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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Saint Nic
fwiw I like the new Dragon Shield matte sleeves because they don't have that unnecessary little hologram that always bothered me. Quality is top-notch too like always with Dragon Shield.

If I didn't already have as many Ultra Pros as I do, I would have considered the shields. My brother uses them for MtG. I just have thousands of sleeves, so...It's not cheap to replace them.

Anyone here own Fortune and Glory? Any thoughts?


Anyone here own Fortune and Glory? Any thoughts?

It's a Flying Frog game through & through. Over the top, pulpy, random, and often leaving players with little to do if rolls/actions go against them (out of their own control). Fun with the right folk, definitely captures the pulp theme, but very very random.

I traded it away just before Christmas.
If I didn't already have as many Ultra Pros as I do, I would have considered the shields. My brother uses them for MtG. I just have thousands of sleeves, so...It's not cheap to replace them.

Anyone here own Fortune and Glory? Any thoughts?

I do not own this but a fellow in my group does and we played it again recently. However, it re-iterated my previous impression taken from our first play that I don't care for it. I like the idea of it far more than the execution; the photo art was not to my taste at all. It can be pretty boring frankly. If he brings it in again I will play it to be civil but only for that reason. It is pretty expensive too, I understand so I could not in all conscience recommend this game, I'm afraid.


Saint Nic
That's too bad about Fortune & Glory. It LOOKS like it would be a blast, but looks can be deceiving. I actually watched the Shut Up & Sit Down review of it, and they said the same things you guys are saying.
We have a good time with Fortune and Glory. The skill/dice system is super quick, of course it's random, but the game moves briskly. Best part is that game supports coop, team, or all for one game types.

If you liked Last Night on Earth, it's much of the same.


I got Fortune & Glory for Christmas the year it came out. I was super-excited to play it, and was still in an Ameri-trashy place, as I was just getting back into boardgames.

I think I've played it twice, and thought it sucked both times. It's still sitting in my closet waiting for me to not be lazy and put it up in a math trade.


That's too bad about Fortune & Glory. It LOOKS like it would be a blast, but looks can be deceiving. I actually watched the Shut Up & Sit Down review of it, and they said the same things you guys are saying.

All Flying Frog games are pretty much the same. Cool group of people, just not the type of games for me.


If I'm going to sleeve a game it's going to be something like Ultra Pro or Dragon Shields. I've bought Mayday and FFG sleeves when I first started to sleeve a couple games and they just feel ill-fitting and flimsy. The ultra pro sticker only bothers me if it's covering information so I just face it on the backs of cards lol.


Ultra Pros are so damn fragile. Feel like I split multiple every time I sleeve a deck with them. Dragon Shields are fantastic. I really like the matte ones and actually just ordered 1000 of em to sleeve up the MTG cube I'm putting together.


I did not realize there was so much controversy about high-quality sleeves. :p Are there any people generally agree on? I'm seeing people suggest Mayday has poor QA, FFG feel flimsy, Ultra Pro has an annoying sticker, and Dragon Pro / Dragon Shield / Dragon Shield matte are the most reliable.

If anyone is curious, here is the difference between Mayday package labels. I fished the old label out of the trash so it's wrinkled on the left. The new label on the right has the longer/wider sleeves.


And here is a closeup comparing sleeves:

Mayday Games did reply to my email and offer replacements, so I do appreciate the customer support. :)


Hail to the KING baby
The Ultra Pro sticker is obviously purely a ymmv thing. :p I have had a few splitting issues with their sleeves, but very rarely, so I think they're generally recognized as good quality. I played Netrunner with them for years until Dragon Shield finally came out with their matte sleeves. It's a really minor thing, but I was happy to do away with the sticker, and felt that the Dragon Shield plastic was a little "clearer" (could be totally making this up).


If anyone is curious, here is the difference between Mayday package labels. I fished the old label out of the trash so it's wrinkled on the left. The new label on the right has the longer/wider sleeves.
Mayday Games did reply to my email and offer replacements, so I do appreciate the customer support. :)

I traded for a big pile of Lord of the Rings LCG a while back that turned up sleeved in Mayday Premium sleeves. Awesome! Except I was unable to reliably get matching sleeves for the expansions I bought :-/

I'm slowly going through & unsleeving it because of it.

F'ing Mayday. BGG's got a ton of threads complaining about their poor QC & attitude about it. It's cheaper for them to replace mistakes & handle it that way it seems.
I like the sticker on Ultra Pro sleeves in that it makes reorienting the cards easier. I use a combination of Ultra Pro and FFG sleeves depending on availability.

Mayday's thin sleeves are crap. Regret getting them for Star Realms, Among the Stars, and Lost Cities.


The Ultra Pro sticker is obviously purely a ymmv thing. :p I have had a few splitting issues with their sleeves, but very rarely, so I think they're generally recognized as good quality. I played Netrunner with them for years until Dragon Shield finally came out with their matte sleeves. It's a really minor thing, but I was happy to do away with the sticker, and felt that the Dragon Shield plastic was a little "clearer" (could be totally making this up).

Surprised that you didn't go with the real king of sleeves, KMC mattes. Ultra Pro has a tendency to break apart much easier than Dragon shields.


Old KMC mattes would become sticky after hundreds of games. The new mattes supposedly fixed this with a texture change.

Dragon clears have these small quirk you have to get used to. The way they are created leaves a seem on the bottom. You must sleeve everything in the same direction. Something you never really think about with clear sleeves.

Ultra Pros are okay once you get used to how to shuffle them. Starting out I would split them all the time! Now I can play a thousand games of Magic and not split a game.


Hail to the KING baby
Surprised that you didn't go with the real king of sleeves, KMC mattes. Ultra Pro has a tendency to break apart much easier than Dragon shields.

Ah yeah, that's probably the only one I haven't tried. Have heard good things though. I really like DS though but the glossy would get kind of grimy they were so slick so bailed on them. Mattes are fantastic though.


So, I'm back. Original post, for reference.

I took the advice of someone here and picked up Sellswords, which was pretty great. I find the control the players have over the final shape of the board super compelling. More than once, I was able to lock down an entire row or column and control the shape of the board to make it impossible to take any of those cards back.

I was also particularly impressed with the way the abilities were written. Language is something of a passion for me, and the concise and consistent way the ability descriptions explained every interaction was sublime. If there were, like, Emmys for board games, Sellswords would get one for how well its rules are written.

I think the core game is probably the best one. A digital version would make the chain reaction version more fun, but, physically, it kind of sucks. I'm kind of tempted to make a digital version for funsies and practice, since the necessary systems are in line with something I was planning on making, anyway.

I think some of the expansion characters (I bought a version that came with the base 50, plus 10 more) are a touch unbalanced, but the game doesn't have too rigid of a balance, overall, anyway, so, fuck it. It's balanced enough (to make it a playable Triple Triad, which had cards that were obviously much better than any other card).

I'm gonna give Android Netrunner a shot tonight, probably.
finnaly got my warhammer quest adventure card game. I played the first quest (not the tutorial) I really like it.

I think I prefer the Pathfinder ACG for solo play. This one is going to be alot more fun with friends with real aid actions.

neat little card driven dungeon crawl. I really like the DND system Ravenloft etc the best though.

edit: am I the only one who wishes these card games came with board to lay out with the card layout imprinted to play on?


If you like Ultra Pro but don't want the sticker just get Ultimate Guard - Supreme. It's practically the same thing without the sticker. They also have the cheaper penny-sleeves quality called Premium.
I'm looking to get a new style board game, most of mine are space games, and a few fantasy.

I was thinking of maybe getting something WW2 or maybe like a Mech version of WW2? haha.

Tide of Iron is the only one Ive seen so far that looks cool. I like little minis and cool boards. But maybe there is a better choice? or a Mech version of something like that?


I'm looking to get a new style board game, most of mine are space games, and a few fantasy.

I was thinking of maybe getting something WW2 or maybe like a Mech version of WW2? haha.

Tide of Iron is the only one Ive seen so far that looks cool. I like little minis and cool boards. But maybe there is a better choice? or a Mech version of something like that?
Scythe is a Kickstarter game that almost sounds like what you're wanting -- features little miniature mechs and cool boards, such as boards with indentations to put wooden pieces.

However, it won't be out for (I guess?) several months, and since it's Kickstarter, who knows whether it will end up too rushed for good balance or whatever.
Scythe is a Kickstarter game that almost sounds like what you're wanting -- features little miniature mechs and cool boards, such as boards with indentations to put wooden pieces.

However, it won't be out for (I guess?) several months, and since it's Kickstarter, who knows whether it will end up too rushed for good balance or whatever.

That looks cool. I will keep an eye on it! Thanks!
What about Twilight Struggle? That's historical and somewhat along the theme you're suggesting?

Yeah, I should probably grab that one at some point too.

But for now I'm looking for something with bits. If I could find something like Eclipse but more 'real' that would be great.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm looking to get a new style board game, most of mine are space games, and a few fantasy.

I was thinking of maybe getting something WW2 or maybe like a Mech version of WW2? haha.

Tide of Iron is the only one Ive seen so far that looks cool. I like little minis and cool boards. But maybe there is a better choice? or a Mech version of something like that?

Tide of Iron is great and has a lot of content, but it doesn't look like there will be anymore after a brief attempt at a revival.

Also check out Sergeants Miniatures or Sergeants D-Day. It is card driven with unique soldiers (lostbatalliongames.com)


Sleeve talk? I am not a super-compulsive sleever by any means but I do a fair share of it, I guess.
For MtG product, I use Ultra Pro black matte sleeves. Once they are broken in and not so slippery, I like the thickness and stiffness that they add to the cards. For everything else I use FFG sleeves. I wish I used Ultra Pro for everything, since you can score 1000 of those for dirt-cheap on eBay all day long, but I like to see the card backing on most board games and I prefer the cards fit back in the box (so less-thick sleeves do the trick).
I'm looking to get a new style board game, most of mine are space games, and a few fantasy.

I was thinking of maybe getting something WW2 or maybe like a Mech version of WW2? haha.

Tide of Iron is the only one Ive seen so far that looks cool. I like little minis and cool boards. But maybe there is a better choice? or a Mech version of something like that?

Tide of Iron is a good game, meaty, lot of expansions and scenarios out there, and can make your own scenarios easily. Conflict of Heroes is a similar game that doesn't have the fancy components, a bit streamlined in some aspects, more detailed in others, but plays great.


I bought Phase 10 last year and my family is pretty much addicted to it. It's easy to understand and everyone can play it. Sometimes it takes too long to finish for my liking but that's OK.

I bought the Android version of Pandemic a few days ago. The tutorial made it seem pretty simple but I'm toast in the normal mode. I wanted to try the App first before buying the board game (+legacy version). I don't know, I wanna try the Android version a bit more first.


I use something called Arcane Tinmen Board Game Sleeves, as I understand it they are a budget type of sleeve by the same company who makes Dragon Shield, and they have been pretty good so far. A bit slippery sometimes, especially with larger decks of cards, but they have been sturdy otherwise.


For the prettier stuff that I really wanna protect (my Netrunner cards or BattleCON game) I use Dragon Shield.


I bought Phase 10 last year and my family is pretty much addicted to it. It's easy to understand and everyone can play it. Sometimes it takes too long to finish for my liking but that's OK.

I bought the Android version of Pandemic a few days ago. The tutorial made it seem pretty simple but I'm toast in the normal mode. I wanted to try the App first before buying the board game (+legacy version). I don't know, I wanna try the Android version a bit more first.

There are shorter and more engaging games along the lines of Phase 10 that your family might like, too.


I'm looking to get a new style board game, most of mine are space games, and a few fantasy.

I was thinking of maybe getting something WW2 or maybe like a Mech version of WW2? haha.

Tide of Iron is the only one Ive seen so far that looks cool. I like little minis and cool boards. But maybe there is a better choice? or a Mech version of something like that?

Do you like operational/strategic level, or are you more about small group tactics?
There are shorter and more engaging games along the lines of Phase 10 that your family might like, too.

I just looked up Phase 10. It seems to be not dissimilar to a card game my family and I used to play for years when I was younger called Colonel. It's not something I would rush to play now with all these wonderful board and card games that we were oblivious to but it was always eminently more attractive a proposition than something like Monopoly.


I just looked up Phase 10. It seems to be not dissimilar to a card game my family and I used to play for years when I was younger called Colonel. It's not something I would rush to play now with all these wonderful board and card games that we were oblivious to but it was always eminently more attractive a proposition than something like Monopoly.

I personally think Phase10 is an awful and frustrating game, but its more constructive to suggest similar titles than to tell people they're wrong for liking something, I suppose.


Mayday is sending more sleeves, so the customer support does handle it like people mentioned. They also said to let them know when this sort of thing happens, to help their QA.
I personally think Phase10 is an awful and frustrating game, but its more constructive to suggest similar titles than to tell people they're wrong for liking something, I suppose.

When it comes to matters of taste I don't even think in terms of right or wrong, frankly. I like what I like and other people like what they like and it never bothers me if they are congruent or not. I agree with the constructive posting aspect though :). There's enough disharmony on the internet without carelessly adding to it.

However, a quick look at the rules for Phase 10 did put me off. It seemed unnecessarily fiddly but then I suppose they had to justify charging for what is essentially a variant of Rummy. Of the two I would rather play Rummy or, if a longer game was desired, Colonel. The purity and simplicity of the latter, making threes of a kind and/or four in a row, from 6 [two threes of a kind] all the way up to 12 [four threes of a kind and then three fours in a row] always appealed to the younger me.


Hail to the KING baby
I bought Phase 10 last year and my family is pretty much addicted to it. It's easy to understand and everyone can play it. Sometimes it takes too long to finish for my liking but that's OK.

I bought the Android version of Pandemic a few days ago. The tutorial made it seem pretty simple but I'm toast in the normal mode. I wanted to try the App first before buying the board game (+legacy version). I don't know, I wanna try the Android version a bit more first.

Yeah Pandemic can be a bit tricky at first. In the app, I'd recommend playing the 2-character version because I think 4+ is just too much to manage. Playing the app made me realize one of the benefits of real co-op is just everyone being able to be an "expert" on their own character and cards. Don't let it put you off Legacy too much though -- Legacy is actually quite different in its difficulty curve. i.e., you're not just playing 12+ games of regular Pandemic with a few buffs and debuffs. It's pretty majorly different even though all the core mechanics are still there.
Being toast in Pandemic is part of the experience, too. Even people who have played a ton of it don't win every time. That can make it frustrating if you have a person in your group who hates admitting defeat, but as long as everyone goes in knowing that losing is the expected outcome (especially if you're playing with a group of four or with all six epidemic cards) it's still really fun.

And don't let difficulty put you off Legacy, it adjusts to become easier or harder as you play based on whether you're winning or losing and the story progresses regardless of how you perform.
Tide of Iron is great and has a lot of content, but it doesn't look like there will be anymore after a brief attempt at a revival.

Also check out Sergeants Miniatures or Sergeants D-Day. It is card driven with unique soldiers (lostbatalliongames.com)

Cool, I will look into it, thanks!

Tide of Iron is a good game, meaty, lot of expansions and scenarios out there, and can make your own scenarios easily. Conflict of Heroes is a similar game that doesn't have the fancy components, a bit streamlined in some aspects, more detailed in others, but plays great.

Yeah I looked at Conflict of Heroes too, but I like all tanks, and little squads in Tides of Iron. Haha

Do you like operational/strategic level, or are you more about small group tactics?

Both I guess? I'm not sure! I love Eclipse a lot, but I enjoy Xwing as well.

I don't like most miniature games though, since they want you to have like 50 dudes and you have to measure everything, which is just a little too tedeious for me. So I like there to be an actual board for movement or something simple like the Xwing templates.

I really haven't thought this all through, I kinda just looked at my board games, and realized its like 90% space games, and figured I should get some different themed stuff. Haha.


Cool, I will look into it, thanks!

Yeah I looked at Conflict of Heroes too, but I like all tanks, and little squads in Tides of Iron. Haha

Both I guess? I'm not sure! I love Eclipse a lot, but I enjoy Xwing as well.

I don't like most miniature games though, since they want you to have like 50 dudes and you have to measure everything, which is just a little too tedeious for me. So I like there to be an actual board for movement or something simple like the Xwing templates.

I really haven't thought this all through, I kinda just looked at my board games, and realized its like 90% space games, and figured I should get some different themed stuff. Haha.
Cyclades might appeal to you with miniatures, it's a bidding/bluffing/strategy game with a little strategic content. Expansions add more combat.
Cyclades might appeal to you with miniatures, it's a bidding/bluffing/strategy game with a little strategic content. Expansions add more combat.

It looks like a cool game. I'm unfortunately just not into the theme at all.

I will look more into it, since the rest intrigues me, I might be able to look past some stuff.
Like what for instance?
If you like Phase 10, check out the Mystery Rummy series of games. Like Phase 10, it's a Rummy variant that has various "themes" applied to them. I have played Jack the Ripper and Escape from Alcatraz. Jack is a bit more straight forward rummy game while Alcatraz adds a couple more tricks to the system. I prefer Jack over Alcatraz, but they are both fun Rummy games. Although, technically not a Mystery Rummy game, I have heard Wyatt Earp is also very good.

As for another rummy game I love Plato 3000. It might be a little harder to find, but it's provided some of the best two player games between my wife and I.
If you like Phase 10, check out the Mystery Rummy series of games. Like Phase 10, it's a Rummy variant that has various "themes" applied to them. I have played Jack the Ripper and Escape from Alcatraz. Jack is a bit more straight forward rummy game while Alcatraz adds a couple more tricks to the system. I prefer Jack over Alcatraz, but they are both fun Rummy games. Although, technically not a Mystery Rummy game, I have heard Wyatt Earp is also very good.

As for another rummy game I love Plato 3000. It might be a little harder to find, but it's provided some of the best two player games between my wife and I.

Wow, there's a whole category of games on BGG for just Rummy games :eek:. I have fond memories of playing Rummy as a youth so will have a look at Plato 3000 etc. Thanks :).


If you like Phase 10, check out the Mystery Rummy series of games. Like Phase 10, it's a Rummy variant that has various "themes" applied to them. I have played Jack the Ripper and Escape from Alcatraz. Jack is a bit more straight forward rummy game while Alcatraz adds a couple more tricks to the system. I prefer Jack over Alcatraz, but they are both fun Rummy games. Although, technically not a Mystery Rummy game, I have heard Wyatt Earp is also very good.

As for another rummy game I love Plato 3000. It might be a little harder to find, but it's provided some of the best two player games between my wife and I.

Ticket To Ride's not a card game, but it's really rummy in disguise with a board to claim 'routes' between with the card sets you collect. It's real easy to learn & a great family game that might be up your taste if you want to try a boardgame that's got some familiar mechanics, oti xero.


I'll join in on the shelfie 'fun'. Click for bigger pictures.

A few games are missing, sitting at work for lunchtime gaming, and my War of the Ring CE is upstairs in its shrine.

Totally downsized over the past 18 months or so, down to about 100 games with expansions not counted. Lots of expansions collapsed into their main game boxes, not easily seen in the pics :) I'm utterly lucky to have good friends who have ridiculous collections & always buy the Cult of the New, so I largely don't have to, so this is mostly favourites & games for the family.
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