I disagree. This protest is a because of egomania and a lack of humor. In the show, Chappelle makes fun of Jews, black people, white people, Asian people and women. None of those people are complaining. Its just certain transgender people who somehow think they are above being joked about.
Space Jews!
But good on Netflix. I'd fire her ass too for leaking confidential costing data. I have complete costing data at work since I do finance. Every product right to the penny. If I leaked that data out, I'd get fired too. I might get sued by the company too. Who knows.
You cant do that and shit cry behind a special needs group like a baby. Problem is many of them know what they're doing, so it can be argued the punishment should be worse because they are purposely trying to skirt around the issue.
I just watched the first 3-4 minutes and it so true.
At my company, the younger people (all under 30):
- all expect company phones, and have zero responsibilities. For you youngin's who think cell phones are unlimited data and messaging standard thats not what it was like years back. So IT would tell us who have phones (like me), when you travel only use the phone when you need to for business, or if you know you'll use it a lot, IT will set up right away some kind of business trip plan with the provider so its cheap for the company. The never follow it. They go on VACATION with the phones on all times and came back with a $10,000 bill from Europe. Word got out. You'd think that embarrassing event would be enough to warn people dont be an idiot. Guess what? Her friend did the same on another trip for $8,000. I dont even know how it can be that much. But must been on 24/7 and downloading tons of work emails and files for weeks
- dick around doing snapchat on them even during meetings! I got snapped a few times myself and didnt know until they showed me later. Even during important meetings when execs are presenting. Still snapchatting
- show up late for meetings
- want to work from home when they feel like it even when their boss says can you come in for meetings!
- young sales account manager. Not happy with a tiered fleet car system. They want cash so they can get their own car (often a BMW 3 series)
- try to boss around vets. didnt work for some as the VP had enough feedback from people and canned their asses
- here's a good one I've only seen from young people. quitting on the spot with no 2 or 3 week notice. Just walk and go. They have a new job lined up which is fine, but didnt want to give notice some reason. Before them the only time I've seen people leave on the spot is if they are honest leaving for a competing company in which you'll get escorted out the building asap