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Neverwinter Nights 2 announced (Obsidian to develop)



Thoughts? Wasn't too keen on the first one myself. Looks like Bioware and Obsidian are becoming good friends.


Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Obsidian is Dark isle's reincarnation :D
They'll form alliances with bioware just like the old days, sharing graphic engines between them, etc.
...and they'll release games that are consistently more flavorful, better-written, and more fun than BIO's games. :D This will almost certainly be the case with NWN2. I don't care about the online aspect; I just want to see what they can do with the main campaign.


Buggy Loop said:
Obsidian is Dark isle's reincarnation :D
They'll form alliances with bioware just like the old days, sharing graphic engines between them, etc.

You mean Black Isle... but your point is well taken.
Great news. I loved NWN, can't wiat for a second.

I will hound these threads until news of BG: DA3 is released! :) hopefully they will have fixed the money problem from the second. (players had to share the gold instead of collecting their own booty.)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Ack, yes, Black isle, dont know why i confused that, been playing planescape torment for almost a week and see its logo multiple times a day :)


Chili Con Carnage!
golem said:
wonder if they will use kotor's engine and if it will be mod friendly..

It says Bioware are giving obsidian assets from the original so it might not be anymore than a slight upgrade in the visual department. It'll definitely be mod friendly though, NWN has been a huge game for Bioware just because of the modding potential.


the game seems to be slated for 2006 however... nwn's engine might be too out of date by then unless it gets some big overhauls


NWN was great as far as the play mechanics goes. I have all the expansions. What made the game's storyline suck so much ass, as well those of the expansions, was that ONCE AGAIN it was "we must stop the head bad guys to save the world" and the fact of the matter is, you saw so little of the world's that your supposed to be saving personality, you didn't give a flying puck wether the world perished or not.

The Baldur's Gate series kicked so much as not only because it wasn't "Save the world!", but you get to have a huge party of NPCs and the NPCs weren't just cookie-cutter place holder characters, they were practically their ownselves. For crying out loud, if your party members didn't like each other, they might try to kill each other off. Unbelievable.

BTW, who the f*ck is Obsidian and what have they done?

EDIT: And as for the graphics of NWN2, I hope they make it so avatars look like they do in D&D manuals when they wear their armor. =) And don't skimp out on the cloaks! In every PC RPG, developers are always bitching about how hard it is to implement cloaks/capes so they show up on your in game avatar. Bah! Get the problem fixed already and create a method.


Black Isle died and resurrected as Obsidian. You might have heard of 'em?

I've heard of Black Isle, but not Obsiadian. So they're the same company under a different name? Have they developed anything recently or is NWN2 their first project?

Also, is Interplay dead?


Interplay closed Black Isle, so they started their own company. Their first game will be Kotor 2


I'm more interested in the mod aspects of these games - NWN and the like. NWN always had rather subpar ATI performance (between ATI's crappy OpenGL drivers and Bioware's rather Nvidia-centric engine), so I never really got into NWN too much and didn't buy any expansions, but I LOVED playing around with the mod-tools and being able to relatively easily build a level and then spend hours scripting NPC actions and whatnot.

In that sense, I'm not sure at this point whether to more highly anticipate NWN2 or Dragon Age.


And what about Baldur's Gate 3 rumor? Is it a Dark Alliance game or is it part of the PC's Baldur's Gate series?


Vieo said:
I've heard of Black Isle, but not Obsiadian. So they're the same company under a different name? Have they developed anything recently or is NWN2 their first project?

Also, is Interplay dead?

Baldur's Gate 1,2
Neverwinter Nights
coming up: Dragon Age, Jade Empire

Black Isle:
Fallout 1,2
Icewind Dale
Planescape Torment

Black Isle survivors:
Obsidian (KOTOR2, NWN2)
Inxile (Bard's Tale)
Troika (Vampire, TOEE, Arcanum)
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