NeoGAF Pokémon League | There are 18 badges in GAF; Gary Oak has 20


Battles vs ColossalLazy:


Battles vs Alchemy:


I only got the last 2 vs alchemy, so if he has the 1st one he can post it. gg again guys.


I'm currently EV training my 6IV Hoppip, but if anyone wants to challenge me, feel free to contact me through here or by PM (both the singles 6v6 and multi-battle formats are fine).

I only wish it was shiny, though, since shiny Jumpluff is awesome, and it'd fit its Dream Ball really well, but without the sniny charm my chances weren't that good, anyway.


I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I have been dealing with a recent change in my work schedule and its making it difficult to have a lot of extra free time.


Man, this has really died down. Are we going to do something about the MIA leaders?

Sorry, college happened and I haven't been able to do much pokemon since. If people want to challenge me it is best to just send me a pm since I'm pretty much always on GAF and we can arrange a time. I don't think my time schedule is going to get any better in the near future though...


Thanks for the match fek. I learned a lot about using Protect from our previous match. And thanks a lot for the Magnemite!




If they did they never posted anything about it. Chino never even replied to this thread.

Should we discuss soon?

I've been only taken matches by appointment due to having a ton of Human Rights papers due. University has been coming down the wire lately.


Yeah sorry guys but i'll have to drop out. I just lost the motivation to play Pokemon (thanks to college, a job, and other video games) a while ago and i've been meaning to post in here but I kept forgetting to. Sorry to let you down Pokegaf :(


I'm still accepting challenges, but I haven't gotten any in quite a while.

I think I'll be available on Saturday night (if by "night EST" you mean 6 PM EST or later).

Heh, we'll finally be using the IRC channel again.


So El_Chino broke his 3DS and can't participate. We'll need to find replacements for both Fire and Ghost gyms.

Also, I'm available right now if anyone wants.

I'm still accepting challenges, but I haven't gotten any in quite a while.

I think I'll be available on Saturday night (if by "night EST" you mean 6 PM EST or later).

Heh, we'll finally be using the IRC channel again.

We'll meet around 9 EST if everyone's ok.


We currently have 2 vacant positions open for the Fire and Ghost Gym Leaders, if you're interested please let Wichu and the other leaders know!

We'll see who's interested and we can figure out from there. The league has been slow lately but I hope once our busy schedules free up next week, we can get back and running as usual!


Haven't challenged any gym since my first match over a couple weeks ago, been slowly preparing a team to use in the gyms that only accept doubles (and also been a bit busy with another game that I play very often).
Hopefully starting this week I'll be able to start challenging gyms again. ^^


Sleepwalker has agreed to take over the Fire-type Gym. I'll update the OP when I get more details.

We still need someone to take over Ghost; if anyone's interested, PM me.


Won ezodagrom's challenge, 2-1. Good games, thank you for the challenge!
Thank you for the battles. ^^
In the first match I actually forgot that steel moves are weak against water and lightning...

The battles.

(Forgot about changing the music in the first battle, and for the 2nd battle I wanted Korrina's battle theme, but wasn't sure if it was 5 or 7, ended with Lysandre's battle theme...)


Lost 2-0 against JulianImp, other than me doing a few mistakes as usual, I stood no chance...
Thank you for the battles though. ^^;
(also sorry for the double post, though no one posted here for a few days anyway)



I've also defended my gym from PBalfredo on his rematch! I was surprised by Aerodactyl running Fire Blast of all things, but I guess you picked it strictly as a metagame choice against me, just like Rock Tomb on Squiggly and mixed scarf Charizard.

I opened with Forretress both times because I picked up right away that you had some severe Stealth Rock weakness on your key players. The first time was a bit bad because I could barely set rocks up before it being burned to a crisp, but it had a way better match-up against Kabutops due to packing Earthquake, and with it gone, the rocks seriously limited your switch-in options. My top priorities were keeping my sash, priority move users and Quiver Dancers alive, since they were the only things that could deal with your scarfed Charizard and Aerodactyl reliably. Escavalier didn't get to stay around for long on neither match we played, but she was an excellent pivot due to taking at least two non-fire-type moves and hitting back with a moveset that had decent coverage. My Galvantula was kind of useless here, since your main threats were flying-type, and the rest were all slow enough to not even care about the speed drop.

My MVPs were, as always, Pinsir and Volcarona, one because of his ridiculous Returns and Quick Attacks, and the other because she was so good at tanking special attacks and sneaking Quiver Dances in whenever you were forced to switch (plus, her lum berry stopping your Sableye's Confuse Ray so she could OHKO back).


Gah! I'm kicking myself so hard right now for letting my Volcarona counters faint so early in the first game and not leading with Charizard again in the second. I convinced myself that after I KO'd your Forretress and Rapid Spin'd the Stealth Rocks in short order in the first game, that you would try a different lead. Nope, and I paid the price for it.

Your Volcarona is the main disruptive force. I get caught in the problem that I need Charizard scarfed to outpace Mega Pinsir, but Flamethrower can't close the deal on Volcarona so if I let Charizard vs. Volcarona happen, then I'm just letting you set up Quiver Dance til your heart's content. I'm surprised how tanky the Escavalier was even when taking 4x fire damage.

You did well and you can bet I'll be back for a rematch as soon as the time limit is over.



I want in on this. I wouldn't mind taking leadership of the Ghost gym, but I'd need to spend a few days breeding and training up a few extra ghosts to fill out an entire team.


Fire gym is taking challengers on right now.

If you wish to challenge pm me, i've stated the formats above since OP hasn't been updated.


Lost 2-1 against Sleepwalker, it was quite fun, though I did terrible in the 3rd battle. ^^;

If anyone's interested in the battles:


Won ezodagrom's challenge 2-1, GG's dude. Looking forward to your next challenge.

Thought you were going to beat me easily after that 1st round win. Losing your Gardevoir so early and changing your lead in the 3rd battle cost you hard.
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