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NeoGAF has done it for me


Gold Member
Damigos Damigos
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Fun thread but, nothing beats how lively this forum was before the “split”. I just mean in the how every new/huge gaming news was here before anywhere. Couldn’t even keep up how fast things used to move.


Gold Member

Neogaf has done it for me. I mean..its so good i even have it on my chrome bar 24/7. I am gold member to see live announcements i spend most of my day checking for news to post so people can shit on Game Pass and Spider Man graphics.
And i dont want to play games ever again.
I just want to write down reviews and news i never knew even existed prior to a twitter announcement.
Thank you NeoGAF for changing my life like that. You beat 4Chan, Youtube, Twitter, IGN and even the Purple Forum
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Neo Member
I have to agree, Neogaf is kind of amazing. Not that i have posted much (or at all) but i can atleast see that people here have the right to their own opinion regarding videogames and consoles, And they don't get baned for sharing their thoughts if they are displeased with something when it comes to services/games/features of a spicific console, It just happened to me last week on another site (name ends with ERA)
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