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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Scored at Target last night! Splendor for $22 and Magic Arena of the planeswalker for $15!
Nice. I still need to PM the Arena of the Planeswalkers version at Walmart that comes with bonus tiles and cards to somewhere cheaper. I guess I'll need to see if the closest Target has it on sale so I can try a Walmart PM.


It's getting down to the wire but I finally kicked in $20 towards Fugitive. I've yet to even play my copy of Burgle Bros (I really need to watch some videos because I can't get my head around movement of the guards) but I knew I wanted Fugitive anyway. Fowers makes good games.


It's getting down to the wire but I finally kicked in $20 towards Fugitive. I've yet to even play my copy of Burgle Bros (I really need to watch some videos because I can't get my head around movement of the guards) but I knew I wanted Fugitive anyway. Fowers makes good games.

Guard movement is pretty simple. When a burglar ends their turn on the guards floor, the guard on that floor moves his movement (2/3/4 plus any bonuses) towards his destination. If there is a split path, then he goes clockwise as tiebreaker. Reaching destination generates a new destination.
Nice. I still need to PM the Arena of the Planeswalkers version at Walmart that comes with bonus tiles and cards to somewhere cheaper. I guess I'll need to see if the closest Target has it on sale so I can try a Walmart PM.

I forgot Walmart had sole exclusive stuff.


Let me know what you find out.


I forgot Walmart had sole exclusive stuff.


Let me know what you find out.
My nearby Targets do not have the game on sale, so a PM at Walmart would be a no-go. I do remember that within the last few months it went on sale at Amazon, for something like $15. A thread popped up for the sale on the BGG Hot Deals sub-forum and it was pointed out that a PM for the Walmart version might work. There was discussion over whether the Walmart version has the same barcode or if it is considered a different SKU, since it had different items, but I want to say people had success matching the price? A couple people acted like most Walmarts had sold or otherwise gotten rid of their versions with bonus content but mine still has a stack of them. I'll have to wait for another sale at Amazon to try a PM though.

I'm kind of bummed. I took BattleCON Devestation and Fate into the local store to play today and the main guy who was interested in playing the game with me, and had played it with me once before, let me know that he is moving to another state this week. He told me that the other UFS players would be interested in playing the game but I'm not so sure. I do have one other UFS player at the store that has played it with me but I'm not really sure of his schedule; he wasn't in today. So my BattleCON games may be over for a while. This is after I got L99 to send me some missing items, found a guy willing to sell me an Evil Hikaru promo (leaving me with only two more promos to get and I'll have everything, barring the exclusive 5 sets of backer promos that they made 15 copies each of, which most people consider to be unattainable), and after I buy several long card boxes to sort cards into. I plan on using the long boxes to put all the War, Dev, Fate, and Promo characters in, along with their tokens, just sorted by index cards. That should serve to make the game playable and will manage while I wait for a potential official storage solution (or until I make something custom). But anyway, it might be a while before I get to play it again, which sucks.

I just noticed that you have Québec on your shelves! A great game which deserves more praise.

I also see Glen More, a game that I love. I've recently played my first game of Rococo (one of the co-designers is Matthias Cramer, who designed Glen More) and it's a very interesting game. The theme is refreshing and the mechanisms create a tense game where you really cannot do all the things you'd like to do. I had a blast.


I finally played some games recently, time to talk about them:

Twilight Struggle app: I've played and enjoyed my physical copy of this game already (it's well worth its reputation), but I've been playing it online with a friend from my hometown. He's normally not into anything with the look and game length of a GMT game, but the app adds an extra layer of theme and streamlining that has gotten him to swallow a bitter pill. He is LOVING the game so far, and I can feel our games getting more tense and interesting each time we play.

Food Chain Magnate
: Bought this out of a desire to own and play one of these much-talked-about Splotter games. I've only played it 2P so far, but this game is so fun and interesting even then. It's got to be the easiest time I've had playing a "super heavy, unforgiving euro game". The rules are super straightforward and the game smoothly develops from almost nothing into a very tense competition.

Thunder Alley
: I didn't really know what to expect from this game. Racing games can be fun, but also kind of problematic in the endgame or with runaway leaders. I played this 2P, which also didn't seem like it would be good- but it was! The length of this game feels overly long, but on the other hand, that slow pace really makes that final stretch feel like a epic climax.


I'd love to have some people to play Twilight Struggle with. I still totally suck at the game. I lose every time against the AI.


I'm still learning the Scythe Automa rules, but it's such a neat concept. Early session results from other people suggest the official-ish mod to play an Automa vs. multiple human players also works, or 2 Automas vs. 1 human. I'm really hoping solo/co-op extends the life of the game in case I can't find anyone interested in pure competitive play.

It's also a nice step up from the Viticulture Automa which provided simple worker space blocking.


Hail to the KING baby
I just noticed that you have Québec on your shelves! A great game which deserves more praise.

I also see Glen More, a game that I love. I've recently played my first game of Rococo (one of the co-designers is Matthias Cramer, who designed Glen More) and it's a very interesting game. The theme is refreshing and the mechanisms create a tense game where you really cannot do all the things you'd like to do. I had a blast.

Yeah, I actually work with Philippe (designer)! We started on the same day and he was one of the handful of attendees at my first game night here :p (different offices though unfortunately). The game is seriously underrated. Good crunchy Euro and I'm surprised no one has iterated upon the cool cascade mechanic.

I actually have a similar vibe about Glen More. Totally different games obv but also good, crunchy, and novel and still stands out after all these years.
Yeah, I actually work with Philippe (designer)! We started on the same day and he was one of the handful of attendees at my first game night here :p (different offices though unfortunately). The game is seriously underrated. Good crunchy Euro and I'm surprised no one has iterated upon the cool cascade mechanic.

That's very cool! So you're probably a fellow Montrealer :)

I know that the recent World's Fair 1893 was inspired by some of the mechanisms found in Québec (what J. Alex Kevern calls the "stickiness"), but not the cascade. Strangely, it's what makes Québec so special, but no one else is using it.


Just a heads up that Amazon has a few deals coming up for Prime day. I've seen a couple of good game set for lightning deals, such as Castles of Burgundy and Legends of Andor.


Just a heads up that Amazon has a few deals coming up for Prime day. I've seen a couple of good game set for lightning deals, such as Castles of Burgundy and Legends of Andor.
How do you see upcoming board game deals like this? Or upcoming lightning deals?

*edit* I found some upcoming prime deals. I don't see many board game discounts upcoming besides Burgundy.


Tonight I finally get to play Alien Frontiers at the store. It is pretty simple. It I've read and reread the rules multiple times, checked the "Rules" subforum on the game's BGG page in case there is something that appears frequently that trips people up, I have nicely-printed reference sheets in the box that came in it from the previous owner... Despite disliking the plastic colonies (I feel like they look cheap, like something you would get out of a $.25 machine at a supermarket) and preferring the wooden 'skittles,' I even recently bought the upgrade kit because I felt like it might go over better with people (because I am aware that my opinion on the plastic colonies is in the minority).
All this work to make sure the game goes well and now I am getting worried that it will flop. I think most of the people at the store are more of Ameritrashers, but then again so am I, and worker placement games still caught my fancy.
So who knows? Still, I'm going to be pretty disappointed if no one else is interested in it or they are bored while playing it.

In addition to that being a bummer simply because I think it is a good game, I've also been wanting to get it played at the store for a while and I have been enthusiastic about how great the game is. If it falls flat, it might hurt people's perception of my taste in games and make it less likely for people to want to try something else I might recommend in the future.


Hail to the KING baby
Alien Frontiers would not necessarily go over bad with a thematic audience because it actually does a good job at pushing the theme, especially with the upgrade pack. I like the corny 50s-looking art too. My one recommendation would be to try to limit player count to three because that keeps the playtime nice and tight and like many worker-placement games there's not a ton to do off-turn and later in the game it can get a bit brainburny (try to encourage people to not overthink things by taking turns somewhat quickly yourself).


Martians: A Story of Civilization looks like an interesting kickstarter

hero realms a new version of star realms kickstarer is about to end.

I also just learned that Robinson Crusoe got a martian retheme o_O
gonna have to watch that while I wait for Robinson Crusoe's new version to come out.

I bailed on Hero Realms in the end.. just not enough for me to splurge now. I will keep an eye for it when it hits retail.

I am tentatively in on Martians. But, I am not sold yet. I will see how the campaign goes. There seems to be more to offer me as a kickstarter backer but I am just not 100% sold on the game yet.

Has anyone played Cry Havoc at a con somewhere? My group likes area control and it looks interesting enough. I am close to pre-ordering because of the free shipping to Canaada but I am just on the edge.


Alien Frontiers would not necessarily go over bad with a thematic audience because it actually does a good job at pushing the theme, especially with the upgrade pack. I like the corny 50s-looking art too. My one recommendation would be to try to limit player count to three because that keeps the playtime nice and tight and like many worker-placement games there's not a ton to do off-turn and later in the game it can get a bit brainburny (try to encourage people to not overthink things by taking turns somewhat quickly yourself).
I would have been happy to have had three other people interested. All in all it was just kind of a bad night.
I don't really want to get into it but it was just a disappointing evening. Only one person was interested in playing it with me, and I think they enjoyed it, but their attention was divided between my game and a Legacy game that another group (that this person is involved in) was starting tonight. I would have rather had a 4P game of it going, with full opportunities to block people and play 'take that,' but as it was I kind of ran away with the points and was placing colonies faster. My opponent only had four colonies placed, I think, by the time I placed my eighth and concluded the game.
It was just a lame night. People there were only interested in rolling characters for an upcoming RPG, catching Pokemon Go, and the Legacy game that was beginning. I guess it's great that there are more people showing up, but maybe not so much if none of the people there care about playing the night's games...
At least I've got X-Wing Night tomorrow night, maybe. Not sure where we'll be playing since the great space we played at the last two weeks is unavailable to us now that the guy who can get access is going TDY overseas for 6 months.


I keep checking about new Robinson Crusoe info for the rerelease this fall. I'm awful at hard co-op games, and yet I'm really looking forward to finally trying it.

Old box art:

New box art:

I much prefer the old box art :/
oh well *continues to wait for the new version*


I like the old treasure chest theme, but at least the new focus is more on the island and less on the lady pirate wearing...what looks like a dress with stomach and thigh windows?


Ugh, old box art is superior.
I too am eagerly awaiting news about the new version though. I wanted the game for a while and was trying to hunt it down last year and as soon as I heard "Game of the Year" version I said "Oh, okay. I can wait."


I like the old treasure chest theme, but at least the new focus is more on the island and less on the lady pirate wearing...what looks like a dress with stomach and thigh windows?

bad lady pirate design aside.
the first box make me see a game that looks interesting and I want to know more.
the second one looks more like what I associate with Robinson Crusoe which is... "this looks boring."


Ugh, old box art is superior.
I too am eagerly awaiting news about the new version though. I wanted the game for a while and was trying to hunt it down last year and as soon as I heard "Game of the Year" version I said "Oh, okay. I can wait."

I got it about a week before the announcement of the new version. Doh. :) It is a great wee co-op, very different to the pandemic-like mechanics most seem to go for these days.


Hail to the KING baby
bad lady pirate design aside.
the first box make me see a game that looks interesting and I want to know more.
the second one looks more like what I associate with Robinson Crusoe which is... "this looks boring."

haha yeah that's kind of how i feel. i actually kinda like the original art other than the dumb lady design. are there any changes/streamlining to the rules? only reason i stayed away from original is that i heard the rules are horribly kludgy


The Robinson Crusoe rules are fine as is, nothing bad about them; the game plays very smoothly and I can't remember running into any especially weird ambiguities. It's just the rulebook, as it was written, that's a bit dense and confusing.


Hail to the KING baby
The Robinson Crusoe rules are fine as is, nothing bad about them; the game plays very smoothly and I can't remember running into any especially weird ambiguities. It's just the rulebook, as it was written, that's a bit dense and confusing.

but there's an FAQ & Errata that's 59 pages long...

with statements like: "However, the latest ruling by Ignacy is inconsistent with the Z-Man 2nd ed. rules: they explicitly mention in the text and illustration a distance 1 (adjacent) or 2 only"


but there's an FAQ & Errata that's 59 pages long...

with statements like: "However, the latest ruling by Ignacy is inconsistent with the Z-Man 2nd ed. rules: they explicitly mention in the text and illustration a distance 1 (adjacent) or 2 only"

Yeah, I skimmed through that. Sometimes, certain games just get the weirdest, most exacting rules lawyers asking (what I think) are questions with very obvious answers.
Maybe it's because the game has several scenarios, and some people need the rulebook restated in the context of a different scenario.

I've played the game several times and taught it to new players; I didn't find the rules to be especially annoying or requiring repeated dives into the rulebook, and we finished the game in a couple of hours. A solo game can probably be done in like 60-90 minutes. It's really not a very complicated game to play (though it is tough as nails).

Trust me, you aren't going to be flipping through a 59 page FAQ to get through a game. The biggest issue with games by that designer/publisher is that the rulebook itself is too verbose and awkwardly translated at times.


Saint Nic
So who has Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower? Thinking of picking it up but I'm worried about the longevity. Cool minis aside, does it have a lot of content and good legs for future adventures? Or should I find a different crawler? I have Shadows of Brimstone, but I'd love another one.


So who has Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower? Thinking of picking it up but I'm worried about the longevity. Cool minis aside, does it have a lot of content and good legs for future adventures? Or should I find a different crawler? I have Shadows of Brimstone, but I'd love another one.

Space Hulk collects dust in my collection so I'm passing on Warhammer universe 2p skirmish games. Hard sell to get this type of 2p game to the table for me.
So who has Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower? Thinking of picking it up but I'm worried about the longevity. Cool minis aside, does it have a lot of content and good legs for future adventures? Or should I find a different crawler? I have Shadows of Brimstone, but I'd love another one.

It's a good classic game that's been updated, outside of the campaign in the book, you will be depending on fan community created content largely for GW games unless you create your own scenarios. GW pumps out games one after another, they don't typically give a product long term support and usually move on to the next one, so they might release a few bonus scenarios online at some point, similar to Space Hulk and such.

Space Hulk collects dust in my collection so I'm passing on Warhammer universe 2p skirmish games. Hard sell to get this type of 2p game to the table for me.

Warhammer Quest is not a 2 player game
Speaking of Warhammer Quest, the Adventure Card Game got a rather low-key release of two new heroes for the game.

So odd they haven't announced new scenarios or campaign expansions. It's like they didn't expect the game to be a hit or something. Or like so many keep saying, FFG is too busy putting out more Star Wars "crap"


So odd they haven't announced new scenarios or campaign expansions. It's like they didn't expect the game to be a hit or something. Or like so many keep saying, FFG is too busy putting out more Star Wars "crap"

Yeah it would be nice if they had made a fuller expansion with new quests and monsters.


So odd they haven't announced new scenarios or campaign expansions. It's like they didn't expect the game to be a hit or something. Or like so many keep saying, FFG is too busy putting out more Star Wars "crap"

Isn't there trouble with the whole "Games Workshop decided to try something new so they rehashed their entire IP policy and also did a fantastic backflip that lodged their head way up their own ass" when it comes to the Warhammer property and it has somehow clashed with people already working on the stuff?
Ooh I like the new Robinson Crusoe cover. It looks classic. I've been on the fence for that game for a while. Sounds cool but the complexity could be intimidating for my friends.


Ooh I like the new Robinson Crusoe cover. It looks classic. I've been on the fence for that game for a while. Sounds cool but the complexity could be intimidating for my friends.

Not sure what types of games you typically play with your friends, but the game (at least the first scenario) is not too crazy. It's just difficult.


So im getting into the Game of Thrones card game lately and after looking up some videos on how to play, I stumbled upon this channel called Inside the Box.

Not sure if anyone here has seen their videos before, but holy shit they are incredible. They have a bunch and each one is amazing.

Here is the one for the game of thrones game. It is a little longer than most of their episodes, but damn the production quality is crazy good.


im gonna add this one too because if you grew up in the 90's playing MTG, you might remember Jyhad, a mtg clone... and these guys do an amazing job of showing what it was all about:



I finally looked at Scythe and man that seems to be a really cool game. A shame I would never be able to play it.

I played it over Tabletopia & Discord this past Monday night and it was a lot of fun. I'd be willing to do it again if anyone from here wants to give it a shot that way.


Played Dead of Winter again last night with a bunch of friends who've played it before and love it. We all enjoyed it very much, but I really regret agreeing to the scenario they wanted to play: X Weeks of Darkness, which basically means surviving for a whole 8 rounds. We won, but it took us something like 3 hours. I don't think we're doing that scenario again soon :p

I do find it awesome how the game can keep us engaged for that amount of time, it's just that it was 2am by the time we finished...


So, I know I'm a bit late on this, but my group and I finally finished Pandemic Legacy:

Overall, I think it was a great game. Now that we've seen everything, and heard about how some other people's games went, I think that the way the game and your group's strategies unfold is very interesting, like you COULD replay it and find something new about the game.

With that said, we got left with a bit of a bad taste from the last few games. Thoughts + spoilers:

The plot they set up in the script of the game (you are working with the military, then they betray you) is cliche, but fine - what's more annoying is that you do a bunch of work in the beginning that has to get undone, and that's a bit frustrating. But fine, I can accept it.

What REALLY sucks is the fucking Search quests, and how that all relates to the end game and the final score/epilogue the game gives you.

Our game featured the Faded appearing in Asia, which we contained with some strategically placed roadblocks. All in all, we did a good job containing the Faded to one region, though we had to accept that the region was gonna turn into a hellhole of Fallen cities.

THEN these search quests asked us to go into these cities to do this silly sidequest. The Search quest would make a lousy Pandemic expansion in any context, but they saw fit to give us like 3 or 4 of those throughout the game. Trying to fulfill those when our Faded area was so well-contained (meaning, hard to get into as well as get out) made the searches really hard, and we ended up doing damage in pursuit of something we didn't get, and we didn't know they'd just give it to us anyway.

The last search dealt with disposing cards, and our shuffle made it so the one or two cards we needed to finish the search were under the last epidemic card. LAME.
Overall, the Legacy concept is great, but hinging so much of the experience on Searches felt kind of lazy, and it wasn't fun.

We scored in the worst tier because they deduct so many points for doing bad at the Searches, too. Despite us doing pretty well at the Pandemic part of the game, even eliminating C0da, the least "Pandemic" part about it pretty much cut the score in half.
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