One of the many flavor of the month hyped up games, sold out, stores restocked big time, but the players cooled off on it heavily or found out it was not the greatest, so stores now got alot of non moving product.
I appreciate the offer, but I'm good at the moment. Although once I hype myself up to by it, I'll be kicking myself for not getting it at $80 I bet. New Armada and X-Wing waves release in the next week and a half, so those are priority number one on my buying list right now. Thanks again though.As of a few days ago, my FLGS still had a sealed copy for sale -- I'm guessing around $90CAD (it's been a while since I last looked at the price, but they stick pretty close to MSRP and generally only mark up to account for USD/CAD conversion rates). No expansion, though. 99% of the time we're playing 3-player, which is why I don't think I'll plan on getting it myself.
If you're interested in me buying and mailing it to you from Alberta, Canada, let me know. Pepboy sold me a copy of Glory to Rome almost 5 yrs ago, so it's due time I pay it forward.![]()
Welcome aboard! Let me know if you have any rules questions or want to try the solo scenarios I've cobbled together.
Welcome to the best game!
I appreciate the offer, but I'm good at the moment. Although once I hype myself up to by it, I'll be kicking myself for not getting it at $80 I bet. New Armada and X-Wing waves release in the next week and a half, so those are priority number one on my buying list right now. Thanks again though.
I've been reading about ashes rise of the phoenixborn card game..
REALLY positive stuff..
No matter how much I read, it seems a dead game in Italy.. no one seems to play it...
Is it a generally dead game, or there is just a niche dedicated community?
Also mage knight..
Is there a scheduled reprint along the lines or my best bet are overpriced seller online?
If only..
95 points in my second game. I suppose thats progress. I didn't do any exploring this time but built some housing and ended up with no negative point modifiers by the end, but it took some real mental puzzling to figure out just how to fill everything in in the last two turns. I'm not even sure how I did it now, looking back.
Looking forward to trying it with a couple of friends over the weekend but I can see A Feast for Odin and Mage Knight being my go to solitaire games for a very long time.
How are you enjoying it? I think it is one of the best super-euro games that still exudes a really cool theme. I feel like a viking lord when I play that game. Not an abstract point farmer.
I'm loving it so far, having only played two games over this evening. I think it is very good. Watching videos and reading rulebooks is one thing but playing it and seeing how different strategies could play out in my mind is really satisfying.
I totally agree about the theme. It really does feel like you are trying to run a viking colony and has a great feeling to it. I am very excited to keep playing.
Awesome. It is my desert island game.
One of the many flavor of the month hyped up games, sold out, stores restocked big time, but the players cooled off on it heavily or found out it was not the greatest, so stores now got alot of non moving product.
Seafall legacy is now down to $20. Is it that bad why the big price drop?
If it hits this on Amazon I'll probably grab it lol. Still $35 on Amazon, which is how much the CardHaus site wants to charge to ship the game...
I HAVE BEEN SUMMONEDSo I keep wanting to order A Feast for Odin, but I worry about a few things.
- Does it feel like you have to pick a certain tactic and run with it in order to do well, or can you diversify and hybridize your strategy?
- When playing 2p, does it have direct competition, or is it passive? Gauging my current collection and what my wife likes to play, is it more like Ticket to Ride or Suburbia in that regard?
- How long does a 2p game take? What about solo?
- Do games feel same-y?
two topics questions..
1) dice forge? yes? no? expansions necessary to make the game fresh?
2) star wars destiny.. a lot of friends from abroad are really enjoying it, but from the gist of it it's just the classic TCG with start wars flavour.. or i'm missing something? plus after playing lcg games and deck building without collection games i'm quite perplexed about my ability to again buy//collect like old mtg....
1. It depends on the occupations. The highest scores typically involving using the occupations you draw well, but the solo challenges have taught me there are ways to do well despite all sorts of arbitrary restrictions.
2. It is passive competition for spaces, but as players become more skilled they can start bumping heads over the most valuable and efficient spaces, certain islands, etc. There isn't permanent scumbag blocking like Ticket to Ride besides islands, and those come with downsides. Overall it is low conflict with a puzzle focus which is perfect for me, but may disappoint people wanting to actively sabotage someone.
3. Once people know how to play, maybe 1.5 hours 2p, 1 hour solo if you don't stop and think too long.
4. I don't think games feel same-y. You can find a solid strategy and choose to do it every game for a reasonable but non-optimal score assuming you're not blocked, but that's kind of on the player. The solo score people have submitted have shown me that there are many ways to score well even ignoring some major game mechanics or spaces, e.g. no boats or no dice actions.
Awesome - thanks for your thoughts.
Game was available on Prime, so I bought a copy. Let's see how this goes...
Wow, Gen Con 4-day badges have sold out for the first time ever. Its gonna be buck wild this year, and validate every bad thing that's ever been said about it in this thread. I'll probably still love it.![]()
Wow, Gen Con 4-day badges have sold out for the first time ever. Its gonna be buck wild this year, and validate every bad thing that's ever been said about it in this thread. I'll probably still love it.![]()
For dice forge I'm still undecided..Sounds like the Myth franchise really is going into someone else's hands. Not official yet but their latest update leaned in that direct. Though it didn't seem like they would be changing the structure, just different support?
I see you watched Man vs Meeple? I ordered Dice Forge and should be here Friday but not sure when I will get to the table.
Destiny has its own thread here if you want to read about it. I don't have much experience with other TCG or CCGs but I like Destiny with friends. I don't get into the meta enough to play against strangers who have cards I've never seen before. But the components are nice and there is a lot of options with the dice.
How's robinson crusoe? I've read good things, but I've also read that's very random.
Like, if we compare it with Eldritch Horror, how random?
edit: also, speaking of mage knight, what's the supposed retail price?
The kitchen sink kickstarter for Ember: Mage Nights just arrived. I think there were only 2 of us here who backed it?
Quick question about the package contents, are there supposed to be 3 ember shard cards? The 1.6 rules mention using 3 for 5 players, but the package only included 2 shards.I backed it (well the previous round...but got the other stuff that came). It's quickly become a favorite of the group, though set-up remains a bit fiddly. I'm toying with a few house rules to see if tweaking makes things better or worse, but, really it doesn't need it.
You'll have an amazing time - don't let the naysayers ruin the experience for you! Just go into it knowing that it's going to be pretty insane.
Wow, damn. I'm really looking forward to going this year, it's going to be crazy! Last year was some of the most fun I've ever had apart from having to uber in every day, but we're skywalk attached this year.
Robinson Crusoe is probably my favorite co-op game, but I do understand when people don't like the 'random' difficulty.
The game consists of a series of 'days', and each day, you can choose to have your character do two things. If you and another player team up on things, you remove randomness, get guaranteed successes, but also move at half speed. If you do something alone, you roll for success, and to see if you need to draw a card, have a random encounter, and set up a future random encounter.
I've had games where everything goes right for us, and we have a pleasant vacation on a tropical isle. Other games are one horrible situation after the next...we tend not to win those. Most games, however, are a bit of a mix, and we've learned to team up on certain vital jobs.
Ultimately, though, this is the co-op game we play with the least quarterbacking. The fact is, every option you have for your day is useful to the group in some way. Yes, someone's got to get food, and someone else should probably build something, but, for the most part, every round starts with "So, what do you want to do today?" with very few wrong answers.
Wow, Gen Con 4-day badges have sold out for the first time ever. Its gonna be buck wild this year, and validate every bad thing that's ever been said about it in this thread. I'll probably still love it.![]()
That doesn't seem more random than Eldritch Horror!
Another question, what happens if a player dies? Is there a way to let them play or they have to watch till the end of the game?
Anyone know of the SuperHot card game that got kickstarted will be printing and shipping to the US anytime?
Tzolk'in is a novel worker placement game with a strong theme.Looking for some good two player games for my GF and I. We still haven't found a regular group since moving a year ago and so mostly only play with eachother. Because we lack two player games at this point in time we mostly play Tides of Time, Cribbage, and Hive. We aren't intimidated by complexity, but we do like novel gameplay concepts and a strong theme.
Looking for some good two player games for my GF and I. We still haven't found a regular group since moving a year ago and so mostly only play with eachother. Because we lack two player games at this point in time we mostly play Tides of Time, Cribbage, and Hive. We aren't intimidated by complexity, but we do like novel gameplay concepts and a strong theme.
Looking for some good two player games for my GF and I. We still haven't found a regular group since moving a year ago and so mostly only play with eachother. Because we lack two player games at this point in time we mostly play Tides of Time, Cribbage, and Hive. We aren't intimidated by complexity, but we do like novel gameplay concepts and a strong theme.
Awww man... A copy of Chaos in the Old World popped up in a GeekAuction earlier. $50 starting bid, $80 BIN. I subscribed to the item and figured I'd keep an eye on it but didn't expect it to last long. It's sold by now.
One of these days I'll get my hands on it. FFG and GW parting ways was shitty enough news when it happened but I don't think copies of Chaos in the Old World were plentiful and super-abundant at that time anyway. I imagine I'm gonna have to overpay at some point soon or risk it becoming a $300 grail game in a few years and never being able to buy it. It's gonna be a hard pill to swallow once I finally convince myself to do it though.