I really need to get back into Arkham Horror LCG.
Haven't touched it in months. Yet I still buy every new pack. (Got a nice order on hold at Minature Market.)
Hey guys.
Could you give me some input on your thoughts on this kickstarter?
Rayguns and Rocketships
It ends in 7 hours. There's not very much talk around the game other than the typical positive kickstarter chatter.
I am aso on an early bird pledge and will probably let it ride. While their components tend to be decent to good quality, IDW games tend to be kind of hit or miss with me rules wise. TMNT Shadows of the Past is a little more shallow than I was expecting, but is still fun enough for a toss away. That said, this game looks like it might scratch my "space battle" itch fairly well.Hey guys.
Could you give me some input on your thoughts on this kickstarter?
Rayguns and Rocketships
It ends in 7 hours. There's not very much talk around the game other than the typical positive kickstarter chatter.
On the surface this seems like a game I could be interested. I generally like the style, though I'm not in love with the art design, though I do like it. I wish there were more preview videos by reputable reviewers and whatnot.
What do you guys think? It's a bit pricey for what it is, isn't it? I can't tell. I've had a lot on my mind lately and rather busy, and haven't really been able to digest how exactly this game will feel when played. The videos I have seen didn't turn me off, but didn't really thrill me either, though I suspect I might dig it....
I've got an early bird pledge in but might pull it. I just received Dark Souls and I'm not crazy about that.. Need to be a little more thoughtful about my pledges.
LoTR to me creates a weird meta situation that is almost like playing magic or something. I spent a lot of time building decks and hitting my head against certain quests and stuff. It was really fun for that.
I have LOTR coming this week and I'm really looking forward to this.
Ammo Belt + second chance is stupid broken
You bastard!but I did get the new unseen pack while I was there
Forsaken Lore adds Focus (great mechanic to stop wasting actions) and gives you a bunch more Encounter cards. But what you described is exactly what Eldritch is -- so if you don't enjoy the core gameplay and little individual encounters you probably won't like the game regardless of expansions. Probably should play LCG instead.Finally completed the first scenario of eldritch horror (azathoth) and can't help feeling that the base game is... missing something. You spend ages solving a single mystery yet there isn't any feeling of accomplishment. When you actually do solve the mystery it's less of 'YEAH WE FINALLY DID IT' and more of '... what do we have to do next?'.
Do any of the expansions address that? I see forsaken lore being thrown around a lot as a nearly essential expansion.
I like Avalon because it reminds me so much of Mafia. I am really looking into One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Ultimate Werewolf but I'm not sure how the folks I play with would receive it, since they all love Avalon so much already. I'll check out the other games you've listed. Thanks!Hi, Yes. Popular games like Avalon include variants of werewolf, spyfall, two rooms and a boom, a fake artist goes to new york, mysterium ... it really branches out into hundreds of more games depending on why you exactly liked Avalon.
Just don't buy Quadropolis, it sucks.
I've been meaning to check out Secret Hitler for so long now, I'll check out the other two games you've mentioned. Thanks!Deception, Good Cop Bad Cop, and Secret Hitler all fit the bill.
Dude we just did the third scenario in base and we're about to get the best resolution but somehow drew two tentacles on otherwise unlosable checks wound up one sanity short of being able to clear it. Arkham baby! Looking forward to getting back to the Dunwich campaign on Thursday too. Jenny was a ton of fun but I miss my boy Roland.Arkham LCG really is dope. Picked up a second copy of the core set with a 3rd friend in town and managed to fully succeed on the Midnight Masks scenario after drawing the Ezio token for the final doom to advance past midnight, when our Skids player realized he was able to eke out the final action we needed thanks to his passive that hadn't been utilized much due to having Leo and some other heavy cost assets on the board early.
What an experience. Pulling the cthulu token on back to back pulls when up 2 on a combat contest is just soul crushing I swear.
Think me and my friend will wrap up the 3rd part of the core set before taking some time to look at deck options. Feel that Roland/Wendy starters are far from optimal.
k, will put together an OP. Up for title suggestions.. thinking something having to do with "I've got a bad feeling about this" or "Never tell me the odds" would be ridiculously appropriate..
maybe "I've got a bad feeling about this (reroll)"
k, will put together an OP. Up for title suggestions.. thinking something having to do with "I've got a bad feeling about this" or "Never tell me the odds" would be ridiculously appropriate..
maybe "I've got a bad feeling about this (reroll)"
Looks like you have it correct.
Option 1: Goblins engage the master goblin. They are already engaged, so skip.
Option 2: Attack the closest hero. Judging from the pic, I doubt they have LOS to anything, so they can't do this either. So skip.
Option 3: Engage the closest master monster. See option 1, so skip again.
Unless they have LOS to a hero, they have done all they are going to do.
It begins
It begins
I'll post my haul, too!
And just for shits, I am nearly done with Descent 2e! Just a few more Lieutenants to grab. Once they're back in stock on CSI...
Some quests are easier than others for sure. Some are absolutely brutal, and make you go back to the cardpool and strategize.Played my first game of LOTR LCG, Passage through Mirkwood. I chose the Spirit deck, more or less at random (I don't really understand the nuances between them yet).
The game went smoothly for the most part, dare I say it felt easy (I played the easiest quest in the box). Eowyn with a special attachment plus her ability could reliably pump out 6 willpower for the quest each turn - but I actually lost near the end, pretty much by attrition.. The last card specifies that you can't finish if a certain big bad spider is active - sure enough, that spider appeared soon after, and my allies and heroes started falling. Once you lose one hero, it turns out you lose a pretty big foothold in the resources I started sliding back just enough to realize there was no winning it.
Having played Warhammer ACG, a much newer game, I felt like LOTR was something similar to that - putting tokens on location cards while fending off enemies who come lurking in from the shadows. You could make the case that it derived some things from LOTR. However, while WACG is pretty damn swift and brutal in it's diffculty, I felt like LOTR had a much nicer, much more manageable pace to least, for this quest.
Really excited to try again 2P, and start considering deck options.
I'm not a super competitive person, so Road to Legend has been my preferred Descent method since it's launch.Also, the more I play Road to Legend, the more I like it. If FFG opens up the Quest Vault to the app...Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.
Anyone here played One Deck Dungeon? Interested in a lighter solo game and saw that the expansion has a Kickstarter.
Damn. Watching a video and it has some neat mechanics.It's OK. It's not the second coming like some solo players will say. It's got some light strategi decisions, but it's ultimately a roll and pray experience.
I really don't think so, unless you plan on playing the game over 60 times and wanting to start over. Even then, you could easily just mark the map tiles with a pen the second time around or use card sleeves for the card stickers.
Is something like this worth it for gloomhaven?
I really don't think so, unless you plan on playing the game over 60 times and wanting to start over. Even then, you could easily just mark the map tiles with a pen the second time around or use card sleeves for the card stickers.