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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


More Scythe..

We played our first game last night. It was fun. It was a five player game and I don't really like teaching four people at once but I had to just because of the group.

Everyone, including me, liked it and feel that it has potential. There is a lot going on and the strategy seems to be deep enough.

It's not an area control game so I would tell people to not expect tons of combat but we must have had 8-10 battles overall.

The game can end quickly so be careful.

Some things are not intuitive such as everyone's action mat being different as it is hard to teach and some players just kept getting confused with the top actions, the bottom actions, and the recruit actions that you activate when another player does a bottom action. Also, players were a bit confused with how the resources stay on the board but you control them.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that these are bad mechanics, just things that my group weren't used to and took a bit of extra explaining to understand.


Gonna play a bunch of Above and Below this weekend along with finishing up the T.I.M.E story expansions and a whole bunch of other non Scythe games!


The Millenium Blades reprint is live on Kickstarter. I bought it and Promo Pack 1 and 2 from a guy so I don't already have Set Rotation coming to me. I'll be backing for Set Rotation and the two new Promo Packs. Glad that we could see what sets will be in Set Rotation. I can't wait to see the Game of Thrones cards.


I'm on on the same tier. Don't have the 2nd original promo pack until Gencon because of the licensing issues. Come November I should have everything.


Apologies if the Scythe talk is getting overloaded or dull. It will probably die down after release. :)

it's all good. I think I am the only one actively saying Scythe looks boring, and I don't care at all if people talk about it.

now if you guys start posting 200 posts a day about it I might care, but talk about a new release isn't a bad thing.

I will likely talk about the new dead of winter game once I get my hands on it late this month or next month.

Does anyone remember if there were any decent deals on games last year for the prime day?

I don't recall if there was anything of interest from prime day last year for me. but that could have been because if there were any decent deals I already owned them or had no interest in buying them. I mean I do own like 150-200 games.


Was supposed to play 504 at our semi-regular 'beer night' but the tables at the place we went to were too small for 504, so we ended up with a game of Food Chain Magnate, three experienced players.

Decided to go the marketing route, took an early lead & then got stomped. Hard. Waitresses broke my ties, then the other player beat us on price & rushed to the CFO bonus, and after a few more turns, it was clear we couldn't catch up so we called it a round or two short. All my own fault for losing, my own mistakes, which is why I love this game so much.

Playing it again tomorrow at another friend's game day ;)


This weekend's game night theme is 3-hour or more games. I imagine that won't be a strict rule, but it'll be interesting to see if it comes to pass. I don't normally go for long games like that.

My only strict rule is that I refuse to play Talisman anymore...one guy never came back to game night the last time it happened, and our group is normally fairly drama-free.


it's all good. I think I am the only one actively saying Scythe looks boring, and I don't care at all if people talk about it.

now if you guys start posting 200 posts a day about it I might care, but talk about a new release isn't a bad thing.

I will likely talk about the new dead of winter game once I get my hands on it late this month or next month.

I don't recall if there was anything of interest from prime day last year for me. but that could have been because if there were any decent deals I already owned them or had no interest in buying them. I mean I do own like 150-200 games.

well here's hoping to some good deals on games you don't own this year ;)
I dunno if StoOgE still posts here but I just wanted to say I love the Machi Koro Deluxe Box, great work dude. I hated the base game box but I love this deluxe release, even if the timing was a bit odd.

Scythe is a game I want to like but every time I watch a playthrough it just looks boring. Same with the gallerist.


Played a 2-player game of Scythe last night. I wasn't too hyped on it during the Kickstarter, but it's a really solid game. It seems to be balanced very well, even though we messed up a couple rules. I might be doing a second play next weekend with 3-4 players, and am definitely looking forward to getting back to the table to play it.


Hail to the KING baby
Tempted to get in on the new Millennium Blades KS, but one thing I'm worried about is is it the kind of game where if you've played it twice and someone else is new they basically have zero chance to compete?


Was supposed to play 504 at our semi-regular 'beer night' but the tables at the place we went to were too small for 504, so we ended up with a game of Food Chain Magnate, three experienced players.

Decided to go the marketing route, took an early lead & then got stomped. Hard. Waitresses broke my ties, then the other player beat us on price & rushed to the CFO bonus, and after a few more turns, it was clear we couldn't catch up so we called it a round or two short. All my own fault for losing, my own mistakes, which is why I love this game so much.

Playing it again tomorrow at another friend's game day ;)

I've got my copy sitting , waiting , aching to play.


Hail to the KING baby
Board game shelves almost ready to go. :D Just have to do a little more organizing and add a handful of games I still have in other spots. My philosophy was one of extremely practical organization: Left shelf Heavyweight, middle MW, right LW (all obviously relative to each other :p -- you'll notice that several games on left shelf are MW by any definition but relative to my collection they're HW). Then bottom 1-2 shelves on each are 2p games, middle 3-4p and top few shelves 5+ (exceptions for kids games in bottom right and huge Dominion set and corresponding deckbuilders in bottom middle). So basically when I need a game I can just scan super easily based on the player count and weight I'm looking for. :)



Gold Member
My First Stone Age is a great kids game. One of the best My First ones for sure. Play it with my four-year-old and got her to understand how worker placement and resource collection and spending works from that game. :D

I wonder if it would be worth a separate thread just for board gaming with kids. I"ve gotten my 3 year old to play some HABA games mostly correctly, the obligatory Chutes and Ladders/CAndyland "activities", and some card matching games with themes he likes. I see you have a fair number of HABA games. Any recommendations for 3-4 year olds?
I wonder if it would be worth a separate thread just for board gaming with kids. I"ve gotten my 3 year old to play some HABA games mostly correctly, the obligatory Chutes and Ladders/CAndyland "activities", and some card matching games with themes he likes. I see you have a fair number of HABA games. Any recommendations for 3-4 year olds?
Animal Upon Animal was a hit with my oldest when he was that age. We also have gotten good mileage from Go Away Monster and Monster Chase.


I have not even got my shipping notice and I am only couple hours away from Funagain here in Oregon.
If you want to roadtrip, the Funagain rep, Nick, said you can pick it up in person if you want. :p Have you checked UPS MyChoice though? Your label might be created even though you don't have a shipping notice yet.

There's some randomness but they're shipping roughly east to west, collector's to non-collector's. You should get word soon.


Played Scythe 3-player yesterday, was great fun. Took ages as we figured the play out but got faster. Played an automa game today and loved it. Again, took a little longer because it was my first-and-a-bit attempt (I played a few automa rounds yesterday learning the game rules) but will get much faster. The Collectors Edition pieces and coins were well worth it. My only quibble so far is that the $3 coins don't stack well because they're over-embossed.


Hail to the KING baby
I wonder if it would be worth a separate thread just for board gaming with kids. I"ve gotten my 3 year old to play some HABA games mostly correctly, the obligatory Chutes and Ladders/CAndyland "activities", and some card matching games with themes he likes. I see you have a fair number of HABA games. Any recommendations for 3-4 year olds?

Ooh good question. There were definitely some she was able to get into even earlier than others: Spot It, Enchanted Tower, Super Rhino, Animal Upon Animal, Orchard, and Go Away Monster.


Think I'm gonna back the Hero Realms Kickstarter by the people who made Star Realms.

Star Realms is probably one of my most played deckbuilders, especially the digital version. If Hero Realms is more like that but even more options etc. I think it could be a lot of fun.
Any recommendations for 3-4 year olds?

My youngest is five now (the other 8), so not quite in the 3-4 year old range so the following might be complete useless. But while I'm thinking about it, I thought I'd write up some thoughts on my collection from a family perspective. The idea here is that a young kid might not get the full enjoyment out of a game, but they'll still be able to play along in some way and have a great experience:

* Just Desserts - Very light dessert themed set collection card game.
Miss 5 - Works well for young kids because the theme (lots of different desserts) resonates and you can step them through each turn. "Do you have chocolate? No. Do you have cake? Yes! ...".
Miss 8 - Finds it a bit boring.
Verdict - Works very well with young kids and helps them with handling cards and matching some simple colours. The most complicated aspect is reading the customers favourite desserts, but you can assist with that and they seem to memorise them quickly. Recommended.

* Ultimate Werewolf - social deduction game
Miss 5 - A few early games ended in tears because she didn't want to be the wolf (her older sister yelling at her didn't help). How we managed this was essentially cheating to give her a village or seer roll each time. Once she had that she got into it, felt comfortable and now even enjoys being a wolf, even though she kind of sucks at it.
Miss 8 - Loves the "quiet silly" phase followed by lots of finger pointing and yelling at people. So it is always a hit when she has friends over.
Verdict - It isn't really playing properly, but it really isn't that sort of game. I'd hold off until they are older but if you are going to play it anyway it is worth a look.

* Camel Up - Light racing game
Miss 5 - Loves rolling the dice/pyramid. Doesn't really get the "betting" part until everybody else does it, but still enjoys playing and ironically helps keep the game moving.
Miss 8 - Makes dumb moves but somehow always manages to pick the right Camel in the end :|.
Verdict - A strong family favourite that everybody can play without worrying too much about the strategy. You pick a camel or two, you roll the dice and everybody has a good time. Recommended.

* Incan Gold - Push your luck
Miss 5+8 - Both took to it very easily and understand what they are trying to do. Of course they go much longer than they should each time...but then I do too.
Verdict - Classic family game and while the maths is a bit tricky, you can sort that out for them and they just understand more gems is better and spiders (or spoiders as we call them) are bad. The game still works in a grown up setting too.

* Forbidden Island - Coop
Miss 5 - Works for her when we give her the explorer roll which lets her move diagonally. Then she just has to concentrate on moving and fixing land. Due to the nature of the coop experience, you can help with every move.
Miss 8 - Took to it no problems, although we wouldn't give her the more complex roles without help.
Verdict - A very good family coop game where even young children can feel part of the team, even if you are directing their every turn. They'll soon fear "water rises" and that is enough to get it to the table constantly.

* Ticket to ride - Set collection
Miss 5 - Too much for her to play, her role is simply to "put the trains out".
Miss 8 - Has no problems with it, although we have the Europe map and live in Australia, so she needs a bit of help finding the stations. Once done, she attacks it in a pretty linear fashion, so as long as we are not too cut throat she can play without problems.
Verdict - Doesn't work for the very young, but you can still involve them in the game and perhaps enjoy it a bit more as adults.

* Jamaica - Racing game
Miss 5 - I thought she would struggle with this, but she surprised us by keeping up with the action and by and large understanding the concept of "more is better". Requires a lot of coaching, but the game is designed well enough that you can do that.
Miss 8 - Took to it no problems.
Verdict - I expected this to be a miss, but it was a lot easier to play with the kids. Really they just need to pick a card and see what happens (since you rarely get a great choice anyway chances are they'll pick the best one). That said, the only problem is that it is maybe 20-30 minutes too long so we don't get it out very often.

* Friday - Solo survival game.
Verdict - Too complex. Miss 8 tries to play, but it gets way too tricky (rules wise) as it moves on.

* 12 days - Christmas themed drafting game.
Miss 5 - Got the idea of "lowest card wins" straight away, but didn't associate this with saving low cards for the high value presents. However after a few games she got the idea.
Miss 8 - Understood it pretty much straight away, but needed constant reminders on the turn actions.
Verdict - While it works well, it is a little too fiddly in terms of the drafting and card passing to play in a relaxed manner. That said, it still "works" in a family setting and might be worth the effort each Christmas if you don't mind telling them to draw another card every damn turn.

* Castellion - Tile laying game
Miss 5 - Haven't tried.
Miss 8 - Was able to work through the game difficulties to take on the expert game. The design is clean enough that she can try to beat it from there.
Verdict - Not for the very young, but a great solo game for kids and you can easily play it coop too (where it really shines). I'm pretty high on Castellion at the moment, although the box it comes in is hot garbage (fits about half the tiles!).

* Hey thats my fish - Tile destruction game
Miss 5 + 8 - Found it easy to play, even if they just go for the "3" fish tiles. Luckily this often isn't the worst strategy, so they get to have a good game.
Verdict - Even though it is a little "take that", this doesn't seem to cause issues because you can't really avoid it and the game is so fast. Great little family game, even if you spend more time setting it up than playing.

* Exploding Kittens - Light card game
Miss 5 - I had to introduce the cards slowly here, by leaving out the "nope" and "take that" cards to keep it simple. After a few games we put these back in and she easily got the hang of it.
Miss 8 - Had no problems and loved how silly it was. The only thing to watch here is positioning. You really don't want the older sister seeding the exploding kitten for the younger player, because it'll end in tears.
Verdict - Very cool little card game and the concept of not getting a kitten or "noping" people is very easy to understand. May just require a bit of common sense about using the whole deck or not.

* Sushi Go - Light card game
Miss 5 - The first game she just collected all the sushi and had a good time. From there we suggested she threw a few puddings in as well and she seemed to pick up the idea of collecting a few of each thing. Now, she doesn't make optimal choices, but she understands well enough what to do.
Miss 8 - Took a few games to understand a good strategy, but now competes well.
Verdict - A very good little game that everybody can play sub-optimally and still enjoy.

* Pandemic the Cure - coop dice game
Miss 5 - Too complex to play, but she loved being involved as the "dice roller"
Miss 8 - Requires a bit of coaching, but by and large understands that she needs to move to the bad areas and helps clean up. Loves the dice chucking of course.
Verdict - I think this works better than straight pandemic in a family setting. It is quicker (generally in a bad way) and the kids will understand the disease dice are bad and will enjoy rolling them all. I'd just suggest a dice tower to keep things organised.

* Manhatten - card based city builder
Miss 5 - Initially happy to just build towers around the board, but ended up "not liking it".
Miss 8 - Took a few games to copy the general strategy of not concentrating on one city. From there can compete in broad terms, but the games doesn't really have enough options to let her compete properly.
Verdict - Need the kids to be a bit older for this one. That said, we haven't played with a godzilla variant (that destroys towers), so that might help.

Games I think will work, but don't have yet:
Outfoxed - Simple deduction game
Fuse - Lots of dice rolling and I think the cards will be simple enough that they'll get the idea (in general dice rolling seems to be a winner).
Happy Salmon - Very simple running around being silly game with only four cards to learn.
Zooloretto - Seems straight forward in that the youngest can just collect a set of animals before moving on.
My first stone age - Memory/collection game. Being delivered! (I hope).
Escape, curse of the temple - I'm a bit unsure how well this will go. It involves dice, but also time pressure. May need to be a three player game with a coach.
Cat Tower - I worry about how long the game will last, but I'm sure stacking cats rhino hero style will make for a fun time. This one might actually be age appropriate!
Neat post toddhunter. Makes me wonder how my friend's Christmas game would play with your kids, if it makes it out this year.

Due to art, I'd prefer Coloretto over Zooloretto, I don't know if they're identical games otherwise though


Unconfirmed Member
Board game shelves almost ready to go. :D Just have to do a little more organizing and add a handful of games I still have in other spots. My philosophy was one of extremely practical organization: Left shelf Heavyweight, middle MW, right LW (all obviously relative to each other :p -- you'll notice that several games on left shelf are MW by any definition but relative to my collection they're HW). Then bottom 1-2 shelves on each are 2p games, middle 3-4p and top few shelves 5+ (exceptions for kids games in bottom right and huge Dominion set and corresponding deckbuilders in bottom middle). So basically when I need a game I can just scan super easily based on the player count and weight I'm looking for. :)


That's great. I like that they are laying horizontal too.


First off, silly Viticulture question (I just got the Essential Edition): You CAN play multiple workers in a season, correct? So if I'm doing 2-player in summer, and the other person passes, I can drop 4 workers in a row before switching to fall? *edit* This is confirmed by a Jamey post here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1035460/placing-two-your-workers-one-location

The rules mention the wakeup chart, but weirdly don't seem to make the cycle back to #1 explicit.

Now, "long game" day results:

Firefly with 8 players
Someone brought reference sheets and pretty much every expansion besides a PVP one. We covered a good bit of a 6x6 foot playing surface.

I can appreciate the scifi space appeal, especially for fans of the show, but it didn't seem too strategic -- mostly flipping cards, rolling dice, and sincerely hoping the nav cards don't completely screw you.

I started out buying a ship upgrade for half-price that gave me a 2-space mosey. Nice, right? Then I immediately tried to full burn somewhere, immediately lost that $800 worth of upgrade, and only moved 1 space -- leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere while someone else took the quest cards I wanted.

In 3.5 hours, I never finished a single quest. We were trying to overlap turns, but people would still just wander around, it took so long to get around to your turn where you could spend 20 seconds doing something. I almost finished a quest but failed the misbehave roll.

Eventually after the 3.5 hours or so, the game owner asked if we could call the game. There might have been a total of 4-6 jobs finished altogether? Maybe more, but that's kind of crazy for the time invested. We played with the recession story which didn't help.

Conclusion: This game should not be played with 8 players.

XenoShyft: Onslaught

This may have been my first experience with a CMON game. The rules didn't seem super clear from what I could tell of the owner's comments and an unofficial FAQ / reference we were trying to use.

The owner had never beaten the game. In maybe 5+ hours with 4 players, we got to wave 8 but only had something like 10/60 base health left. We quit at that point.

We used some strategic and mostly accidental cheating:
  • We forgot to draw 1 fewer card to fill up hands from Drones about 3 times.
  • Maybe twice, we sort of forgot to use Phaser Shields to peek at enemy cards, and just HAPPENED to decide we used them on the first enemy in line, which just HAPPENED to be a boss about twice.
  • One person was using lifesaver shields without discarding them for lots of healing, maybe 3 times, until we read the card for them.
Despite this, we were still getting crushed by wave 3 and almost certainly would have lost after that with bad card draws.

Conclusion: The game felt really slow and crushing -- slower than Warhammer Quest but maybe along the same level of punishing. I wasn't a big fan.


Neo Member
These are two of my favourites games

Firefly with 8 players
Someone brought reference sheets and pretty much every expansion besides a PVP one. We covered a good bit of a 6x6 foot playing surface.

I can appreciate the scifi space appeal, especially for fans of the show, but it didn't seem too strategic -- mostly flipping cards, rolling dice, and sincerely hoping the nav cards don't completely screw you.

I started out buying a ship upgrade for half-price that gave me a 2-space mosey. Nice, right? Then I immediately tried to full burn somewhere, immediately lost that $800 worth of upgrade, and only moved 1 space -- leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere while someone else took the quest cards I wanted.

In 3.5 hours, I never finished a single quest. We were trying to overlap turns, but people would still just wander around, it took so long to get around to your turn where you could spend 20 seconds doing something. I almost finished a quest but failed the misbehave roll.

Eventually after the 3.5 hours or so, the game owner asked if we could call the game. There might have been a total of 4-6 jobs finished altogether? Maybe more, but that's kind of crazy for the time invested. We played with the recession story which didn't help.

Conclusion: This game should not be played with 8 players.

Agree about the 8 players conclusion, this game should have a limit of 5-6 people, but it's one of the best games out there for me, specially when you discover how to play and how many things you can do to earn money (expansions included), for the next time I suggest spends the first two turns in your planet buying crew and some items that are worth (green words saves many misbehaves) and center in being solid first with harken (easy but not worth or doing more than one mission so their travel cards won't hurt you too much) and then any mission you see fit from the others except Niska (which are the most valuable missions but the most difficult) until having complete crew equipped with items.

By the way, if you have the expansions capturing fugitives are ones of the best methods of looking for crew and making money at the same time. I suggest giving it another opportunity with fewer people

XenoShyft: Onslaught

This may have been my first experience with a CMON game. The rules didn't seem super clear from what I could tell of the owner's comments and an unofficial FAQ / reference we were trying to use.

The owner had never beaten the game. In maybe 5+ hours with 4 players, we got to wave 8 but only had something like 10/60 base health left. We quit at that point.

Despite this, we were still getting crushed by wave 3 and almost certainly would have lost after that with bad card draws.

Conclusion: The game felt really slow and crushing -- slower than Warhammer Quest but maybe along the same level of punishing. I wasn't a big fan.

I have read the commentary of many people who find this game hard, but my friends and I never have problems beating the game, the fist wave is the most difficult because of your little resources at your disposal. As you can help your friends (and they can help you) everyone should specialize and buy only the best objects. For example, the ¿quantum bombs? are great because not only do damage but protects from the unavoidable attack event (I don't know how to translate it, btw, sorry for my english) of some monsters, but in the hands of the laboratory they tansforms into one of the best weapons of the game, lab should keep all the bombs and use it to protect not only their lane but all the lanes the same way medic should keep all the injections and first aid packs to use it in the units of all lanes for having better effects

It's a game of knowing what weapons are the best, discarding spark for example gives you the ability to damage the enemy before they damage you, probably killing it and giving your soldier another fight turn. Also remeber that ¿Parachuters? could land in your friends plane and fight for them (altough you are gonna give them to the owner's lane and all their equipament, but this is a team game).

In fact my group doesn't like to play this game too much because they said it's too easy, but in the other way Warhammer quest seems too difficult, maybe we aren't playing right.
Toddhunter if you guys like push your luck you should definitely try out Plucky Pilots. One of our favorites.

Thanks, it looks good. Although maybe hard to get so I'll need to keep an eye out.

I forgot Celestia too. I think that might be the next family luck pusher.


Think I'm gonna back the Hero Realms Kickstarter by the people who made Star Realms.

Star Realms is probably one of my most played deckbuilders, especially the digital version. If Hero Realms is more like that but even more options etc. I think it could be a lot of fun.

It can quite literally be Star Realms but different art. Then you have to buy expansions if you want the idea of a "campaign"


Hail to the KING baby
Be interesting to see what sales come up. CSI has a semi-decent one imo with some pretty good games like Quadropolis, 7W Cities, and Dice Town, but I guess MM has a big one going up on Wednesday so I'll probably hold out for that. Hoping some of the Elder Sign or Eldritch expansions go up as they're common sale fodder and I really want to round out my collections of those (CSI has an ES expansion on sale but it's the crappy one ;P).


I had some Amazon credit left over from the Zero Time Dilema debacle so I decided to pick up Patchwork for a total of $7. My gf and I have been playing a ton of games lately (specially Cthulhu Realms which is great for 2 players) and I've heard ridiculously good things about Patchwork so it was a no-brainer.


I got a chance to play Yokohama, since I was interested in the kickstarter. I left ambivalent; I like what I played. but I know I would loathe teaching all the rules, as there are many. Also, some turns can be AP prone, since your planned moves can be interrupted by where other president pawns move. The Istanbul comparisons are fair, though it doesn't paint the whole picture. The game can be a bit of a point salad, and there are even more bits and cardboard then Istanbul. The artwork wasn't great either, and can easily obfuscate the symbols. Still, there is a lot to think about, and there are many ways to bring about the game end, I just wish it was a bit more elegant in how it conveyed that information


Unlimited Capacity
Played Sentinels of the Multiverse 3 times now and got 100% demolished each time. How the hell do you win in this game?


Played Sentinels of the Multiverse 3 times now and got 100% demolished each time. How the hell do you win in this game?

team synergy is important.
also a character like tempest can be important as he is a character with a decent heal (2 to all players) which is rare.

all the bosses are scored by difficulty so you could stick to an easier boss for a while, but the game in general isn't super easy.

I'd also recommend the app on steam or ios/android to play the game faster so you can try out characters and learn what they can do. knowing who can deal with what can make some choices change quite a bit.

wish I could help more. My group usually just uses one of the easier environments to make it easier, as a lot of the environments are really hard and sadlly they don't rate them by difficulty.

this seems like it could be a useful data set though I am not sure how accurate it is.


Hail to the KING baby
team synergy is important.
also a character like tempest can be important as he is a character with a decent heal (2 to all players) which is rare.

all the bosses are scored by difficulty so you could stick to an easier boss for a while, but the game in general isn't super easy.

I'd also recommend the app on steam or ios/android to play the game faster so you can try out characters and learn what they can do. knowing who can deal with what can make some choices change quite a bit.

wish I could help more. My group usually just uses one of the easier environments to make it easier, as a lot of the environments are really hard and sadlly they don't rate them by difficulty.

this seems like it could be a useful data set though I am not sure how accurate it is.

Oh man thanks for the reminder -- forgot how great that app is and it's loaded with content.


So tonight I think I'll be playing Betrayal at the House on the Hill for the first time. I've owned the game for a while; back in 2014 when it was the hottest thing around and couldn't be kept in stock anywhere, I took a look at it and decided it would be a good family game since my wife and daughter like scary movies and stuff and so I bought it at the first chance I was able to. The local store is doing that and Zelda Monopoly. I plan to take Alien Frontiers in, in case a ton of people show up and there is no room for me in Betrayal and no one wants to play Zelda Monopoly. I am also going to take Rick and Morty: Total Rickall in with me since a couple people there are also big Rick and Morty fans.

It would be nice to finally try Betrayal. I've been wanting to try it.

Wish I could play some BattleCON though, since I didn't get to go to the store on Sunday and only got one match in on the Sunday before.


I've still never convinced anyone to play BattleCON with me, co-op mode or otherwise, besides my girlfriend -- and she hated her Marmelee experience so much that we only played a couple of games.

*edit* Funagain warehouse in the U.S., with Scythe copies waiting to be shipped on the left. My copy is supposed to hit tomorrow on the east coast, and California deliveries are going out today/tomorrow.

I got a chance to play Yokohama, since I was interested in the kickstarter. I left ambivalent; I like what I played. but I know I would loathe teaching all the rules, as there are many. Also, some turns can be AP prone, since your planned moves can be interrupted by where other president pawns move. The Istanbul comparisons are fair, though it doesn't paint the whole picture. The game can be a bit of a point salad, and there are even more bits and cardboard then Istanbul. The artwork wasn't great either, and can easily obfuscate the symbols. Still, there is a lot to think about, and there are many ways to bring about the game end, I just wish it was a bit more elegant in how it conveyed that information

Thanks for your opinion.

I'm still not sure I'll back this. Seems quite good (and the deluxe edition will probably be quite beautiful), but it's pricey (especially in Canadian dollars) and maybe I should get something else for the price...


I've still never convinced anyone to play BattleCON with me, co-op mode or otherwise, besides my girlfriend -- and she hated her Marmelee experience so much that we only played a couple of games.
If you can find some UFS players at a store, try them. That's who I got to play BattleCON with me. I guess these guys at my store buy all the UFS sets that comes out and two of them bought all the boxes of the World of Indines UFS set so they could have complete sets. One of them liked the characters and started reading about BattleCON and when I suggested that we play it, he immediately said to come in on a Sunday when he is available to play. When I showed up at the store, he was playing UFS with another guy and both of them wanted to play BattleCON when they finished. We were going to play a MP game but decided that it would be better to start off 1V1 rather than 2V1 or free-for-all.


I's it fun? I've been looking for any way laid back game that isn't munchkin.

my group loves it, but it will really depend on the group.

it's a fun party game, but you kind of need to get into it.
instead of just playing cards and doing what they say, read of the cards, get in character a bit ect.

all the sets play with each other though, so my recommendation would be just snag the cheapest set if you want to try it out (set not individual character). I think red dragon 3 was the last time I checked. The characters from 1 and 2 are simpler but still fun, thanks to adding more complexity to later characters they have managed to give most of them their own feeling.


Unlimited Capacity
team synergy is important.
also a character like tempest can be important as he is a character with a decent heal (2 to all players) which is rare.

all the bosses are scored by difficulty so you could stick to an easier boss for a while, but the game in general isn't super easy.

I'd also recommend the app on steam or ios/android to play the game faster so you can try out characters and learn what they can do. knowing who can deal with what can make some choices change quite a bit.

wish I could help more. My group usually just uses one of the easier environments to make it easier, as a lot of the environments are really hard and sadlly they don't rate them by difficulty.

this seems like it could be a useful data set though I am not sure how accurate it is.

We must be doing something very wrong because all of the game setups were -50 or less and we got absolutely destroyed each time.
Got My first stone age to the family table.

Positives: great production values and it is well thought out mechanically, easy to teach and quick to play.

Negatives: there really isn't much to it *unless* people play in a nasty fashion, stealing the dogs and sniping huts. Once they do things get more interesting, but feelings are going to get hurt.

So I'm a bit each way on it. It works perfectly for young kids (miss 5 loved it) but I think it'll run out of steam quickly because it really plays itself to some degree (my 8 year old wasn't too fussed). On the other hand, you can get more out of it by bringing on tears.

I'd put it in the "ok it is the youngests choice tonigh- oh? My first stone age again....fine" category. What I might try is house ruling the piles of available huts down from three to two. This might help find the right balance.


We must be doing something very wrong because all of the game setups were -50 or less and we got absolutely destroyed each time.
It's possible.

likely the best course of action would be just to get the base app and play some of that.
it's possible that it will help you figure out something that you haven't noticed, or possible even that you are playing some rule wrong. really I wish I could help more, but while I have played the game 15-20 times, it varies enough that there isn't one hard strat I can give.

I mean to be fair my group only wins like half the time. the game can be very brutal. but most good co op games are that way so there is a sense of accomplishment when you win.
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