As a tangent...
The box for Terminal Directive is large. Like completely, ludicrously, and unnecessarily large.
Ha, my eyes certainly widened a little at this photo from the SUSD write-up.
As a tangent...
The box for Terminal Directive is large. Like completely, ludicrously, and unnecessarily large.
Millennium Blades + Set Rotation sleeving status: About 792 done?
Millennium Blades + Set Rotation sleeving status: About 792 done?
*edit* Around 1070 cards sleeved, 100% done.
I love mecha so this just caught my eye, not sure on the game itself yet, but do find it interesting how they are doing it. Selling the game base and playable for cheaper price, while making all the miniatures a separate set and optional. Think this is kind of neat, can see people being turned off by the idea that it's not one complete box even though price ends up being pretty much same as other games with tons of minis. But like so many KS games, the minis are not even needed, really wouldn't mind seeing more games take this approach of making the miniatures an optional purchase to save some money:
Ha, my eyes certainly widened a little at this photo from the SUSD write-up.
For a box that size, Terminal Directive could have at least included a vacuum formed organizer tray to store a ton of cards. Only problem being that half the people would want it to fit sleeved cards and the other half unsleeved cards.Should be a crime in board games. Meanwhile I think the Arkham Horror Card Game box is way too small to hold cards and stuff if you start getting the expansions.
They did that with Anachrony as well, selling a miniature pack on the side so you could just get a base package. The only sad thing being that the miniatures actually have a neat function with a tiny slot on the head that you could equip your workers into.
Played my first game of Glory to Rome on Friday, what a cool game. Did some searching trying to find an affordable copy for my self. Is $60 an ok deal for an I.V edition? Everything else I was finding was in the $110-200 range.
IV edition is still the classic, colorful, ugly one that comes in a clamshell case. The ones for $110-200 are most likely the Black Box edition with nice artwork. I definitely wouldn't pay $60 for the old one.
Maybe check out Uchronia or Mottanai? They are reimplementations of the same game, and much cheaper.
Yeah it was more of a general point and then I just dropped in that slur for Gloomhaven specifically. And honestly I don't mind edgelordy stuff at all just that it limits playerbase for me at least.
Thanks! The tower looks like a neat idea, but I'm not sure the rest would be necessary, especially without card separators. I guess I could just add my own.I did that as well and picked up one of these:™).html
Makes it much easier to setup and tear-down. The market tower helps a ton with sleeved cards.
I saw Tabletop Simulator was on sale, too. Gonna pick it up because I heard people play things like Star Wars Destiny on there.
What other Tabletop Simulator mods/games do you guys recommend trying on there?
Thanks! The tower looks like a neat idea, but I'm not sure the rest would be necessary, especially without card separators. I guess I could just add my own.
I saw Tabletop Simulator was on sale, too. Gonna pick it up because I heard people play things like Star Wars Destiny on there.
What other Tabletop Simulator mods/games do you guys recommend trying on there?
If you look on the Steam Workshop, there's a mod for just about every game out there. Me and a friend have actually used it to demo games we were considering purchasing before.
I think of you when people mention Tabletop. It's really sad they only bother with copyright if a company sells paid DLC on their platform, and even sadder that Valve won't do anything about it. I wonder if any legal action can be taken.By 'mod' you mean pirated version of the game that the creator and owner gets no money for.
TTS is selling a 20 dollar piracy platform, and force me to do DMCA takedown requests to remove content and neither they nor Valvle will do shit about the fact that all of the content on steamworks amounts to Napster. For board games. And once someone has scanned the art it takes them about 30 seconds to reupload the content after the takedown and Valve again will do nothing about user accounts who repeatedly upload copyrighted material.
Believe me, I feel really good when I see 20k dollars worth of artwork that I am busting my ass to get a paid digital version of created is scanned and uploaded so it can be played for free.
At least BGG banned the guy selling PNP Machi Koro for a month.
By 'mod' you mean pirated version of the game that the creator and owner gets no money for.
TTS is selling a 20 dollar piracy platform, and force me to do DMCA takedown requests to remove content and neither they nor Valvle will do shit about the fact that all of the content on steamworks amounts to Napster. For board games. And once someone has scanned the art it takes them about 30 seconds to reupload the content after the takedown and Valve again will do nothing about user accounts who repeatedly upload copyrighted material.
Believe me, I feel really good when I see 20k dollars worth of artwork that I am busting my ass to get a paid digital version of created is scanned and uploaded so it can be played for free.
At least BGG banned the guy selling PNP Machi Koro for a month.
I think of you when people mention Tabletop. It's really sad they only bother with copyright if a company sells paid DLC on their platform, and even sadder that Valve won't do anything about it. I wonder if any legal action can be taken.
I can understand the frustration from a creator point of view, and it really should be something TTS and valve take seriously with take down request. I mean it's always felt questionable that valve allows fans to upload games like that. I would understand if you had to use a third party site, but steam workshop stuff means valve should be monitoring it.
Personally I will only use it to play games I actually own, but I doubt that really feels to much better to someone like you who sees your hard work stolen and uploaded for free.. The vast majority of my use of TTS has been playing fan reworks of games such as love letter redone with like steven universe stuff and what not, or playing beta versions of parts of games and giving feedback to the creators. It has allowed me to play some of my favorite games with my friends who are far away. If there was a dedicated app to any given game that i could do the same I would buy that instead but a lot of my favorite games don't have dedicated apps for them.
Though I suppose this brings up a curiosity question for me. Do you harbor any ill will towards those who use TTS to play your games, or do you merely harbor ill will towards the ones that upload the stuff and towards TTS/valve who should be making sure the people who upload such things have the legal rights to do so?
That's the best part. If TTS might lose money on a workshop game they make damn sure there is no pirated version.
I won't do business with them because their business amounts to a gun to my head 'put your game on our platform officially and we'll police pirated versions. Otherwise we won't do shit'
Which means they have the ability to do something about it (tools, etc) and choose to allow it to happen if they have no skin in the game.
I can't believe that anybody would play games with TTS. I own it and have downloaded a few mods and went "huh" and promptly deleted it.
Beyond piracy, the interface is a mess, it is clunky as fuck and misses the entire point of board games imo.
any serious game I couldn't imagine playing.
but if you want to play something like love letter it works well enough once you learn the short cuts.
it also was pretty useful for beta testing the new characters of red dragon inn to give feedback to them since someone took the time to put the print and play characters in there to test.
I can't believe that anybody would play games with TTS. I own it and have downloaded a few mods and went "huh" and promptly deleted it.
Beyond piracy, the interface is a mess, it is clunky as fuck and misses the entire point of board games imo.
It's actually almost the opposite at least in terms of one of its more popular games -- Star Wars: Destiny -- where it's pretty much a prerequisite for high-level players. It may be slightly clunky (though not too bad once you get the hang of it), but just being able to crank out games against a variety of players changing your decks on the fly at pretty much any time of day is something even RL can't compete with. The availability of digital play creates a really interesting dynamic for competitive games. I'd almost go so far as to say it helped destroy Netrunner (or at least casual tournament Netrunner) because the gulf between people who train online and people who don't gets really big over time, especially when there are spoiled cards in the mix that RL players can't play with very conveniently (if you think TTS sucks...try making a deck full of proxies :/).
I can't believe that anybody would play games with TTS. I own it and have downloaded a few mods and went "huh" and promptly deleted it.
Beyond piracy, the interface is a mess, it is clunky as fuck and misses the entire point of board games imo.
Yeah nobody would ever use it because their friends moved away. /s
It's definitely not my first choice of platform but anything I play on it will not get played any other way so what am I going to do?
'Proper digital equivalent'. By far the most I play on this is Pathfinder ACG. Paizo has a digital version that took like 3 years to make (exaggeration yes but it definitely took a year+), is SP only, doesn't include current content and I also bought but now has a dead forum, the last thread of which is asking for when, if ever, multiplayer or another update will be available. Realistically I don't think there's enough market to justify the headache of a new program for every game and TTS is something available now, whereas even if my vote were to prompt the start a new project for digital MP I still wouldn't see it for a year. I'm not saying that TTS is the right answer, because really, if a publisher made a specialty app catered for the particular game I want to play, then yes I would use it instead, but as you said, "There isn't one."Ask the publisher of the game to create a proper digital equivalent.
I have as many problems playing locally as anyone, but I don't believe TTS is the answer.
I agree with everything here.I think several of us may understand that TTS can be useful for playing games remotely.
However, hopefully we can agree that people shouldn't use it to pirate games rather than buying them.
Hopefully we can also agree that the developer shouldn't refuse to do proper legal monitoring of user content before being paid off by a game designer.
I don't feel like it misses the entire point of board games more than online gaming misses the point of what was at that point only local multiplayer.I can't believe that anybody would play games with TTS. I own it and have downloaded a few mods and went "huh" and promptly deleted it.
Beyond piracy, the interface is a mess, it is clunky as fuck and misses the entire point of board games imo.
The FFG LCGs look interesting (I love the non-random card game thing). Arkham Horror sounds great but I don't care for Americana settings and was never a Lovecraft fan. Is that the only co-op one they offer?
It makes sense that playing online has advantages, but why not just through a web interface/app that is specifically designed for it?
The answer would be "because there isn't one", but that doesn't mean TTS is a good way to play games and almost certainly means it is getting away with something that other people don't want to put their name to.
I saw that Netrunner campaign box at local store and it seems like they went the opposite direction of Arkham Horror card game expansion. The Arkham expansion really could use that big box. It's like now they are over compensating.FFG has the worst damn boxes and organizers bar none. I'd say they were actively messing w/ me but realistically I know they're just being cheap and reusing stuff all over the place without any consideration for usability. For Arkham, I got a card box the hold all the stuff and then I just use the base box for chits and manual. For everything else, I have custom solutions for the most part.
there's also a LOTR one that just had the final expansion released or about to.
How old are the kids? King of Tokyo is a great family Dice chucker.Wow that has a frightening amount of cards
Just ordered Machi Koro Bright Lights and Sushi Go Party off amazon, hope the kids like them
Wow that has a frightening amount of cards
Just ordered Machi Koro Bright Lights and Sushi Go Party off amazon, hope the kids like them