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New Calvin and Hobbes book releasing with in-depth Watterson interview

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Welp, buying this ASAP. Also, Bill Watterson laughing at anything is just so strange to me.

JR: Are you surprised that the strip continues to enjoy such immense popularity so long after you stopped drawing it, and do you have any thoughts about why it’s had such lasting impact?

BW: It seems the less I do and say, the better everyone likes my work! (laughter) So, no, I don’t understand it at all!

I honestly assumed that the books would go out of print within a few years, once they didn’t have the strip in the newspaper to create the readership for them. But people kept buying the books anyway, and now parents are showing them to their kids, and a new generation is coming up reading the strip. That’s something I never anticipated at all.

Here’s an excerpt from Bill Watterson’s rare new ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ interview

Amazon link to purchase: Exploring Calvin and Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue
Calvin and Hobbes: The Noodles Incident in stores soon!

I never thought we would get more content from Bill. I'm extremely happy to see this.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Never read any of this Calvin and Hobs I have started getting into comics though. Is it anything like ctrl-alt-del (Buckley?) that shit cracks me up every time


The Complete series is still #1 on my Amazon wishlist after over 10 years.


Never read any of this Calvin and Hobs I have started getting into comics though. Is it anything like ctrl-alt-del (Buckley?) that shit cracks me up every time

Never read any of this Calvin and Hobs I have started getting into comics though. Is it anything like ctrl-alt-del (Buckley?) that shit cracks me up every time


Never read any of this Calvin and Hobs I have started getting into comics though. Is it anything like ctrl-alt-del (Buckley?) that shit cracks me up every time
Somewhere in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a cartoonist feels an itch on the back of his neck.


Junior Member
Will wait for strip of Calvin pissing on something. Won't buy until then.

Great, will get this and and the collection all over again. I lost one of the volumes of the collection and the other two are beat up.
Dammit, just noticed the library binding copies are gone, and are going for a grand each.

edit: I'm an idiot, it's for libraries and schools only. Duh.


Paperback – March 10, 2015

That's two days ago. Why the hell wasn't I informed of this?!

(Thanks for the thread, I would have probably missed it otherwise.)

*adds to cart*


For anyone who's into Watterson's commentary on the strip, I would recommend grabbing a copy of the 10th Anniversary book ($15 on Amazon). It's a curated collection of C&H strips accompanied by commentary by Watterson about the art, writing, and general direction the strip took.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
This strip was always a close second to Bloom County for me back in the day. It's interesting how reclusive Watterson has been.
I wrote to Bill Watterson when he announced that we would stop writing Calvin and Hobbs. He actually wrote back to me, god I wish I could remember where I put that letter.


My 8 year old son started reading Calvin and Hobbes a few months ago. He laughs soooo hard at some of the strips. I just love it. I'll definitely be picking this up.


Hold on.

Does this actually have new stuff drawn by Watterson, or is it just another collection wih an interview tacked on?

I already have the big hardback anthology box, and I think all of the separate paperback collections. Paperbacks are to read, hardbacks are to just gaze at wistfully

Edit: screw it, for a tenner I'll buy it anyway
My 8 year old son started reading Calvin and Hobbes a few months ago. He laughs soooo hard at some of the strips. I just love it. I'll definitely be picking this up.

I think that's about the time I started to read Calvin and Hobbes as well. It was an experience re-reading them over and over as I got older and understanding some of the jokes/themes that went over my head when I was younger.

I'm in for this.
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