ChumsGum said:
With the p910, the MPx, or the 6630; who needs a laptop? If I were you I'd choose the p910 or the 6630, both use Symbian OS over the MPx, which uses the buggier Windows OS. One thing about the p910 is that it doesn't have a d-pad so playing Genesis or Snes emus may suck. The 6630 is great, once your spring for the extra wireless BT keyboard.
Laptops easily beat out cells and PDAs in screen size and keyboard usability, not to mention um... everything else with exception of portability.
If you're just posting to your blog, something like the P900/910 would do well. i haven't used the phone so i can't comment on it personally, but if the extent of your need for a laptop is "student use" -- word processing, MP3s, email, and light web browsing, you might be better off with a low-end laptop or a PDA and portable keyboard.
The other thing is bluetooth is basically just data transfer rather than having a connection and using it for communication or internet and stuff?
BT can be used for internet browsing, but it has to be through a BT wireless adapter connected to a PC conntect to the net, or via a BT-equipped PDA connecting to a BT-equipped phone, essentially using it as a modem. Unlike WiFi (802.11), you won't be able to find a lot of hotspots where you can connect freely.
As another poster mentioned, it can alse be used in conjunction with Float's Mobile Agent to transfer files between the phone and PC, control the mouse/Winamp/DVD software/etc from the phone, and other things. i haven't used a BT phone for this purpose though.