As far as this club goes, this is probably the end unless people start posting and showing up to play again.
Last year, nobody would get on to play unless I was there, as evidenced by me playing in every single game we played. All last year I had people complaining that I wasn't on enough, which I couldn't help. I got home from work late every night.
Nothing was stopping anyone from playing without me, but nobody did.
For this year, I really worked at trying to find more players so I wouldn't have to be on every night for people to play and the club could be more active. Now even the people that were complaining last year aren't showing up and the game has only been out for 3 weeks. We have twice the number of people that the PS4 club, yet we can't even get 3 people on to play a couple nights a week. I feel bad for people that bought the game expecting this club to be more active, but I can't force people to play, nor am I going to chase people down every day anymore.
If people want to play, they need to start posting in here and showing up to play. I get that people are busy but it only takes a few seconds to post and let everyone know whats up. I'm not doing the leg work of messaging a bunch of people and finding people to play. I've done enough of that last year and this year. This club only works if people are active and participating. I know theres a couple people who don't have the game yet that have expressed interest in playing, but there's no point in them getting the game if we aren't even playing anymore.
tl;dr: People on this club either starting posting/showing up to play, or this is the end.
Should be obvious from the rest of this post that I'm not going to bother with a club for 19 if this one is done already. It's not worth the time or effort if nobody is going to play.