yuck Yuck Yuck.
I could rant awhile about why that is wrong, but this isn't the place.
What movie is that from?
What if that gets people even more excited? Disney Game of Thrones.It's from Tangled.
Don't get excited. Is mother-daughter.
I was wondering about this. May not be the best thread to ask this, but still. I want to buy just one, because Bayonetta is also coming, then should I get MGR or TW101? According to the list MGR, but I can imagine just a lot less people actually played TW101.
Only 23 points for state of decay? Shame on you GAF.
On GAF maybe, but my personal feeling and experience is that GAF represents an increasing minority, that is, the "core" gamer. Most of the games sold this year were not those GAF loved, and in some cases are those GAF probably despises or more likely, is simply unaware of. GAF is very much a bubble and much like any bubble subject to its own biases, pressures and blind spots.I'm not entirely sure whether they actually moved further away from AAA than previous years, as despite the awards to smaller games, this year was still wholly dominated by TLOU and GTAV, as can be seen in the media picks award. Maybe even more so than previous years.
Popularity means a lot actually, and regardless of intent, does reflect society on some level. I see it as generally negative when sites critical of games follow the patterns of society at large due to the fact that they are intended to be a critical force against the interests of the consumer and the developer. They are intended to be critical when most will not, taking heat when others will back down or stay silent. They are the literal definition of a vocal minority, and when they become the majority... well, you end up with DoritosPope. It is the Tevis Thompson argument that while there will be some agreement amongst critics about videogames naturally, it is strange to see as much agreement as there is within the critical media.It's true that sites gave games such as Gone Home and Papers Please their GOTY award, but I view that as a neutral movement rather than a positive one. I would merely ask that they simply pick whatever they personally view is best, rather than following the crowd. Dissect games, both popular and not-so-popular ones, debate, criticize and do whatever you can, but if in the end a popular AAA game comes out on top, so be it. I have no qualms with that. Popularity means nothing (meaning neither positive or negative) in terms of quality and it should neither be followed or ignored.
Except this is my point. Having Joel and Ellie and Tess and Joel having conversations while playing through the game was interesting and unto itself far more dynamic and captivating than the cutscenes ever were. Aside from the AI being buggy as hell and the distances at which characters could be heard being awkward, the game itself is not bad. It's serviceable enough and the character discussions through the gameplay were interesting and could have been elaborated upon to be more than they were. But the issue is that they were always subordinate to the cutscenes, not nearly as developed and full as they surely would have been.Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're assuming that the vast majority of the story took place during cutscenes, whereas the narratively empty gameplay sections were merely there to keep us busy? Because I would completely disagree with that. The interaction with the world and between the characters, the way they managed to put you into the mindset of Joel and managed to immerse the player into that world (both in terms of how and why you tackle multiple situations) both added to my enjoyment of the writing and the game overall. The storyline and gameplay were not seperate aspects of the game, but overlapped eachother quite a bit. I will agree with you on Other M due to its abysmal use of cutscenes (and poor writing in general), but not on The Last of Us. I found the cutscenes to increase my enjoyment of the gameplay sections immensely and vice versa. Instead of getting into a mode where I am trying to get to the next "story section" (such as in MGS4), as the cutscenes were basically the reward for getting through the poor gameplay sections, TLOU kept me quite engaged throughout every aspect of its presentation and I kept getting more and more immersed as I played through the game. Due to the cutscenes, the gameplay held more weight, purpose and significance. Due to the gameplay, the cutscenes were more engrossing and heavy. I always say that if you could improve something by taking out one of the two elements (Taking bad gameplay out of a game with excellent cutscenes and cutscene-based storyline or taking bad cutscenes or cutscene-only story out of a game with excellent gameplay), it has failed to execute these elements properly. However, I believe that if we were to miss the cutscenes or miss the interaction, world and character-building during gameplay sections in TLOU, it would be an unrecognizable shell of what it is now.
Whether a game contains something memorable is completely dependant on the player. You believe that it is not particularly memorable, whereas I believe that I won't soon forget its presentation, the overall feel I had while playing the game and Ellie and Joel for quite a while.
Engagement is great, effective engagement is better, and cutscenes are generally not effective engagement. In fact most of the time they're not a part of engagement at all, but separation. "These are the bits you have control over, we'll just be over here telling a story you have no power or ability to engage in." Engagement requires participation, and the player is rarely allowed to intrude upon the realm of the developer god. It's understandable as to why, it's difficult to code sequences which attempt to take the player into account and it's far less difficult to simply present a story outside the player's domain. But it takes away from the concept of player agency and its meta-narrative is the same as The Stanley Parable without the self-awareness or conceit.Some people said the same about Journey. It's just a pretty walking sim or a non-game (whatever the fuck that means. People can come up with really dumb shit); it is not memorable. Yet here I am, with a Journey background on my PC, still fondly remembering my time with the game.
The purpose of games in general is debatable as well. Of course, the core aspect of them is to be interactive, but the main goal is up for debate (my opinion: Engage the player) and by what means they may accomplish this (My opinion: Any means necessary) differs from player to player.
Again, Chrono Trigger is one example of what my point is. You, and probably a lot of others, remember a great deal about Chrono Trigger because it is an exceptionally memorable game. But that's not an accident; its ability to contextualize and use beats in-game is extraordinary. The game itself may have a typical plot, but its ability to turn those typified realities into memorable moments, "The Trial," "The Masamune," "The Black Omen," "The Green Dream," plays out in a way that is episodic in nature and impossible to forget as a result. It takes advantage of the natural pauses we frequently experience through play. It uses our ability and desire to process in chapters of information extraordinarily effectively, much as each "Dream" in LSD or each "Stage" in Jet Grind Radio. The Last of Us and most modern cinematic games don't do this though, they instead attempt to string together many moments to create a long, uninterrupted sequence, and this frankly doesn't work over the course of fifteen hours or more. It's why there aren't many movies even approaching that length (and while I guess ten hours of nyan-cat might be a counter to this, as it is something people watch, I wouldn't really consider those movies... effective).I remember a lot of things about RE4. How hectic the starting section of the village was, some of the weapons we got, most of the village and castle area in general, KRAUSER!!!, the merchant, boss designs, how great the game felt while playing and how much fun I had while playing. Oh and of course I also remember "LEOOOON HEEEELP! HELP ME LEON!" and "OH, YOU PERVERT!". Also, Chrono Trigger is unforgettable, so that's an unfair example =D. But again, whether something is memorable or not wholly depends on how you experienced these elements both individually and as sum.
Hard to say. Overall definitely Heavy Rain, but more people have played it. I would say the voice acting and writing is a lot better in Beyond, but the gameplay and choice implementation is worse. Many people who loved Heavy Rain missed those things in Beyond and therefore didn't like it very much. On the other hand a lot of people who had many issues with Heavy Rain really liked Beyond. Then some (like me) love both and a lot hate both.I definitely want to play Beyond one of these days. Heavy Rain too for that to matter. Generally which is the one people liked more?
Good list. FEA shouldn't be anywhere near the top 20, but what can you do when Bravely Default isn't out in the Americas yet.
My people:
Good list. FEA shouldn't be anywhere near the top 20, but what can you do when Bravely Default isn't out in the Americas yet.
1. Doctor Ninja (121)
2. SpokkX (109)
3. Maxxan (108)
4. LOCK (103)
5. enanogrande (100)
6. olimpia84 (97)
6. pulga (97)
8. Flarin (96)
9. Emerson (92)
9. Shorty11857 (92)
I had the option and Bravely Default didn't make my list while Fire Emblem did. I feel like the game is going to be quite divisive
My new best friends! (sorry dragonbane1. Acquiescence (124)
2. Jay-B (122)
3. PuppetMaster (121)
4. VRMN (117)
5. Ataturk (116)
6. JehutyRunner (109)
7. JustAnotherOtaku (107)
8. Jonboy (106)
9. libregkd (105)
9. Miburou (105)
Didn't think the gap between #1 and #2 would be that large. Surprised and happy to see Tearaway break the top ten.
My new friends:
1. JustAnotherOtaku (99)
2. Marc (98)
3. somesayyea (96)
4. libregkd (92)
5. Jonboy (87)
6. consoul (84)
6. jakeellis01 (84)
8. polyh3dron (82)
8. shem935 (82)
10. Carlisle (80)
alr1ght's gif is lovely![]()
1. EatChildren (123)
2. The Xtortionist (106)
3. Neiteio (105)
4. Anth0ny (102)
4. Gartooth (102)
6. ShockingAlberto (100)
7. jyoung188 (97)
7. Recall (97)
9. ViviOggi (96)
10. Papercuts (91)
1. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Adventure) = 23 points Do not own handheld consoles
2. [360][PS3] Grand Theft Auto V (Adventure) = 9 points, 1 honorable mention Played it, too many negatives, didn't make the list
3. [PC] Gone Home (Adventure) = 8 points Soon
4. [3DS] Fire Emblem Awakening (RPG) = 6 points, 1 honorable mention Do not own handheld consoles
5. [NWU] Pikmin 3 (Strategy) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention Bought it, need to finish
6. [360][PS3] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (Adventure) = 4 points Bought it. Great combat system + the pawns are hilarious, mediocre everything else
7. [PC] Dota 2 (Strategy) = 4 points ...Nah
8. [360][PS3] Anarchy Reigns (Action) = 4 points Played it, lower tier Platinum
9. [PSV] Tearaway (Platform) = 4 points Do not own handheld consoles
10. [3DS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (Adventure) = 3 points Do not own handheld consoles
1. urge26 (121)
2. Goldenroad (116)
3. Green Yoshi (112)
4. CMojicaAce (111)
5. consoul (110)
6. patjburns89 (108)
7. 100MS (107)
7. Jonboy (107)
7. nbnt (107)
7. Saladin (107)
1. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][NWU][PC] Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Adventure) = 9 points
2. [PS4] Resogun (Shooter) = 5 points
3. [PS3] Beyond: Two Souls (Adventure) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
4. [PS3] Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (RPG) = 4 points
5. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Adventure) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
6. [PS3] Gran Turismo 6 (Racing) = 3 points
7. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Battlefield 4 (FPS) = 3 points
8. [PC] Gone Home (Adventure) = 3 points
9. [PS3][PSV][PC] Hotline Miami (Action) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
10. [360][PS3][PC] Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Adventure) = 2 points
11. [360][XB1][PS3][PSV][PS4][NWU][PC] Rayman Legends (Platform) = 2 points
12. [PS3][PSV][PC] Guacamelee! (Platform) = 2 points
13. [NWU] Super Mario 3D World (Platform) = 1 point, 2 honorable mentions
14. [XB1] Dead Rising 3 (Horror) = 1 point, 1 honorable mention
15. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Need for Speed Rivals (Racing) = 1 point
16. [PC][AND] 10000000 (Strategy) = 1 point
17. [XB1] Forza Motorsport 5 (Racing) = 1 point
18. [PS3] Puppeteer (Platform) = 1 point
19. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] NBA 2K14 (Sports) = 1 point
20. [360][PS3][PC] Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (FPS) = 1 point
21. [IOS] Device 6 (Adventure) = 1 point
22. [360][PS3][PC] Dead Space 3 (FPS) = 1 point
23. [PS3][PSV][PC] Thomas Was Alone (Puzzle) = 1 point
24. [NWU] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Adventure) = 1 point
25. [IOS][AND] Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time (Strategy) = 1 point
26. [PS4] Killzone: Shadow Fall (FPS) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
27. [360][PS3][PC] Metro: Last Light (FPS) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
4 familiar faces. Good enoughdragonbane
1. Deadceptor (69)
2. Cloudy (68)
2. DJwest (68)
2. TheVisualizer (68)
5. consoul (66)
5. oompa (66)
5. SpideySenses (66)
8. 100MS (65)
8. bigboss370 (65)
8. SolidusDave (65)
you mean you're saving the Bravely Default vote for next year
1. branny (59)
2. Atruvius (45)
3. BurnOutBrighter (43)
3. Sojgat (43)
3. ultron87 (43)
6. ChefRamsay (42)
6. nbnt (42)
6. Pein (42)
6. psycho17 (42)
10. Joeku (41)
1. Forkball (98)
2. Reticent Rhino (87)
2. Sallokin (87)
4. saucylion (86)
5. Frosteey (85)
5. Metroidvania (85)
7. kswiston (82)
7. RMI (82)
9. Linearskillz (80)
9. matmanx1 (80)
1. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (RPG) = 6 points Played the demo, really liked it. Haven't bought it yet.
2. [PC] Rogue Legacy (Platform) = 5 points
3. [PS3][PSV][PC] Guacamelee! (Platform) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
4. [3DS] Rune Factory 4 (RPG) = 4 points
5. [PS3][PC] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (MMO) = 4 points
6. [PSV] Tearaway (Platform) = 4 points
7. [360][PS3][PC] Saints Row IV (Adventure) = 4 points
8. [PS3][PSV] Dragon's Crown (Adventure) = 3 points, 3 honorable mentions Played, haven't beaten. In retrospective I think Dragon's Crown would have been a better choice than some of the others I put on my list.
9. [360][PS3] Grand Theft Auto V (Adventure) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
10. [360][PS3] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (Adventure) = 3 points
No problem. We can stay casual friends. I didn't beat many games last year, otherwise I might have appearedMy new best friends! (sorry dragonbane)
1. Tunic (102)
2. abrack08 (100)
3. Jachaos (92)
3. Mushroomer25 (92)
5. CambriaRising (89)
5. fargofallout (89)
5. SuperSonic1305 (89)
8. Mr. Sam (87)
8. Saladin (87)
10. CerebralTiger (86)[/QUOTE]
As always, great list.
1. Timeaisis (126)
2. The Red Wizard (122)
3. 10k (117)
4. CreatureX3 (115)
4. LOCK (115)
6. Wiz (114)
7. Gartooth (112)
8. Ansatz (101)
9. SpokkX (100)
10. vanty (99)
Yeah, Bravely Default is a game with great systems and a brilliant point to make, but it's also structurally-flawed. I tried to expand on that in my GotY writeup this year.
I feel like it might be divisive, but maybe people might look past that. Who knows. It'll be interesting to see what NA players think of it.
1. Selkies! (66)
2. Ceebs (65)
2. fantomena (65)
4. Pudge (63)
4. TheDuke56 (63)
6. acevans2 (61)
6. bigkrev (61)
6. Knox (61)
9. haikira (59)
9. McDougles (59)
1. ShockingAlberto (120)
2. Sinthetic (114)
3. Mike D (109)
4. ViviOggi (99)
5. robotrock (98)
6. EatChildren (97)
6. ThanksVision (97)
8. Pappasman (95)
9. Selkies! (94)
10. Neiteio (92)