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NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Machine Translation:
Round 8 Studio (hereinafter referred to as Round 8), a Neowiz company that proved the new potential of Korean PC and console games with 'P's Lie', is challenging the global market once again with a new genre.
■ Next work is 'SF survival horror'
According to the game industry on the 29th, Round 8 will release the 'P's Lie' DLC (downloadable content) in the first quarter of next year. As the DLC release approaches, interest in Round 8's next work is also continuing.
To develop its next work, Round 8 is hiring talents such as level designers and scenario planners.
According to the announcement, Round 8 introduced its next work as a 'survival horror project set in a SF world' and announced that it will utilize Unreal Engine 5, targeting PC and console platforms.
'SF survival horror' is a genre that has a solid fan base in the global game market. 'Dead Space' by Electronic Arts of the United States is a representative example, and domestic game company Krafton also challenged this genre with 'Callisto Protocol' in 2022.
A Neowiz official said, “It is still too early to disclose the progress of the project,” and “It is one of the PC and console games that Round 8 Studio is preparing.”

네오위즈, ‘P의 거짓’ 흥행 이을 차기작 'SF 생존 호러' - 이비엔(EBN)뉴스센터
‘P의 거짓’으로 한국 PC·콘솔 게임의 새로운 가능성을 증명한 네오위즈의 라운드8 스튜디오(이하 라운드8)가 새로운 장르로 또 한 번 글로벌 시장에 도전한다.■