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New Clinton postmortem of campaign includes criticism of Sanders policy promises

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It’s one thing to speak on retrospective analysis. It’s another to act as if it’s fine that you didn’t know at the time because of the data during the campaign, but Hillary also not knowing because her data said the same thing was idiotic and you know better so she shouldn’t discuss how various things went for her team behind the scenes.

maybe the person with billions of dollars to spend on the best staff and data money could buy should have known better than the collective intuition of neogaf

also maybe that person should have hired more competent campaigners instead of surrounding herself with sycophants, habitual liars, and losers like fucking robby mook and neera tanden


Vox publishes excerpts of a book in which Clinton discusses Sanders' role in undermining her candidacy in the general.

Berniebros: "Hillary blames all of loss on others, accepts no responsibility!"

But of course.
It’s quite incredible how many people are ignoring her comments taking responsibility since the campaign but condemn this single page of a plethora of discussion on multiple factors as her blaming it all on Bernie or all on others
Bruh you lost to Trump.

What a hack
This and her not having the intestinal fortitude to address her crowd after conceding make me a lot less interested in what she has to say.

She has the brains and know-how, so she shouldn't be silent when she could make a difference, but I think she should be careful about how she presents herself or else her own failings will come right back up to the surface to bite her in the ass.


Yes because we all know that the primary spot was deemed hers to begin with. How dare someone more popular challenge her and the DNC?!

Anyways, she's just fueling Trump with this shit. She needs to stop.

Oh, so now after he wins office do we care about fueling him. Nah, he's already won now. The time to tone this stuff down was back during the debates. Back when they were booing at the convention. That was the time to worry about fueling Trump.

Now after the disaster saying that we can't look back and learn from it for fear of helping Trump is the grandest irony I have ever seen.

Is she wrong tho?

No, which is why many posts attack her instead of the truth of the statement. Its 100% accurate and we all know it. So don't address the statement, just shitpost about how you "Don't care about anything she says" and leave.


She's still in politics. One failed presidency campaign doesn't mean she's out.

She is out of politics. For good. Thank God. She would've been a great president, but sadly she made the mistake of doing a bunch of weird, semi-legal stuff, and also supporting a bunch of deliberately racist triangulation in the 90s. It was probably bad for the Democrats to get roped into defending it.


maybe the person with billions of dollars to spend on the best staff and data money could buy should have known better than the collective intuition of neogaf

also maybe that person should have hired more competent campaigners instead of surrounding herself with sycophants, habitual liars, and losers like fucking robby mook and neera tanden
More condescending hindsight doesn’t change the greater context


Can anyone popping into this thread to go "haha, true!" to the pony excerpt stop on their way out and explain to me what's so true about treating wanting health insurance or lower tuitiation like it's a stupid childhood fantasy?

Just thinking about this is making me angry.
No, the people who actually voted for white supremacy are in fact people who voted for white supremacy.

I'm not here to absolve your family members.

All Racists voted for Trump, but not everyone who voted for Trump is racist.

Also, I'm not talking about my family members. They didn't vote, and most of them aren't US citizens.

But yes, keep basing your stump on assumptions.

So are you still not voting for Harris or what

I'm sure all the DREAMers and LGBTQ community will be very happy for your principles and morals

I don't vote Republican.

You know, we laughed at people when they say "American isn't racist, we elected a black man for POTUS". But here you are now, thinking that voting for Harris is some how a statement against jingoism and homophobia.

You're effectively asking for lip service.


I'm completely over this Sanders vs Clinton feud. Like, the point of a campaign is to appeal to people more than your opponent, she defeated him and expected people to fall in line?
I understand, Trump needed to be stopped at all costs, but really, continuing to vilify people who weren't behind you day 1 is not the way to go.

THEN AGAIN, she is currently a private citizen and is free to continue her salty snacks.
I won't regret voting for Bernie, I didn't regret changing my vote to Hillary in the election.
But really? Don't piss all over me for having a conflicting opinion and preference to your candidate. I could just be one of those bastard children who decides not to vote and be a part of the problem if it happens again.

I'm over it, you get over it too. Stop poking the bear.


All Racists voted for Trump, but not everyone who voted for Trump is racist.

Everybody who voted for Trump knowingly voted for a white supremacist.

If you want to tortuously twist the definition of "racist" so that it doesn't include that, that's fine, I guess. Some people will say and do anything to absolve others of their support for white supremacy.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Can anyone popping into this thread to go "haha, true!" to the pony excerpt stop on their way out and explain to me what's so true about treating wanting health insurance or lower tuitiation like it's a stupid childhood fantasy?

Just thinking about this is making me angry.

It is about not explaining HOW you would reach those goals. Just saying it does nothing, the actual path to realizing those goals is important.
i don't know why anyone expects it to end. the conflict isn't even between clinton and sanders, it's between centrism and leftism and both sides still have vocal proponents in the party.

I would like to agree with this, and there certainly is a genuine ideological debate going on, but a lot - by no means all, but a lot - of the Clinton/anti-Sanders/anti-left wing's resentment seems to me to be more driven by personal/professional investment in HRC and/or a desire to maintain ownership of "progressive," "left," and similar labels than by substantive ideological differences.

(and yes, there certainly are Sanders supporters and other leftists who are similarly petty, but they have no institutional power to speak of within the party, so I don't accept that it's symmetrical)
No, which is why many posts attack her instead of the truth of the statement. Its 100% accurate and we all know it. So don't address the statement, just shitpost about how you "Don't care about anything she says" and leave.

Unless, of course, you go to her website and see that Hillary was also more than happy to promise ponies for everybody.

Because i seriously goddamn doubt that she thought for even a second that she'd be able to do shit like criminal justice reform and revise the tax system while republicans still held the house.

Complaining that the dude was selling the impossible when she was doing the exact same thing... eh.


Yoo what? This is factually wrong. Bernie went easy on her given the skeletons in her closet...


I'm completely over this Sanders vs Clinton feud. Like, the point of a campaign is to appeal to people more than your opponent, she defeated him and expected people to fall in line?
I understand, Trump needed to be stopped at all costs, but really, continuing to vilify people who weren't behind you day 1 is not the way to go.

THEN AGAIN, she is currently a private citizen and is free to continue her salty snacks.
I won't regret voting for Bernie, I didn't regret changing my vote to Hillary in the election.
But really? Don't piss all over me for having a conflicting opinion and preference to your candidate. I could just be one of those bastard children who decides not to vote and be a part of the problem if it happens again.

I'm over it, you get over it too. Stop poking the bear.

Literally, one page.
I don't vote Republican.

You know, we laughed at people when they say "American isn't racist, we elected a black man for POTUS". But here you are now, thinking that voting for Harris is some how a statement against jingoism and homophobia.

You're effectively asking for lip service.
Stop trying to obfuscate the issue. The best way to combat Republicans' efforts to suppress and harm minorities is by voting for the Democratic nominee in 2020. If that means Harris, I hope we can count on your vote. If not (as you've indicated before), quit lecturing us and acting like you give a shit.
Everybody who voted for Trump knowingly voted for a white supremacist.

If you want to tortuously twist the definition of "racist" so that it doesn't include that, that's fine, I guess. Some people will say and do anything to absolve others of their support for white supremacy.

I have no ideal how this is a controversial statement.


I would like to agree with this, and there certainly is a genuine ideological debate going on, but a lot - by no means all, but a lot - of the Clinton/anti-Sanders/anti-left wing's resentment seems to me to be more driven by personal/professional investment in HRC and/or a desire to maintain ownership of "progressive," "left," and similar labels than by substantive ideological differences.

(and yes, there certainly are Sanders supporters and other leftists who are similarly petty, but they have no institutional power to speak of within the party, so I don't accept that it's symmetrical)

There is no genuine ideological debate, it's 100% personalities and means to ends.


Can anyone popping into this thread to go "haha, true!" to the pony excerpt stop on their way out and explain to me what's so true about treating wanting health insurance or lower tuitiation like it's a stupid childhood fantasy?

Just thinking about this is making me angry.

Because, despite Donald Trump's wishes, the presidency is not a position of absolute power or godhood. You have to get the Congress to agree to shit before it gets done, and you have to pay for it.

You are literally pulling a "Hillary hates ponies" right now.
Everybody who voted for Trump knowingly voted for a white supremacist.

It's not difficult to imagine that other people are as politically ignorant as you are.

Don't act like voting a straight ticket isn't a habit. The primaries were watched by between 5 and 15 million people.

That's, at best, 50 million people less than the # that voted.


I would like to agree with this, and there certainly is a genuine ideological debate going on, but a lot - by no means all, but a lot - of the Clinton/anti-Sanders/anti-left wing's resentment seems to me to be more driven by personal/professional investment in HRC and/or a desire to maintain ownership of "progressive," "left," and similar labels than by substantive ideological differences.

(and yes, there certainly are Sanders supporters and other leftists who are similarly petty, but they have no institutional power to speak of within the party, so I don't accept that it's symmetrical)

i think that's largely a symptom of the fact that centrism in 2017 is pathetic as a counterweight to the right wing and cruel in its own right. democrats who love the ACA but won't stand for single payer are essentially saying that 50 million uninsured people is bad but 20 million is just fine, which is incoherent on top of being morally disgusting.

and so the way these people define themselves isn't by policy so much as it is personality.
So Hillary thinks Healthcare for everyone is the same as a pony? I'll save my choice words since I don't feel like getting a ban over Hillary.


"Some money".

You don't know many working class people, do you?

Actually, you don't know many people in general, do you?

It took people 15 years to claw themselves out of the hole that the first Clinton presidency left them in. "You're racist!" isn't a good explanation as to why they don't want to repeat it.
I know plenty of people. My family came to the US two generations back. My dad moved us around the country job-hopping. Plenty of areas in the country are doing great, and we absolutely should be helping people move out of distressed ones, but the idea that it's NAFTA/Bill Clinton/etc. at fault here is ridiculous.

Rural areas are losing ground because of globalization, automation, and information technology. They were always less competitive (economically) than urban ones, but the technological revolution of the past 4 decades has made that ratio very lopsided. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II, Obama. None of them could stop this from happening. Many of these places have been bleeding population for 7+ decades.


Yes because we all know that the primary spot was deemed hers to begin with. How dare someone more popular challenge her and the DNC?!

Yea this is kinda annoying. I'd have taken Hillary over Trump, but the fact that she was arrogant enough to believe the spot was hers from the beginning was really her downfall. You can debate and dissect the election all you want, but the real problem is she went into this election determined that she had the presidency and didn't give it her all. Compared to her 2008 campaign she wasn't really trying, even towards the end when it looked like Trump might have gained too much steam. Even if she did at that point, it would have been too late.

Take some responsibility, Hillary.
Can anyone popping into this thread to go "haha, true!" to the pony excerpt stop on their way out and explain to me what's so true about treating wanting health insurance or lower tuitiation like it's a stupid childhood fantasy?

Just thinking about this is making me angry.

Cause this stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum, there are many policy decisions that I would love to see changed instantly. I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't work like that, progress in America is exceptionally slow, we are talking glacially slow.

People wanted it now cause they were tired of waiting and I honestly get that perspective but that isn't how this system of government has worked in two-hundred years of legislative history. Wanting it to change and demanding a revolution to get it there isn't going to work out for you. You still have a substantial majority of Americans who are reticent to the idea of change, they prefer the status quo. I know that sucks, but that is the reality we live in. The idea that we are going to have a paradigm shift on policy, especially policy like health care, college tuition, gun control, immigration policy, tax policy, etc. is a fantasy. Take what you can get and make the changes incrementally, people are more accepting of the that type of shit.
There is no genuine ideological debate, it's 100% personalities and means to ends.

If we're talking about actual elections and the vast majority of the electorate, I'd mostly agree. As far as Democratic Party inside baseball goes, I really don't believe that's true.
Can anyone popping into this thread to go "haha, true!" to the pony excerpt stop on their way out and explain to me what's so true about treating wanting health insurance or lower tuitiation like it's a stupid childhood fantasy?

Just thinking about this is making me angry.

That's the thing too. We're not promising new untested things, we're trying to play catch-up to the rest of the Western world (you know, where they have those things we're trying to get) but apparently that's just "pie in the sky"


Man, 12 pages in just hours. Primary GAF is still lit lol

If we can't get past the division in the Democratic Party, we are all legit fucked.


Because, despite Donald Trump's wishes, the presidency is not a position of absolute power or godhood. You have to get the Congress to agree to shit before it gets done, and you have to pay for it.

You are literally pulling a "Hillary hates ponies" right now.

literally no one believes that sanders would have been able to deliver on all of his campaign promises day 1 by fiat. the point of preferring a candidate further to the left is that we should start by demanding what we want, work towards it with all of our strength, and accept compromises along the way if necessary.

the democrats have been starting from a right-leaning compromised position since the 90s and it's only served to hurt the party and the people who rely on it. that shit needs to stop.
"I'm not a racist I just vote for them." Isn't an excuse

EVERY Trump voter is racist.

Keep thinking this and you'll never see another Democrat in the White House.

I know plenty of people. My family came to the US two generations back. My dad moved us around the country job-hopping. Plenty of areas in the country are doing great, and we absolutely should be helping people move out of distressed ones, but the idea that it's NAFTA/Bill Clinton/etc. at fault here is ridiculous.

Rural areas are losing ground because of globalization, automation, and information technology. They were always less competitive (economically) than urban ones, but the technological revolution of the past 4 decades has made that ratio very lopsided. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II, Obama. None of them could stop this from happening. Many of these places have been bleeding population for 7+ decades.

You do know what NAFTA enabled, right?
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