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New catchphrases

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The catchphrase of 2004 should be: "I'm making a birdhouse!" (cough*tagmeplease*cough)

courtesy of David Cross in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (My pick for movie of the year so far, pending The Village and The Life Aquatic)


Anything Steve Carell said in Anchorman.

"I ate a big red candle."

"I love lamp."

"Are you coming to the pants party?"

"Ron, I killed a man with a trident."

"Look, I'm riding a fuzzy tractor!"
Raoul Duke said:
Anything Steve Carell said in Anchorman.

"I ate a big red candle."

"I love lamp."

"Are you coming to the pants party?"

"Ron, I killed a man with a trident."

"Look, I'm riding a fuzzy tractor!"

Yeah, pretty much.


"Someday I'll care, but it's not today."

"Well, that’s what you get for thinking."

"Now that’s spoken like a true air head."

Oni Jazar

Though everyone will hate to admit it, the catchphrase of 2004 will have to be 'I'm Rick James Bitch'

Just you wait till VH1's I love the 00s.



Is it just me, or does Chuck Norris have a more monotone face than Keanu Reeves?


GG-Duo said:
That was actually pretty big at my school for some odd reason... eh

I was thinking of using
Walloping Web Snappers as my new catchphrase.. damn that 67 Spiderman
"In my pants" Use it as a suffux. Add it to anything. It works.

and for some reason I just thought up, "Nyquill Milkshake." I'm going nowhere with that one. ...time to sleep.
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