NeoGAF Pokémon League | There are 18 badges in GAF; Gary Oak has 20


Won ezodagrom's challenge 2-1, GG's dude. Looking forward to your next challenge.

Thought you were going to beat me easily after that 1st round win. Losing your Gardevoir so early and changing your lead in the 3rd battle cost you hard.
I almost switched to my Delphox in the first turn of the third battle, but dunno why I didn't...


I almost switched to my Delphox in the first turn of the third battle, but dunno why I didn't...

That delphox hits hard as balls, I thought Arcanine with his amazing bulk could stomach a psychic, guess not lol.

Do you want to post the vids or do I do it?


That delphox hits hard as balls, I thought Arcanine with his amazing bulk could stomach a psychic, guess not lol.

Do you want to post the vids or do I do it?
Posted them in the previous page (edited the post).
Errored to upload the videos when I first made the post, but once it worked I edited the post.


So are we officially down and out, then? Looks like interest is pretty much gone, though if anyone still wants a challenge against my Rock Gym they can have it.


Squeaked out 2 very close wins against PBalfredo for the Rock gym's first successful defense. Seriously though, GG man. That was tense.

I'll probably upload the videos later, but for now I have a monster headache so I need to step away from the game.


So are we officially down and out, then? Looks like interest is pretty much gone, though if anyone still wants a challenge against my Rock Gym they can have it.

Seriously guys. PM us, we dont bite.

Seconded, best way to catch me is through PM since I always have GAF open.

Yup, I'm open to battle more often then I post here saying the gym is open. Just need to schedule things since I don't want to stare at this thread all day.



PBalfredo wins the volcanic badge 2-0.

Terrible team selection. Should have changed a couple mons for the 2nd match but not sure if that's allowed lol.



PBalfredo wins the volcanic badge 2-0.

Terrible team selection. Should have changed a couple mons for the 2nd match but not sure if that's allowed lol.



OP said:
Gym Battles are conducted in a best of 3 format - whoever wins two games first is the overall winner. Neither side may change the six Pokémon they bring during the best of 3; however, you are allowed to change to order of your team (and in non-6v6 formats, the Pokémon you choose to use).

Good games. You leading with Charizard in the first game was exactly what I didn't want to happen. In hindsight I could have scarfed Tyrantrum instead of Absol to assure I would always get Stealth Rocks off even in such a match-up, even if doing so leaves Absol with just 75 speed.



edit: Looking over the rules again made me notice this:

Species Clause: Players may not have more than one Pokémon of the same species on a team (alternate forms count as the same species).
This is a standard rule for competitive Pokémon; this rule prevents both challengers and Gym Leaders from packing multiples of the strongest Pokémon available. Nobody wants to face three Dragonites.



I also am alive and kicking, but I'm currently on vacation, so I probably won't be easy to find for one more week.

Things never managed to take off the way we wanted, but I'll still keep my monobug team around for challenges, even if this thread ends up dying.

Having to use bug-types only has been a great experience so far, since I got to try several of them out, which I wouldn't have done otherwise. It's one of those types that doesn't get too many metagame-hogging mons, but the ones it does have are all quite good.


They were once again intense battles, but I managed to hold out my badge 2-1 against PBalfredo. Seriously, GG man. (I'll try to upload the battles from these last 2 gym matches later tonight.)



Heh, thinking about it, I made a pretty silly mistake with my strategy. I used Charizard Y to cancel out your sandstreams and OHKO Tyranitar, despite his reliance on the inaccurate Focus Blast and weakness to Rock Slide. And that might had been worth it if I wasn't running a physical team, making the negation of your Sp. Def bonus meaningless. My counters to your team are tripping over my other counters to your team, ha ha.

Oh well, next week.


Here's my uploads of vs. PBalfredo:
1st set

2nd set


I know I dropped out of the tournament as a leader, but does a gym leader want to do some battles later? Today's the first time in a couple months where I really just want to sit down and play some Pokemon.


Neo Member
So as a challenger i get to make one team per rule set and never change the mons correct? might try to come up with something this evening.


GGs Boogiepop, ColossalLazy. You both run some tough gyms that each took me three tries to finally defeat.



PBalfredo wins 2-0. I guess teaching Rock Tomb and Flamethrower to everything, even if it has mediocre attacking stats, isn't something I can fight against (mixed sweepers Absol, Aerodactyl and Charizard, yay!).

Still, enjoy your badge! (I wish we'd get more challengers)


GG, JulianImp. Your gym took the most planning and forethought to defeat. The threat of Quiver Dance and Mega Pinsir's sheer strength is an intimidating problem to work around. In previous battles, your timid Vivillon had the trolly habit of outspeeding my Charizard, much to my surprise since Charizard had 11 base speed advantage on the bug and full speed EVs. The problem was my original Charizard was modest. It made me appreciate the difference natures actually make and that they're not just there for min-maxing your pokemon for the sake of min-maxing.




GG, JulianImp. Your gym took the most planning and forethought to defeat. The threat of Quiver Dance and Mega Pinsir's sheer strength is an intimidating problem to work around. In previous battles, your timid Vivillon had the trolly habit of outspeeding my Charizard, much to my surprise since Charizard had 11 base speed advantage on the bug and full speed EVs. The problem was my original Charizard was modest. It made me appreciate the difference natures actually make and that they're not just there for min-maxing your pokemon for the sake of min-maxing.



Yeah, most of my sweepers actually have +Speed natures rather than ones that boost their attack power precisely for the sake of breaking speed ties in that crucial early set-up or hit. Actually, I think the only Adamant mon in my team is Scizor, which I'm not using as much due to the bulk Escavalier provides while also being a valuable asset in case Trick Room gets set up.

I did make a rather big mistake one game when EQing Tyrantrum rather than just using Close Combat for a OHKO, since I though EQ would've been enough and didn't want to risk the defense drop for nothing. The first game where my internet died midway was the only one where I actually had an advantage, but that was mostly because I tried a risky but hard to guess Vivillon lead and it paid off. I think if you had attacked on the first turn rather than protecting, you could've hurt it enough on the second attack to either score a KO or leave it almost dead, and easy pickings for anything that could tank at least one hit or use a priority move.


Yeah, most of my sweepers actually have +Speed natures rather than ones that boost their attack power precisely for the sake of breaking speed ties in that crucial early set-up or hit. Actually, I think the only Adamant mon in my team is Scizor, which I'm not using as much due to the bulk Escavalier provides while also being a valuable asset in case Trick Room gets set up.

I did make a rather big mistake one game when EQing Tyrantrum rather than just using Close Combat for a OHKO, since I though EQ would've been enough and didn't want to risk the defense drop for nothing. The first game where my internet died midway was the only one where I actually had an advantage, but that was mostly because I tried a risky but hard to guess Vivillon lead and it paid off. I think if you had attacked on the first turn rather than protecting, you could've hurt it enough on the second attack to either score a KO or leave it almost dead, and easy pickings for anything that could tank at least one hit or use a priority move.

If your Vivillon was focus sashed on that battle too, then the only way Absol was making it out alive was if I attacked on the first turn while you set up, then I Sucker Punched while you attacked on the second turn.


If your Vivillon was focus sashed on that battle too, then the only way Absol was making it out alive was if I attacked on the first turn while you set up, then I Sucker Punched while you attacked on the second turn.

Yeah, it was (since I wasn't running Galv), which is why I felt like protecting wasn't the right choice.
I hope you guys have this up and ready to go again in time for OR/AS. You should have a lot more people interested in jumping back in if you're all ready from day one!
I hope you guys have this up and ready to go again in time for OR/AS. You should have a lot more people interested in jumping back in if you're all ready from day one!
Also the secret bases might be a good substitute for having to be around at the same time (though game AI leaves a lot to be desired).


I'm gonna PM you guys next week and try my best. My team is ready now and I just started a company so I've been a bit busy, but I'll earn those damn badges!
Can't believe I hadn't seen this before! I think this sounds absolutely awesome, but I fear my eclectic online hours would prevent me from organising a battle easily.


I hope you guys have this up and ready to go again in time for OR/AS. You should have a lot more people interested in jumping back in if you're all ready from day one!

We should plan a relaunch a week or 2 after ORAS's release, so we can catch the bulk of the players this time round.


It's been a while, but are the gym leaders still good to go for battles? Because I'm done with the project that kept me busy for the past month or so and I'm ready to get back to earning badges.

I'm also thinking of applying to become the Ghost gym leader. I just finished breeding and raising a bunch of ghosts types, but I still need to finalize a team and get some practice with it.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Also the secret bases might be a good substitute for having to be around at the same time (though game AI leaves a lot to be desired).

Using the game's AI will probably eliminate most of the strategy involved, sadly. I had a lot of fun battling the leaders, so hopefully this time around it'll be more successful!


I think we've disbanded for the most part, but we can probably organize battles since we still have our gym teams. If anyone wants to arrange a match against me and my creepy crawlies, feel free to drop me a PM!

Also, I think making our secret bases into makeshift gyms could be good practice for those who're still getting into the competitive aspects of the game, even if they don't actually count for collecting badges. I certainly hope bases are a bit more varied this time around like, say, a volcanic cave, an icy cave, an underwater cave and/or a forest area with a small lake in the middle, so we can have better secret bases for some types (luckily for me, my bugs will be fine in one of those old large tree or bush bases).


I would love for this to start up again. When this started, my daughter was born so I became busy at the time to be able to game at all. Now I am picking up for lost time and started to game again. Lol.


I'm also good to take challenges for the Grass Gym as well.

At the moment I'm focusing on singles.

JulianImp, Sehz, any other leader, I'd appreciate it if you guys could help me get back in to Doubles. I'm a bit rusty there.


I'm also good to take challenges for the Grass Gym as well.

At the moment I'm focusing on singles.

JulianImp, Sehz, any other leader, I'd appreciate it if you guys could help me get back in to Doubles. I'm a bit rusty there.

I currently don't have a dedicated monobug team for doubles, but I'd say my top priority is getting my non-gym doubles team ready (I think 2/6 mons are done so far).

We could definitely play some doubles matches with my regular bugs and/or some other random mons I have if you wanted, but I'd probably be kind of weak since my team wasn't built with doubles synergy in mind, and won't have any doubles-specific moves that would require breeding. I'd definitely want to get into doubles eventually, since I don't think my current team is that good, even on paper.


I currently don't have a dedicated monobug team for doubles, but I'd say my top priority is getting my non-gym doubles team ready (I think 2/6 mons are done so far).

We could definitely play some doubles matches with my regular bugs and/or some other random mons I have if you wanted, but I'd probably be kind of weak since my team wasn't built with doubles synergy in mind, and won't have any doubles-specific moves that would require breeding. I'd definitely want to get into doubles eventually, since I don't think my current team is that good, even on paper.

I'll hold out until you have a decent doubles team.


Hi guys, sorry for the bump, but with ORAS coming out soon, I though maybe it's time we tried this gym leader thing again. One of the main problems we had last time was that we started after everyone was finished with X/Y. So, maybe we can start organizing earlier this time, and catch more people when they're still playing the game.

We should also look to simplify the rules, so it'll not be so confusing this time. Maybe in the beginning, to have no rules outside of the ones set by the game, and then work from there?

I hope someone is still interested in this.


Hi guys, sorry for the bump, but with ORAS coming out soon, I though maybe it's time we tried this gym leader thing again. One of the main problems we had last time was that we started after everyone was finished with X/Y. So, maybe we can start organizing earlier this time, and catch more people when they're still playing the game.

We should also look to simplify the rules, so it'll not be so confusing this time. Maybe in the beginning, to have no rules outside of the ones set by the game, and then work from there?

I hope someone is still interested in this.
I'm up for it, but i won't have time until around Christmas. Also, we should switch up the gyms. I don't want Flying again :p
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