Really, really surprised to see SM3DW in 4th place considering it's a Wii-U game.
Overall this seems like a really good list. I haven't played all the games (I haven't played the top 3 for example) but it sounds good to me.
I figured it'd make top ten at least, just because there's a lot of backlash doesn't mean a lot of people didn't like it. Just look at ME2, that still got GotY in 2010 despite how many shout that it's the start of the fall of Bioware. Which may still technically be true perhaps, but they still made a really enjoyable game out of it and were generally well meaning in the design, more than which can be said about DAII.Bioshock Infinite? 2nd place? Now there's a suprise. Didn't think it would make top 10 (nor didn't I want it to be there).
Great to see The Swapper getting an award though.![]()
I need to see if there's the collected number of points for 2009, but I do think a key part of it is that this year didn't really have any singular big game that was great AND many people would play. In fact I might have to take back what I said about disappointment that Bioshock Infinite was still #2, if they executed it as well as some of us had hoped it probably WOULD have been hot on TLoU's heels rather than not even half way there, while the runner ups behind it are MUCH closer to it. So the point count might be damning despite the position on the chart.It's never close when Naughty Dog is in beast-mode.
Great year for games.
Wait, there's people that actually thought DmC was better?Action Game of the Year : Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
And with that we can now end those MGR vs DmC discussions
Action Game of the Year : Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
And with that we now we can end those MGR vs DmC discussions[IMG][/QUOTE]
Yeah, I don't think so. I think there were two better action titles than MGR and I'm not exactly eager to say The Last of Us is the best game of the year either.
I feel like GTAV is in a similar position to CoD but not as extreme: it's that super mega popular game that can represent a lot of what's wrong with the industry perceived or for real, but it DOES appeal more to hardcore gamers with a stronger SP focus and stuf like a huge world to explore. So, it still ranks damn high.Holy shit TLoU just ran away with GOTY from the start. Initially, I thought GAF would be even with GTAV and TLoU but it seems I overestimated GTAV's reception.
SMT4 not even in the Top 20? *pushes over a magazine rack*
SMT4 not even in the Top 20? *pushes over a magazine rack*
SMT4 not even in the Top 20? *pushes over a magazine rack*
Feels kinda bizarre to see Bioshock Infinite so high. I guess I hadnt been paying attention because I thought the consensus was it came out distinctly average and people had massively cooled on it by the end of the year. Definitely the surprise of the list to me.
SMT4 not even in the Top 20? *pushes over a magazine rack*
SMT4 not even in the Top 20? *pushes over a magazine rack*
Not surprised it showed up under passion though. Seemed like it got a lot of 1s.
It still seems disappointment shined through despite the ranking though, it was WAY closer to TLoU on the list count than the score count, so I'm guessing for many people it was still good enough to put in the top ten. I may've even done it myself still with TLoU way higher, and whether they expressed disappointment or not I can see a lot of people having done the same thing.It's probably a lot like MGS4. Fans of the game eventually just stop defending it because of how vocal the detractors are, so you get the impression that everyone hates it or is disappointed in it.
Wait, let me get this straight... The Last of Us won?!
Edit - Holy shit, Tearaway at #9! GAF has major love for that game, and quite rightly.
Coming out in the last month of the year after a hot console launch was not a good combo for getting attention at all. It'll be a prime candidate for LTTP.gran turismo 4: #28 in 2005
gran turismo 5: #10 in 2010
gran turismo 6: #63 in 2013
i always thought this series had more love.