So maybe odd, but we are having an Alien themed party next month for Alien day, and looking for themed games that might work well with the setting. Got Alien Legendary already, buy looking at options for other games as well as more party oriented games that could fit the sci fi survival theme.
Alien Frontiers doesn't really feature aliens in the artwork, just remnants of an alien civilization. I would say recommend it, though it only plays with four. It's one of my most-loved games and the three people I introduced it to last week enjoyed it. They asked tonight if I had brought it again, and I didn't even really think they liked it that much. One of the couples wants a copy for themselves though.
Tonight was a good night for gaming.
We started with a four player game of Paperback. Two of the people are waiting on Fowers to ship them copies of the game, so they were excited to try it. One common complaint from everyone was that they did not care for the "Attack" cards, which I left in (I didn't even realize using those was almost considered a variant, or I think the rulebook calls it an 'alternate way to play'). I think it went over well despite that. I feel a bit dumb playing it though; I may not always write like it on GAF but I know I've got an extensive vocabulary. I can get a couple cards played that increase my hand size, draw 9 or 10 cards with a mix of vowels/consonants/wilds, and draw a complete blank and resort to playing some four-letter word.
After that was a four player game of Glass Road, which one do the guys just got. I own Patchwork and have played it, so this wasn't my first Uwe game. This was a lot more of an "Uwe title" than Patchwork though. I was very confused by the dual resource dials for a while and even spoke up and said "So this is the more Euro than any Euro I've ever played." It took me a bit to catch on and I wasn't making the most optimal choices by the game's end but I did manage to take second place with 17 points. It was an experience, that's for sure.
After that was three quick games of Skull. I lost each one, going out very quickly on the first game. The second game was won in two turns. Once people got the hang of it though, it went will. The third game lasted a while and saw a lot of cards placed and some high bets made. I hope to play it with more people soon.
Before finishing the evening, the hosts were talking about Food Chain Magnate and then showed us the SUSD video for the game. SUSD sold me on the game. I may not get it soon, and I may miss my chance to get it before it disappears everywhere for many years, but I want it. Hopefully someone at the Tabletop Day event I want to attend in the city has it so I can give it a try.