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New EDGE scores (Ridge Racers, Lumines, Julgle Beat, Oddworld Stranger)


ourumov said:
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!! Someone explain me this ! Graphics alone should make this game deserve a 7 !

about the only positive thing that can be said of Edge is that they are not graphics whores


ourumov said:
Yeah I know but a 4...The game seemed pretty cool...

from IGN:

"But as unique and different as Yoshi Universal Gravitation is, it really feels like an undercooked game design. We've put a couple hours into this game, completing more than three entire levels. So far, it's not as elegant a platforming experience as other Nintendo games; it's sort of clunky in its storytelling, and the continuity from one level to the next feels extremely sloppy. The individual areas of a level start and end abruptly, never flowing smoothly from one challenge to the next. The artwork, using the crayon-scribble and CG rendered look of Yoshi's Story on the Nintendo 64, isn't nearly as slick due to clumsy character animation. The rotation definitely works on the GBA, but it's completely digital -- there's only a left, center, and right, and the game won't recognize slight variances between them."
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