With skate. releasing next Wednesday for Xbox 360 and later this month for PS3, a few of us skate. enthusiasts have decided it'd be prudent to start collecting Gamertags/PSN Handles. If youd like to be a part of GAFs own group of skaters or just want to find some people to challenge, post your Gamertag or PSN Handle here, in the following format:
GAF Name | Gamertag | skate.reel Link | Platform
For example, mine would be:
Eric WK | Eric WK | skate.reel | 360
By posting your skate.reel you'll be able to add friends on the official skate. site and keep up to date on your friend's uploaded videos. If you don't want to include your skate.reel, that's fine too. I'll continue to update the OP with the full list of skaters every night or so.
(This thread will also be linked in the Official Thread which I should be posting fairly shortly.)
GAF Name | Gamertag | skate.reel Link | Platform
For example, mine would be:
Eric WK | Eric WK | skate.reel | 360
By posting your skate.reel you'll be able to add friends on the official skate. site and keep up to date on your friend's uploaded videos. If you don't want to include your skate.reel, that's fine too. I'll continue to update the OP with the full list of skaters every night or so.
(This thread will also be linked in the Official Thread which I should be posting fairly shortly.)