New Clinton postmortem of campaign includes criticism of Sanders policy promises

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I was about to say the same thing. It wasn't handled great, but people make it sound like he personally hacked it himself or secretly scheming behind the scenes.

The part where he announced that the whole thing was bullshit and sued the DNC didn't exactly strike me as the behavior of a good guy whose employee just did a hugely unethical thing, to be frank.

A morally responsible individual would have...taken responsibility. That's what a leader is supposed to do!
I can’t believe people are still arguing about this. A vigorous primary should not weaken a general election candidate. See Barack Obama and Donald Trump, both had much much tougher primaries than Hillary Clinton. Sick and tired of seeing Bernie Sanders constantly getting dunked on for, god forbid, trying to win an election.


You mean four aides. Not one, four.

It wasn't just one guy being a dick. It was multiple aides. The campaign then said the DNC was being unfair and fundraised off their own aides breaking the rules.

Four that were quickly fired and led Sanders to publicly apologize on national television before the beginning of a debate.

It was a shit thing for them to do, but there wasn't any hacking or straight up maliciousness to it. The data was open and four idiots took advantage of it.

The part where he announced that the whole thing was bullshit and sued the DNC didn't exactly strike me as the behavior of a good guy whose employee just did a hugely unethical thing, to be frank.

A morally responsible individual would have...taken responsibility. That's what a leader is supposed to do!

Oh you mean like this?
The DNC acted neutral in the race, as they should.

The people who work at the DNC are perfectly free to have their own individual preferences.

Talk about not wanting to accept any responsibility for potential wrong doing.

The campaigns aired their grievances already though, if everyone involved wants to act like they comported themselves impeccably that's fine by me.

Cause its a bloody joke and we'll keep losing if that's how we chose to do things


It was a shit thing for them to do, but there wasn't any hacking or straight up maliciousness to it. The data was open and four idiots took advantage of it.

Area man does not understand what hacking is

Not really. That apology is kind of weak when you take it in the context of the lawsuit Bernie had filed against the DNC in response to the event that was literally ongoing at the time. Maybe if the apology came with a statement dropping the lawsuit?


No Scrubs
Four that were quickly fired and led Sanders to publicly apologize on national television before the beginning of a debate.

It was a shit thing for them to do, but there wasn't any hacking or straight up maliciousness to it. The data was open and four idiots took advantage of it.

Yes four idiots, one of which was his data director. Totally a random dude. And he totally didn't fundraise off the fact he got in trouble for taking that data either.


Bernie didnt start his campaign in the boonies, he started his campaign protesting wall street.

That umbrage didnt start in city hating districts out by the farms, its started within the cities themselves. Cause they're full of gross inequality.
Bernie represents the second-most rural, second-most-white state in the entire country. He very much started his campaign in "the boonies" because Vermont is "the boonies" incarnate.


Talk about not wanting to accept any responsibility for potential wrong doing.

The campaigns aired their grievances already though, if everyone involved wants to act like they comported themselves impeccably that's fine by me.

Cause its a bloody joke and we'll keep losing if that's how we chose to do things
So, you agree there was no wrongdoing? Because I don't see any evidence otherwise.


Four that were quickly fired and led Sanders to publicly apologize on national television before the beginning of a debate.

It was a shit thing for them to do, but there wasn't any hacking or straight up maliciousness to it. The data was open and four idiots took advantage of it.

You mean also sued the DNC for punishing them for the hack and after claiming they didn't take anything from the servers since it was an 'accident'. Which they actually did?


while the accusation that some of Bernie's proposal were somewhat vague and not too detailed, the idea that they were all pie in the sky, unachievable dreams is insulting

other nations have socialized healthcare and free college; fixing pensions is harder but america could do way better, and private prisons should be done away with anyway

the democrats seem to be adopting single payer as a healthcare policy, so that makes the pony comparison right down imbecile. turns out the democrats are gonna be promising ponies too?

Bold 1: Who cares if you're insulted by a statement with no insults? 🤔 That's not an argument.

Bold 2: A policy proposal becoming more popular doesn't mean it's fleshed out; for example, Republicans "repeal and replace."

Details matter and Bernie was pretty idealistic.


I'm not doing any of that. I quoted you fully. Say what you wanted to say, I'll respond to it.

You initially quoted me fully then realized what you quoted (because you want to play semantics) and then quickly edited.

But back to my original point: People in the DNC cheated for Hillary, and you expect him to push back against the narrative that they didn't rig it against him.
Talk about not wanting to accept any responsibility for potential wrong doing.

The campaigns aired their grievances already though, if everyone involved wants to act like they comported themselves impeccably that's fine by me.

Cause its a bloody joke and we'll keep losing if that's how we chose to do things

How... Dose one take responsibility for potential wrong doing?!

I'm seriously curious.
I can't speak for Bernie supporters, but I also agree its Bernie's fault he lost the primary even though he was fighting an uphill battle like Obama. Still, if Obama could do it, Bernie could have as well even though the uphill battle should not have existed in the first place for either candidates. Heck even Trump was fighting an uphill battle and he won, so I agree within the system in which we exist (and agree to) Bernie lost fair and square.

He was facing a much steeper uphill battle than Obama was, to be fair. Obama didn't have literally the entire institutional infrastructure of the Democratic Party united behind his opponent, although he started out with a disadvantage on that front. Against that, Sanders could have run an absolutely perfect campaign and still very well might have lost.

But of course, he didn't run a perfect campaign. I'm sure whoever makes the best pitch for his voters in 2020 will do a better job.
The part where he announced that the whole thing was bullshit and sued the DNC didn't exactly strike me as the behavior of a good guy whose employee just did a hugely unethical thing, to be frank.

A morally responsible individual would have...taken responsibility. That's what a leader is supposed to do!

When none of the candidates have the character or class to do that, all that's left is who;'s policy you think sounds the best
Boo fucking hoo that one candidate had the gall not to kiss her ass nonstop (if anything he was far too kind).

Hope she and the GOP lite cowardly centrist portion of the Democratic party collectively falls into a fucking volcano.

So glad I'm leaving the country within 5 years.

If the DNC pushes another centrist shit in 2020 I will just vote for whatever garbage the GOP puts up and put my middle finger up as I leave the country.

I felt more disgusted after I voted for Clinton than the time I was helping my friend fix his underground sewer connected pipes and I literally got sprayed in the face with shit and piss.
Any Bernie fan I may have offended, I'm sorry. I'm just so so over this shit. I'm done with these threads. Mud everywhere at this point ... hopefully we all pull our heads out of our asses by 2018.


Area man does not understand what hacking is

Not really. That apology is kind of weak when you take it in the context of the lawsuit Bernie had filed against the DNC in response to the events that was literally ongoing at the time.

You have to breach some kind of security to hack something. Taking shit from an open server isn't hacking. Stop trying to split hairs.


No they were willed into existence by the lefts incessant need to fucking sabotage itself.

Russian propaganda affected people who take everything personally that they end up becoming the caricatures we create.

Like I said, delusional and nonsensical. You either have no idea what you're talking about or are so far in Bernie Bro land you are just straight making shit up
He was facing a much steeper uphill battle than Obama was, to be fair. Obama didn't have literally the entire institutional infrastructure of the Democratic Party united behind his opponent, although he started out with a disadvantage on that front. Against that, Sanders could have run an absolutely perfect campaign and still very well might have lost.

But of course, he didn't run a perfect campaign. I'm sure whoever makes the best pitch for his voters in 2020 will do a better job.

Obama had different problems, very REAL problems,

He also ran a better campaign than either of these fools.

I will say this. I expect better out of people and y'all are lettin' me down here.


Boo fucking hoo that one candidate had the gall not to kiss her ass nonstop (if anything he was far too kind).

Hope she and the GOP lite cowardly centrist portion of the Democratic party collectively falls into a fucking volcano.

If you have fantasies about Bernie insulting or attacking Hillary more aggressively, then you don't share his priorities.


Talk about not wanting to accept any responsibility for potential wrong doing.

The campaigns aired their grievances already though, if everyone involved wants to act like they comported themselves impeccably that's fine by me.

Cause its a bloody joke and we'll keep losing if that's how we chose to do things
Is this really the best you could come up with? DNC staffers preferred Clinton over Sanders? THAT's how Sanders was cheated?

I wish just once, ONCE, someone who thinks the DNC is some all powerful cabal who robbed Sanders of all those southern black votes could point to one thing that the DNC did to actually screw him. Like, one action. Please.


The part where he announced that the whole thing was bullshit and sued the DNC didn't exactly strike me as the behavior of a good guy whose employee just did a hugely unethical thing, to be frank.

A morally responsible individual would have...taken responsibility. That's what a leader is supposed to do!

Yeah the situation was messed up, clearly not a position you should want to find yourself in. But I thought he sued the DNC, not because it was fake, but because the DNC suspended Bernie's team from seeing important voter data just before some big primaries. That's a pretty major handicap.


You initially quoted me fully then realized what you quoted (because you want to play semantics) and then quickly edited.
I didn't change your quote. I edited because I honestly misread your post on a second past, and it turns out I was right the first time. Excuse me.

Please go ahead and say what you wanted to say, I will fully engage with it. Sorry for the runaround.


There was a glitch that gave them access to information from the Clinton campaign. That is not hacking.

The part where you realize there's a security glitch and then deliberately exploit the security glitch to intentionally access Clinton's data is hacking.

It's not like they clicked on their bookmark and Clinton's data just fell out of it. They did a search for Clinton supporters with low commitment!


But back to my original point: People in the DNC cheated for Hillary, and you expect him to push back against the narrative that they didn't rig it against him.
One person with a ceremonial position at the DNC sent Hilary a peice of info she got from outside the DNC. It had nothing to do with the DNC.

So who do you mean by "people"?
Like I said, delusional and nonsensical. You either have no idea what you're talking about or are so far in Bernie Bro land you are just straight making shit up

I'm constructing a narrative from what I personally observed these past 2 years.

I've remember the arguments clear as day and I'm calling out the bullshit I saw loud and clear.

Hell I could give you a personal recounting of Gamergate unfolding before our eyes too. Gaf found out about that shit pretty late in the game lol.

Russian propaganda was doing its job


Man time is a flat circle isn't it.

We're going to be going in circles for the next 8 years because of the 2016 primary.

Face it, Hilary is a loser and Bernie is an even bigger loser.

Let's focus on finding a Democratic candidate that appeals to as many of the 330 million Americans as they can.
I think both sides doesn't apply when used to dismiss criticism of Republicans

Don't think it's wrong to say it applies here. This place is a shit show on this topic

From what I've gathered, a lot of people left long ago, and you have only the most...enthusiastic...people left. At least, they are the ones who dominate.

It's much of the same people in each thread.
Is this really the best you could come up with? DNC staffers preferred Clinton over Sanders? THAT's how Sanders was cheated?

I wish just once, ONCE, someone who thinks the DNC is some all powerful cabal who robbed Sanders of all those southern black votes could point to one thing that the DNC did to actually screw him. Like, one action. Please.

I ddint bring up the idea of them cheating. I just said they were biased which, is a thing that should be noted.

You know

When you're claiming to be a neutral entity.

They acted wtihin their "legal" purview, but they did so to help push the candidate they thought would help them win.

There are a ton of articles that "Bernie Bros" put out online filled to the brim with accusations for the DNC. I'm not gonna go linking them here because I'm not fond of wasting people;s time since you all are in no mood to debate the validity of any of the claims inside. Which I'm sure have been explained away SEVERAL times over, here in OT. Not interested.

Man time is a flat circle isn't it.

We're going to be going in circles for the next 8 years because of the 2016 primary.

Face it, Hilary is a loser and Bernie is an even bigger loser.

Let's focus on finding a Democratic candidate that appeals to as many of the 330 million Americans as they can.

O B A M A.

Follow his strategy.


The part where you realize there's a security glitch and then deliberately exploit the security glitch to intentionally access Clinton's data is hacking.

It's not like they clicked on their bookmark and Clinton's data just fell out of it. They did a search for Clinton supporters with low commitment!

Area man does not understand what hacking is.


You have to breach some kind of security to hack something. Taking shit from an open server isn't hacking. Stop trying to split hairs.

This shit is just amazing. This kind of childish dishonesty is exactly why Bernie supporters got a bad name. My 4-year-old is more responsible when she breaks rules than you.
The part where you realize there's a security glitch and then deliberately exploit the security glitch to intentionally access Clinton's data is hacking.

It's not like they clicked on their bookmark and Clinton's data just fell out of it. They did a search for Clinton supporters with low commitment!

They should not have exploited the glitch but there was 0 hacking involved. That implies something far more malicious than what actually occurred.


I ddint bring up the idea of them cheating. I just said they were biased which, is a thing that should be noted.

You know

When you're claiming to be a neutral entity.

They acted wtihin their "legal" purview, but they did so to help push the candidate they thought would help them win.
I still have a Suikoden avatar, so what?

Dude can't even admit he has a Hillary avatar.

Everyone can see it's a Hillary avatar. These are the games Hillary fans play.

Dont call them out on it though because his buddy is in the wings to bail him out and denounce you.


No Scrubs
You have to breach some kind of security to hack something. Taking shit from an open server isn't hacking. Stop trying to split hairs.

How do you not understand what hacking is? It's not that complicated an idea.

They should not have exploited the glitch but there was 0 hacking involved. That implies something far more malicious than what actually occurred.

Exploiting a glitch to access information they shouldn't have access to is hacking.

This isn't complicated.


I ddint bring up the idea of them cheating. I just said they were biased which, is a thing that should be noted.

You know

When you're claiming to be a neutral entity.

They acted wtihin their "legal" purview, but they did so to help push the candidate they thought would help them win.
What did they do to push Clinton over Sanders? This is your chance.
As someone who worked with that database, this was not a mistake. They knew exactly what they were doing, and that it was against the rules.

Of course what they did was wrong, hence the apology and firing. That being said, they literally didn't hack anything.


They should not have exploited the glitch but there was 0 hacking involved. That implies something far more malicious than what actually occurred.

I think saying "oh, wait, there's a security problem" and then immediately saying "let's exploit it to steal Clinton's voter data" displays a pretty clear level of malice.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This stopped being about Clinton's book pages and pages ago, and is just another thread in which jerks on both sides go through their litany of crimes again while the country burns. Grow up.
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