I wasn't aware of the voting thread, but that's a great list you guys came up with. Only movie I haven't seen in the Top 20 is The Descent. I suppose it's time I look it up.
I wasn't aware of the voting thread, but that's a great list you guys came up with. Only movie I haven't seen in the Top 20 is The Descent. I suppose it's time I look it up.
The Thing is so fucking good. I don't find it scary really, but it's just a great SF flick with characters behaving in plausible ways in response to the mystery. Like they are flawed, emotional, but also intelligent. Really refreshing in the genre.
The Thing is so fucking good. I don't find it scary really, but it's just a great SF flick with characters behaving in plausible ways in response to the mystery. Like they are flawed, emotional, but also intelligent. Really refreshing in the genre.
Overall good list but c'mon GAF Wicker Man should be in top ten (Lee version of course) and Evil Dead 2 is just to comic silly to be in top 10 - I love it but I'd hesitate to even describe it as horror; it's really just a very gory fun romp.
Still Alien is great number one and most or rest of top 10 I can't argue with either apart from changing a few placements (Exorcist definitely too low but I'm guessing it's religious roots loose out these days to other horror concepts.