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New EGM Scores (Halo 2 = GTA:SA > MGS3 > MP 2)

Redbeard said:
Noone scores Colas. If someone did, people would be there to argue.

they even wrote a song about it. Billy Joel's We Didn't start the fire "... rock and roll, cola wars".. I think :) or could be cold war. He sings fast and his dictions off. Also : see The PEPSI challenge. Its funny how you never hear about the coca cola challenge

SantaCruZer said:
I want that tag of yours.
you have to earn it.


Heh, i made a bet with the entire IGNcube board that Halo2 will outscore MP2. I got eggs and tomatoes thrown at me, what have they to say now? :)


Mabye there's like a Soda Monthly for the carbonated beverage industry, and they score new sodas and industry fanboys argue about them.


TheGreenGiant said:
a) have you played it.

b) have you played it.

Down Cubie...Yes I have as a matter of fact. Not saying Echos is a poor game or even a step down from the original, but personally I feel that GTA:SA,Halo 2, and to a lesser extent MGS3 all show a real evolution in their respective franchises, where MP2:Echos does not. Thats ultimately why I think you will see MP2 consistently scored lower than the aforementioned when it comes down to it.


Prine said:
Heh, i made a bet with the entire IGNcube board that Halo2 will outscore MP2. I got eggs and tomatoes thrown at me, looks whos laughing now :)

wow you are so smart.


Redbeard said:
Mabye there's like a Soda Monthly for the carbonated beverage industry, and they score new sodas and industry fanboys argue about them.

Don't think I didn't giggle with that image in my mind when I wrote that.

poster1: WHAT?! mountain dew black lightning scored less than crystal pepsi....[kills self]
poster2: cola-agers am crying!


SolidSnakex said:
You'd think they'd just handed MP2 something like 5's and or 6's with that type of reaction.

I'm surprised they gave it even one 10. I didn't think the first game warranted a 10 either.
Why are people complaining about the Prime 2 score? WTF? Two 9's and a 10 is a fucking great score. Just because it didn't quite match Halo 2 and GTA:SA? Quit moaning. I could preach the 'reviews don't matter, what you think does' mantra but noone ever seems to listen. I never thought I'd see the day when people complain when a game gets an average of above 9. Only on the intarweb.


Zilch said:
You've got to be delusional to honestly think stuff like this. Shut up shut up shut up shut up.

Good God.

My argument is not for Metroid Prime, but against 10's. I hate those scores. It's a cop out meant to generate hype.


lochnesssnowman said:
Why are people complaining about the Prime 2 score? WTF? Two 9's and a 10 is a fucking great score. Just because it didn't quite match Halo 2 and GTA:SA? Quit moaning. I could preach the 'reviews don't matter, what you think does' mantra but noone ever seems to listen. I never thought I'd see the day when people complain when a game gets an average of above 9. Only on the intarweb.

GTA:SA got some framerate issues, but I guess it doesn't matter.


Nameless said:
...I feel that GTA:SA,Halo 2, and to a lesser extent MGS3 all show a real evolution in their respective franchises, where MP2:Echos does not...



SomeDude said:
Well, Nintendo should consider putting Retro up for sale now.

lol no, but next time just skip multiplayer. Metroid games should be all about the single player experience. Alot of people wanted multiplayer, but shouldn't have listened.

What's next? A Retarded deathmatch mode in Zelda? Multiplayer and online are not needed in every damn game.
Nameless said:
Down Cubie...Yes I have as a matter of fact. Not saying Echos is a poor game or even a step down from the original, but personally I feel that GTA:SA,Halo 2, and to a lesser extent MGS3 all show a real evolution in their respective franchises, where MP2:Echos does not. Thats ultimately why I think you will see MP2 consistently scored lower than the aforementioned when it comes down to it.

a) I don't think you have played MP2E. Good one. If someone said GTASA or Halo 2. I can believe that. Unless you're a reviewer. You're lying; its 2 more weeks before regular folks gets their hands on it. (nice one junior) good thing about this forum is post history

Nameless on GTA SA said:
My EB said Monday at around 7 as well, interestingly enough they are only getting a rather small allotment of copies(considering the scope of the game) in the initial shipment. With a bigger shipment arriving wednesday or thrusday.

b) we'll see. (about the scores).


Ante Up
GTA:SA has an extraordinarily high fun factor and thus deserves its scores regardless of technical issues. I agree with the perfect scores completely.

I don't care how "well made" a game is; if it is not as fun or engrossing as another, it should get the lower score. This is a no-brainer -- don't understand all the fuss about SA's scores...
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I come for the scores. I stay for the meltdown.

I'm actually quite disappointed. There's no meltdown except for those two trolls who are trying to portray Metroid Prime 2's scores as a complete failure for the game.

No bragging of Halo 2 vs GTA, no constant bitching about MGS3.

Meh, these scores suck by GAF controversy standards.
sonycowboy said:
I'm actually quite disappointed. There's no meltdown except for those two trolls who are trying to portray Metroid Prime 2's scores as a complete failure for the game.

No bragging of Halo 2 vs GTA, no constant bitching about MGS3.

Meh, these scores suck by GAF controversy standards.

Give it time. I have faith something stupid will happen. This is GAF after all.


MGS 3 9, 9.5, 10
GTA:SA 10,10,10 (GOTM)
Halo 2 10,10,10 (GOTM)
MP:2 9, 9, 10


Couple these games with Half-life 2 and WoW. Man, what a month for releases. I'm going to have to skip MP:2, Halo 2 and MGS 3 for now. That's scary.

I'm quite pleased by that sonycowboy... anyone with sense is ignoring the people making out MP2's scores are bad, and everyone else not arguing for once makes a nice change.

I can't wait to see what Edge and GamesTM give these games.

Btw: Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap got the cover story, and 9/10 in GamesTM. Which is very nice.


CrimsonSkies said:
"To be fair, he said "the technical flaws of" with consideration that GTA:SA is particularly buggy."

Hey i'm playing and enjoying GTA:SA. I Just don't understand how it's getting virtually perfect scores across the review spectrum. It does have problems that drag it down in my eyes that are beyond frame hiccups. Forgive me for questioning the review process. I wouldn't want to express an opinion on a message board that didn't go lock step with the majority. Oh snap!
I was arguing FOR YOU, dipshit. Remind me to never do that again.


Knows the Score
Irn Bru = GTA:SA
Coca Cola = Halo 2
Pepsi = MP2
Being made in Scotland, Irn Bru beats all.
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm quite pleased by that sonycowboy... anyone with sense is ignoring the people making out MP2's scores are bad, and everyone else not arguing for once makes a nice change.

I know, I know, but it makes for bad reality TV.


Prine said:
Heh, i made a bet with the entire IGNcube board that Halo2 will outscore MP2. I got eggs and tomatoes thrown at me, looks whos laughing now :)

His next trick is to bet with the Nintendo DS board that Xbox 2 will have better graphics.



Teddman said:
MP2: Echoes is simply not as good a game as Halo 2 and GTA:SA.

That's the cold, hard truth and what these kind magazine writers are dancing around so as not to hurt your feelings.

ANYWAY, why are you comparing games based on scores given to them on their own merits by completely different reviewers, anyway? Seriously, complaining about these games and saying that one is now ranked higher than another is the most worthless thing I have ever seen online, and I am including otherkin and furries in that assesment. The Dirge of Cerberus cyberdogs are after you like whut.

Do you think these reviewers were thinking about GTA: SA as they were playing Metroid Prime 2? No, they were playing Metroid Prime 2 and thinking about what they liked and what they thought should have been improved upon. A 9 is an amazing score, and I have no doubt that Prime 2 is an amazing game (DEFINITELY worthy of a purchase if you own a Cube).

Ranking games on review scores is shit that grade schoolers do to prove that their system is better. Then they stick random shit from off the floor into their mouths and run head first into walls. This is because they are stupid children. If that's the level you want to be on, be my guest.


I just noticed the cola advertising at the bottom. Is that a joke or eerie coincidence.

EDIT: nevermind it's gone now.


mashoutposse said:
GTA:SA has an extraordinarily high fun factor and thus deserves its scores regardless of technical issues. I agree with the perfect scores completely.

I don't care how "well made" a game is; if it is not as fun or engrossing as another, it should get the lower score. This is a no-brainer -- don't understand all the fuss about SA's scores...

I do... Metroid Prime fanatics, Halo 2 fanboys and graphics whores will hate the game. Anyone who sits through this game longer than 5 minutes and actually does some missions knows this sucker is pure gold.


So uh, what did PoP2 score?

...and I can't fucking believe people are bitching about MP2's 10, 9, 9. You're all pathetic.


jett said:
So uh, what did PoP2 score?

...and I can't fucking believe people are bitching about MP2's 10, 9, 9. You're all pathetic.




novery said:
Wait, you celebrate when a feature of a game disappoints? What kind of gamer are you?


Hey if you want to make sweet, sweet love to that sexy hawt lock on split screen multiplayer action I won't hold it against you!

Just Society. :lol


Razoric said:
I do... Metroid Prime fanatics, Halo 2 fanboys and graphics whores will hate the game. Anyone who sits through this game longer than 5 minutes and actually does some missions knows this sucker is pure gold.
If, at any point, games are to really climb to the level of film as an art form .... technical isues need to start to take a backseat.

Does GTA have some framerate issues? Are the models not as advanced as possible? Sure. It doesn't detract from the game, though. So why dock for it? It's an excellent esthetic experience, regardless of programming limitations.

To say that framerate isues ahould take points off the score is really missing the point. The game works.


jett said:
So uh, what did PoP2 score?

...and I can't fucking believe people are bitching about MP2's 10, 9, 9. You're all pathetic.

wanna bet that some people would have complained if Halo 2 didn't get triple 10s?
SantaCruZer said:
wanna bet that some people would have complained if Halo 2 didn't get triple 10s?

Doesn't matter. It did get all 10's. It probably will end up the #1 game on gamerankings. Overhyped? Well show me a game on there that isn't.


fossen said:
If, at any point, games are to really climb to the level of film as an art form .... technical isues need to start to take a backseat.

Does GTA have some framerate issues? Are the models not as advanced as possible? Sure. It doesn't detract from the game, though. So why dock for it? It's an excellent esthetic experience, regardless of programming limitations.

To say that framerate isues ahould take points off the score is really missing the point. The game works.

If the current Lord of the Rings movies had B rate costumes and used claymation instead of the best CG possible, it wouldn't be the best it could be. Those 'technical flaws' would detract from the overall experience.


olimario said:
If the current Lord of the Rings movies had B rate costumes and used claymation instead of the best CG possible, it wouldn't be the best it could be. Those 'technical flaws' would detract from the overall experience.

Bullshit indeed... go back to Kirby Air Ride kid. Let the big boys play the real games.


fossen said:
If, at any point, games are to really climb to the level of film as an art form .... technical isues need to start to take a backseat.

Does GTA have some framerate issues? Are the models not as advanced as possible? Sure. It doesn't detract from the game, though. So why dock for it? It's an excellent esthetic experience, regardless of programming limitations.

To say that framerate isues ahould take points off the score is really missing the point. The game works.

Saying GTA SA has some frame rate issues is a gross understatement. Many of the time the frame rate in the game is downright atrocious. I have almost 25 hours into the game too and my eyes still haven't totally adjusted to the piss poor frame rate (Let's not mince words on the issue). I still have many times where my eyes are straining because the frame rate seems to virtually slow to a crawl. Coupled with some nasty pop up at times and traveling can be at times visually unappealing to the point where you almost have to quit due to all the strain it puts on your eyes. The game is so damn fun though. Hard to put down. But how I wished there was a PC version of the game out now.

As for the horrid frame rate leading to deduction in score points, I dunno. I personally don't think a game deserves a full 10 with how terrible the frame rate is in the game. It isn't like the frame rate is stable at 30FPS most of the time and rarely dips down. You are lucky if you can fin a 30FPS spot in the game and it runs that consistent for more than two seconds. Beyond that, there are still some major flaws in the targetting and general control scheme. Those are definitely not spot on.
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