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NeoGAF PlayStation Trophy Thread | 2016 Edition


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I figure people in here may know this: PSN profiles did an update on their site, and my trophy completion avarage dropped after this. It went from 73ish to 69. Did something change in how they calculate this? Maybe they started including dlc when they didn't before?


I figure people in here may know this: PSN profiles did an update on their site, and my trophy completion avarage dropped after this. It went from 73ish to 69. Did something change in how they calculate this? Maybe they started including dlc when they didn't before?

Something must be wrong with their calculation. I updated my profile twice today and my completion dropped every time. I didnt add any new games and i earned trophies, so i should have only went up not down.


Finished Deponia but I missed all the missables. That was planned very well.

Platinum #149 - Deponia. Powered through again for all the missables. Took less than two hours. Time to aim for Platinum 150, which should be God of War III Remastered. I already have 7 God of War Platinum trophies.


Only need 5 trophies for platinum in Skyrim; two from the Brotherhood questline, clear 50 dungeons, get married, and 1000g bounty on the 9 cities. I'm trying to finish up the Skyrim base game for platinum before Stardew Valley comes out on Tuesday. Looking forward to Stardew even if the trophies look long. The trophies are the same as the Steam achievements and some of those have very very low % earned.


#101 Square Heroes lol

feels good to play trash again <3

@dark -- thanks bud but 0.10 is kinda overrated to be fair. Felt more like 0.5


#101 Square Heroes lol

feels good to play trash again <3

@dark -- thanks bud but 0.10 is kinda overrated to be fair. Felt more like 0.5

I thought I asked you to boost that awhile ago and you wouldn't. Still don't have the plat, you could have asked. :(


Platinum #48 - LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7
It's pretty amazing to jump from the first game to this one. The first one looks like a late generation PS2 game, while this one looks good enough to be a very early PS4 game. That's a lot of progress for just the two or so years between each title.


PSNProfiles got a lot more annoying with full screen ads now.

My completion dropped half a percent.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the new update to the site. In many ways it feels more like a downgrade.

Got my 70th plat last week.

That makes it 10 plats this year so far.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the new update to the site. In many ways it feels more like a downgrade.

It's been in beta for a long time. The forums feel very different but in the end you can do a lot more stuff now.

Been a while since i've posted, but my last platinum was #132 FFXV. All in all, i enjoyed it. My biggest complained was that they focused too much on gameplay and not enough on the story.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Man, what the fuck.

I'm not saying some of y'all don't enjoy games, but you must be ripping these playthroughs with ungodly skill to have these many platinums. Like, damn.

How do y'all do it? Ignore the backlog? Focus all efforts on one game at a time?
Platinum #70 Assassins Creed 2

The port was fine, but the game hasn't aged well. Not that I had too fond memories anyway. Hoping my golden memory of Brotherhood isn't tarnished. Now I can plat Brotherhood and Revelations, no multiplayer trophies thankfully.


the piano man
Man, what the fuck.

I'm not saying some of y'all don't enjoy games, but you must be ripping these playthroughs with ungodly skill to have these many platinums. Like, damn.

How do y'all do it? Ignore the backlog? Focus all efforts on one game at a time?

people with more than 30~35 platinums very likely started a very long time ago with the PS3 and own on top of that a Vita and a PS4, doing some research you can find games that are easy to platinum,


Anyone else know why PSN Profiles won't update my trophy list? It says it has updated but it isn't adding any of my recent Trophies/games and it's been this way for 2 or 3 months now.


Anyone else know why PSN Profiles won't update my trophy list? It says it has updated but it isn't adding any of my recent Trophies/games and it's been this way for 2 or 3 months now.

Maybe check your console's privacy settings. If you have trophy lists hidden on PSN they won't show up in PSNProfiles.


Gauging everyone's experience with the Titanfall 2 plat. Particularly with the gauntlet trophy. How hard is it?

Will start the game tonight.


I've only earned 2 plats this month, the super easy Volume and then Arkham Knight.

I confess with AK I got 96/110 trophies and just couldn't do it anymore, plus the game was taking up 74GB of space, oh well.

It did get me to trophy level 38 though :)


I thought I asked you to boost that awhile ago and you wouldn't. Still don't have the plat, you could have asked. :(

Like I said, I had my PS4 stowed away for the time being, waiting to start SMB (using only PS3 until then). I thought you might have the MP finished by the time I retrieved my PS4. Also, I already had the MP done when you asked, otherwise I would've remembered to boost it with you.

My PS4 is currently still hooked up, so I'm happy to help you whenever. Just message me when you wanna do it :)

Man, what the fuck.

I'm not saying some of y'all don't enjoy games, but you must be ripping these playthroughs with ungodly skill to have these many platinums. Like, damn.

How do y'all do it? Ignore the backlog? Focus all efforts on one game at a time?
You'd be surprised at how quick you can platinum most games if you're referencing a guide. I'd say the majority of games can be platted in 2x the time (or less) of a regular playthrough. Also keep in mind that some games are shorter than others, like My Name is Mayo, giving you 2 platinums in 30 mins each lol.

And yeah, I find it helps to focus your attention on 1-3 games rather than going all over the place. Keeps you more engaged & motivated to finish what you start, with the self-created incentive of getting to start new games.
Platinum #21 - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

100% the main game, still have to begin with the DLC. However, for now I am playing Final Fantasy XV - loving it so far and it's great to finally see my name (Jared) in a game again.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Plat #71

Long story short, it didn't age well. Neither did 2. I honestly regret doing this. These games should have stayed in the past. Brotherhood had better combat, and villains, but it felt like filler. Missions lacked context or importance, through most of the story.

The plat itself proved a frustrating task. As I never played The Da Vinci Disappearance, I was never tempted to 100% sync the game on last generation. Several missions, like the tank mission(5 sections before the actual side objective, 1 hit and you have to repeat) or any no detection section, were utter bullshit. I genuinely wonder if the developers were so high on their own farts that they thought AC2/B/R/3 were actually good stealth games.


Managed to get 5 plats in about 24 hrs:

Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Plat #71

Long story short, it didn't age well. Neither did 2. I honestly regret doing this. These games should have stayed in the past. Brotherhood had better combat, and villains, but it felt like filler. Missions lacked context or importance, through most of the story.

The plat itself proved a frustrating task. As I never played The Da Vinci Disappearance, I was never tempted to 100% sync the game on last generation. Several missions, like the tank mission(5 sections before the actual side objective, 1 hit and you have to repeat) or any no detection section, were utter bullshit. I genuinely wonder if the developers were so high on their own farts that they thought AC2/B/R/3 were actually good stealth games.

Yup I found this out the hard way when I revisited the PS3 trilogy earlier this year. AC2 was ass in every way except music / characters, ACB felt like a proper sequel but kinda bland and had unpolished MP. ACR was great, though -- the graphical leap was superb and the gameplay was much more polished & enjoyable, especially with the hookblade.

Whatever, still eager to plat them again without MP this time.


I'm getting near platinum 150. Challenges of Olympus went very easily on God of War III Remastered. I need a last Titan run and some minor cleanup.


#83 Broken Sword 5

@consumer how did you like orc slayer? goty right? lol
I enjoyed the bunker though. John had a very bad day.


Just wanted to share platinum #40 (witcher 3):


Seems like I'm one of the very few people who loves the witcher and the souls games. Looking to plat this month's psplus games next. Stories: path of destinies looks fun but you have to apparently grind for the plat and invisible inc looks like it will be a hard plat but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Seems like I'm one of the very few people who loves the witcher and the souls games. Looking to plat this month's psplus games next. Stories: path of destinies looks fun but you have to apparently grind for the plat and invisible inc looks like it will be a hard plat but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Stories is super grindy. You'll see everything the game has to offer after doing maybe 6 of the 20-some endings. But you have to get them all for the Plat.


#107 -- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Longer than anticipated since it took my buddy 5h (took me 7), but in retrospect I suppose he was just humble-bragging. Interesting story but the painfully slow movement killed any engagement I had with the game.

#83 Broken Sword 5

@consumer how did you like orc slayer? goty right? lol
I enjoyed the bunker though. John had a very bad day.

Honestly dude, I didn't even mind the repetitive gameplay that much. What killed the game for me was its catastrophic frame rate issues, glitches, poor level design, and eyesore-inducing visuals from 1990. Without technical issues/glitches I could've saved myself 1-2h of gameplay........

Didn't like The Bunker either honestly. Most of the "game" is just close-ups of John's exaggerated facial expressions. The only engaging sequences are ch 11/12. The whole live-action gimmick wore off quickly and I was left with a really slow-paced point-and-click game (which is the worst possible genre for trophy hunting).

The most enjoyable game of the bunch was Jazzpunk; I fell in love with its satirical / random comedic tone and feel like I really missed out by rushing the game.

I'm getting near platinum 150. Challenges of Olympus went very easily on God of War III Remastered. I need a last Titan run and some minor cleanup.

Nice, got anything planned for #150?

EDIT: Oops! Missed your earlier post mentioning you just got plat #149, which means GoW 3 (PS4) will be #150 which is an excellent choice -- one of my favourite games.


Edit: Platinum #150 - God of War III Remastered. Reached level 38.

Nice, got anything planned for #150?
Not really, just found an eight God of War platinum to be a nice touch. I only miss Ascension that way.
Titan run went fine in two hours with the glitch so now I only need to clean up nice tan, hit man and amazed.
Platinum #72 - Assassins Creed: Revelations

There completes the Ezio saga. Turns out, on paper, Revelations was the best game out of the three overall. Best story, characters, quests that were unique, cinematic, but had context in actions, weaker villain than B, but a grounded story that severed to wrap up the Assassins story. It improved on almost everything from B. If the game had ended with Ezio's heartfelt speech, instead of more scifi for no reason other than the last games had it, it would have been a perfect ending. The big problem was that they fucked up the parkour. Not sure how, I guess it's the added detail on the buildings, but it screws up the moment to moment gameplay.

I got cocky with this one. Thought I was going to finish it early. "All I've got is the dlc left..." I said confidently. Little did I know that there was a terror waiting in the list. I needed to impress Warren Vidic. Which required a completed 10-20 miin section with over a dozen puzzles that all have the capability to kill. With the hardest part at the very end, and only one chance before repeat, it made for a very tedious trophy. Frustrating. At least the mechanics of that sections were sound. The rest of the game was fairly mundane, besides some frustrating 100% sync missions.


Honestly dude, I didn't even mind the repetitive gameplay that much. What killed the game for me was its catastrophic frame rate issues, glitches, poor level design, and eyesore-inducing visuals from 1990. Without technical issues/glitches I could've saved myself 1-2h of gameplay........

Didn't like The Bunker either honestly. Most of the "game" is just close-ups of John's exaggerated facial expressions. The only engaging sequences are ch 11/12. The whole live-action gimmick wore off quickly and I was left with a really slow-paced point-and-click game (which is the worst possible genre for trophy hunting).

The most enjoyable game of the bunch was Jazzpunk; I fell in love with its satirical / random comedic tone and feel like I really missed out by rushing the game.

yeah man, the framerate is really bad. pretty sure it went down to the single digits. I had alot of issues where one or two orcs would get stuck in a tree or wall. It would take forever to kill them.
So I just saw this promotion for PS plus Asia and I still have some months left on my Asia account. Anyone can help me find out the easiest games to get Gold or Sliver so I can earn some PSN cash?

Gamelist below
. 3on3 FreeStyle
AirMech Arena
Battle Islands
Blacklight: Retribution
King of Wushu
Knights Of Valour
Pinball Arcade
QURARE: Magic Library
The Tomorrow Children Free Edition
War Thunder
World of Tanks


Neo Member
So I just saw this promotion for PS plus Asia and I still have some months left on my Asia account. Anyone can help me find out the easiest games to get Gold or Sliver so I can earn some PSN cash?

PES 2017 trial version has trophies? Anyways, a cool promotion. I wish EU or NA would have it too.
Hey all.

To be honest, this month is kinda of a drag in comparison to November (15 plats!) but for good reason. I finally buckeled down and worked on a game I've been meaning to do since summer. Last night, I finally did it:

Yep, the bane of GAF's existence, Mighty No. 9. To be honest, it wasn't a bad, little game (though doesn't hold a candle to Megaman). Maybe I'll do a LTTP thread about it...

I was thinking of going ahead with the PS3 version, but every trophy site says there's a nasty glitch with one of the trophies. Would one contact deep silver about it since they're the publisher?


I finished Actual SUnlight, but I can't sync my Trophies because I have to update my Vita system software. Which is going so slow that it took less time to finish Actual Sunlight.


I was without a PS4 for nearly four months, so my trophy game has been wrecked. But now I have a Pro, so I'm moving my way back up. I just used My Name Is Mayo to grab two platinums (PS4 and Vita), so that has boosted me up some!
Picked up two more.

Platinum #73 Telltales Game of Thrones

You've played one you've played them all. Story was better, worse, and more forgettable than I was expecting all at once. A goddamn trifecta.

Platinum #74 The Last Guardian

Amazing game. Horrible trophies. Thankfully there was a collective that I could piggyback on to success. No way I could have gotten all the hints by myself, not that I would have tried. Hate collectibles.
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