Welp, buying this ASAP. Also, Bill Watterson laughing at anything is just so strange to me.
Here’s an excerpt from Bill Watterson’s rare new ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ interview
Amazon link to purchase: Exploring Calvin and Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue
JR: Are you surprised that the strip continues to enjoy such immense popularity so long after you stopped drawing it, and do you have any thoughts about why it’s had such lasting impact?
BW: It seems the less I do and say, the better everyone likes my work! (laughter) So, no, I don’t understand it at all!
I honestly assumed that the books would go out of print within a few years, once they didn’t have the strip in the newspaper to create the readership for them. But people kept buying the books anyway, and now parents are showing them to their kids, and a new generation is coming up reading the strip. That’s something I never anticipated at all.
Here’s an excerpt from Bill Watterson’s rare new ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ interview
Amazon link to purchase: Exploring Calvin and Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue